Capitalism Morality Exclusive Interviews Gold Shore Resources Junior Mining Precious Metals

(VIDEO) Goldshore Resources – Moss Lake has Depth, Width and Along Strike

Goldshore Resources – (TSX.V: GSHR | OTCQB: GSHRF)
3D Deck:

Goal: To Create the Next Tier One Asset in Ontario, Canada.

Flagship Project: The Moss Lake Property located in Ontario, Canada has 1.47 M oz of Indicated and 2.51 M oz of Inferred historical gold resources, along with a robust Preliminary Economic Assessment conducted in 2020.

Joining us for our conversation is Brett Richards, the CEO of Goldshore Resources.

Maurice Jackson: Mr. Richards, it’s a pleasure to be speaking with you today as Goldshore Resources has some exciting news for shareholders, as the company continues on its path to creating the next Tier One asset in Ontario, Canada. Mr. Richards, for someone new to the story, please introduce us to Goldshore Resources and the exciting opportunity the company presents to shareholders.

Brett Richards: Goldshore is a company that was formed last year. We’ve been trading for just over a year now, and on the back of acquiring the Moss Lake Project from Wesdome Gold Mines for $52 million in cash and shares last year, we have put together a strategy over the last nine months to drill this up to let’s call it critical mass. What we acquired in the Moss Lake Project was a 4 million-ounce historic resource, and our view is that the extensions of this resource, both laterally along strike and at depth, are significant, particularly along strike.

Our original strategy was let’s put together a 100,000-meter drill program. Let’s get financed and let’s get on with it, and that’s what we’ve been doing for the past nine months, and most recent results are starting to I’ll say support the original thesis we had about Moss Lake being much bigger than first thought.

Maurice Jackson: Before we deep dive into the press release, some important competitive advantages distinguish Goldshore Resources from its peers and truly make the Moss Lake property a unique value proposition. Mr. Richards, for someone new to the flagship Moss Lake property, please acquaint us with the deposit, beginning with your location and some of your neighbors in the region.

Brett Richards: The Moss Lake Property is about 120 kilometers northwest of Thunder Bay in Ontario. We are probably in the most mining-friendly jurisdiction in the world, plus we are on the Trans-Canada Highway, Yonge Street in Toronto, which happens to be the longest street in the world, going all the way to Manitoba. Our concession is adjoined to Trans-Canada Highway.

And why is that important? It’s important for several reasons, particularly about infrastructure. When I look at mining projects, at the end of the day, obviously there’s the technical side of things, but there’s also what I call the do-ability factor. Is this mine really doable? Can you get this into production easily? And the answer for Moss Lake is yes.

Being on the Trans-Canada Highway means we’re afforded 10-cent kilowatt-hour power, which goes right by our doorstep. We have a four-lane highway, so access to our site is as good as it gets. We have power, water, rail, people, consultants, contractors, and government, all within nothing more than an hour’s drive into the City of Thunder Bay, and an international port and an international airport. So, we tick all the boxes when it comes to infrastructure, so that is kind of, I’ll say the description of where we are, and why I think it’s so compelling to be where we are.

There are a lot of people around us as well. The Shebandowan Greenstone Belt where we’re located has been a bit under-explored over the years because low-grade bulk tonnage style deposits were not in favor when gold was $1,500. But now gold is kind of trading on a floor of $1,800, they seem to be much more appealing to investors. Certainly, after the success of Detour Lake, I think you’ll see these types of deposits more and more come into production.

Maurice Jackson: You referenced Goldshore Resources as having a historical resource, and the company also completed a robust Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) back in 2020. Can you share some of those highlights with us?

Brett Richards: Historically the area has been, let’s, so-called cobbled together as a big land package. There are three distinct areas within our domain, the Moss Lake area being kind of the flagship. It is what carries three and a half million ounces of that historical resource. Up in the Northeast, up near the highway, we have Coldstream and North Coldstream and Iris Lake against all kinds of compartmentalized land packages that were cobbled together by Wesdome.

There’s a 500,000-ounce historical resource on Coldstream, and a former actual operating mine at North Coldstream that ran for about 30 years in the, about 40 or 50 years ago. We have a very interesting kind of, I’ll say land package, and the work that has been done on this culminated in 2013 when a PEA was done on the property by Moss Lake Gold Mines.

Again, the PEA was updated in 2020 by WesDome before kind of launching a sale process and let’s face it, PEAs are a snapshot in time, and the time in 2013 and the time in 2020, and the time today are all very, very different, knowing that we are in a hyperinflationary environment today, what CAPEX might have been $500 million back in 2020, might be 600 million or $650 million today.

We have to keep that in mind as we go through. But I think back in 2013, and back in 2020, this project, at these gold levels, at $1,800 to $2,200 gold, and trades between a 27% and a 40% IRR. So, after-tax, the internal rate of return, is very, very compelling. We can look at the new present values of these projects, but again, they’re snapshots in time. What that tells me is that this is a robust project that when tested, even with inflation, even with different input assumptions, relative to the economic circumstances at the time, it is going to be a robust project.

Maurice Jackson: Goldshore Resources currently is embarked on a 100,000-meter drill program. Are you twinning the holes, and conducting step-out drilling on this?

Brett Richards: We are doing some verification drilling of the existing historical resource. We are stepping out laterally. We are stepping out along strike, and we have identified a parallel zone to the Moss Lake deposit, which is very exciting, and some high-grade structural areas within the deposit, which we’ll look to improve the overall grade and volume as we get further down the road, and get closer to a resource estimate.

Maurice Jackson: Speaking of your drill program, some of the initial assay results have just been released. What do they seem to indicate thus far?

Brett Richards: Well, I think they, we’ve always been trying to test our thesis that this is bigger and much more robust as a deposit than the historical resource illustrates. We’ve done that through a geophysical survey, and you can see that on our website, the 3D model of it, where you can see the potential for future mineralization up along strike, that goes 7 to 12 kilometers further than where Moss Lake is now.

But I think the results that we started to put out from the very beginning show between one, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 grams over long intervals, long intercepts of 50, 60, 70, 100, and 120 meters in some cases. I’ll say, some good intercepts, but I think what the surprise has been where we have gone kind of not twining holes, but stepping out a little bit, and stepping into an area that might be classified as inferred.

We’ve hit some high-grade structures, and I think that’s simply because of the geophysical work we’ve done, the structural work we’ve done with a structural geologist by the name of Brett Davis, who’s on-site currently. Pete Flindell, who is our VP of Exploration, he and the team have kind of figured this out. Targeting of some of these higher grade holes has been something that we wanted to do, because ultimately when we kind of go to, I’ll say, interpret all of this data, I don’t think the market is going to want another kind of $1.5 or $2 billion project that does 60,000 tons a day and produces 600,000 ounces of gold. That’s just not viable in this current economic environment.

You’re not going to be able to raise that kind of money. You’re not going to be able to get traction on that type of project. I think we have to start pivoting and looking at alternatives, and what are those? Is there a higher-grade starter pit alternative here within the deposit? I think that’s what we’re going to try and kind of focus on over the next little while. Therefore, there will be more infill and more delineation drilling than anything. But, we are still doing some step-out as well.

Maurice Jackson: All right. Well, let’s get to the press release. Goldshore Resources just received some welcoming news from the assay labs, which identify significant downhole gold intercepts. What can you share with us, Sir?

Brett Richards: We just announced, 78 meters at 1.17 grams from about 170 meters depth. This is a great hole. It’s all going to get contained within an open-pit mine. It’s going to pull a lot of tonnage in. I think, there were some high-grade areas within that, including 22 meters at 2.3 grams and 5.6 meters at 5.69 grams, in and around the 200 to the 220-meter range.

So, this is encouraging, and there are some other intercepts on some other holes that we announced, but it’s all more of the same. There’s anywhere from 20 to a hundred meters at over a gram.

Our objective is to try to maximize the grade. A little bit of grade, 0.1 grams here is going to add 10% to our resource. Even 1 gram or 1.1 gram, it’s quite meaningful at the end of the day. We’ll figure all this out once we get all the data and get towards a mineral source update at the end of the year. But I think right now, and I can talk a lot about the current market dynamics, but sadly, putting good results out into the market has not moved our share price. It’s actually, we have been impacted like all the other junior minors and we’ve been trading downwards.

Maurice Jackson: Looking forward, what can you share with us regarding optionality and economic open pit shells as you model your resource?

Brett Richards: I think we’re going to see a lot of results come out over the next six months or more of the same, illustrating our thesis that this is going to be a real project. Also, I think better delineation on defining this higher-grade starting project, but we can’t lose sight that this is, I think, this is a Tier One asset. This is going to be 10 million ounces by the time the drilling has wrapped up. Whether that’s a year or two or three from now. This is such a large area. There’s probably going to be another 100,000 meters as this gets towards a feasibility study.

Like I’ve said, we’ve got a footprint here that is a Tier One asset at the end of the day, but I think we need to start focusing on what the market is going to respond to. The market is going to respond to, is this a project that has a smaller CAPEX option, a smaller starter with that positive cash flow as soon as possible. Those types of questions need to be addressed and need to be presented to the market. So, we’re going to be looking at some permutations at the end of the day, when we do a PEA next year.

Maurice Jackson: Let’s get into some numbers. Mr. Richards, please provide the capital structure for Goldshore Resource.

Brett Richards: Goldshore Resources has about 143 million shares outstanding today, and only 5 million out warrants outstanding, and we’ve got about $13 million in the bank as of June. We’re well-positioned here and can ride this out.

As I’ve said before, we got caught in a bit of the whole market dynamics. We wanted to play a bit of catch-up, and get ahead of the curve on drilling, so we ramped up our drilling just before the whole market started crashing.

Our team took our foot off the pedal, and we put the brakes on it a little bit. We did scale up to seven rigs, but we’ve pulled back now to a couple of rigs. I want to ride this out. Preservation of cash and preservation of this company is first and foremost.

The capital markets are so volatile and so unpredictable right now, I’m very comfortable just burning a couple of million dollars a month and just watching this, or less than a couple of million dollars a month, and just watching how this unfolds to the fall because we don’t want to be in a situation where, where we have to go to the market and the market is not there for us.

Maurice Jackson: Speaking of being comfortable, I just want to share with everyone that I am a proud shareholder, and I’m looking to add to my position under these circumstances. The value proposition is extremely compelling, and I’m not discouraged by the price. I understand how markets work, and I never complain about a sale when it comes to capital goods. Now, since we’re covering numbers, how does Goldshore Resources compare with some of your peers?

Brett Richards: Well, we’ve never been able to kind of figure this one out, but we’re trading today somewhere kind of in order of magnitude around $10 an ounce, it’s crazy, but that is kind of where we are today. Our peers have also been impacted, but they also had a higher starting point. We’ve got a trading comparable sheet in our presentation that has us at the bottom of our peer group, and this is a peer group put together by a bank. At trading at $10 today, and our peers trading anywhere from $15, $20, $25, all the way up to $100 an ounce for Marathon.Looking at a pure comparison basis, Goldshore Resources is the least expensive among our peers. When you start looking at what it costs to bring ounces onto a resource statement, to put ounces into the inferred category costs about $30 an ounce. If you have a million ounces of inferred resource, it’ll probably cost $30 million to get there, then drilling in other activities.

So we’re trading at a third of that, a third of what it costs to do it. So, I think from an investment opportunity standpoint, there’s one way here, and it’s up.

Maurice Jackson: In closing, Sir, what would you like to say to shareholders?

Brett Richards: I think the really compelling investment case here is how we have performed against the general market, and where we are today. I’ll say the leverage that we have on the way back up. This is not going to go on forever. We may still feel some pain in the capital markets going forward, but we are going to recover, and commodities and equity, gold equities are going to accelerate, and probably much faster than the market when it does turn around, and when it does come back. We are actually leveraged to that even greater than the normal gold equity market, because of our size and our scale, and our potential to bring this up to a Tier One status.

So, there are some compounding, compelling investment reasons why to choose Goldshore, and I am also a major shareholder of this company. I have never continued to lose sight of the fact that this is a real project, and this is going to get into production one day.

Maurice Jackson: Mr. Richards, it’s been a pleasure speaking with you today. Wishing you and Goldshore Resources, the absolute best, Sir.

Brett Richards: Thanks, Maurice.

Maurice Jackson is the founder of Proven and Probable, a site that aims to enrich its subscribers through education in precious metals and junior mining companies that will improve the world.

Base Metals Emx Royalty Energy Junior Mining Precious Metals Project Generators

EMX Royalty Announces Voting Results from its 2022 Annual General Meeting

Vancouver, British Columbia–(Newsfile Corp. – June 30, 2022) – EMX Royalty Corporation (NYSE American: EMX) (TSXV: EMX) (FSE: 6E9) (the “Company” or “EMX”) is pleased to report that all proposed resolutions were approved at the Company’s Annual General Meeting of shareholders held on June 30, 2022, in Vancouver, British Columbia (the “Meeting“). The number of directors was set at 6 and all director nominees, as listed in the Management Information Circular dated May 19, 2022 (the “Information Circular”), were elected as directors of the Company at the Meeting to serve for a one-year term and hold office until the next annual meeting of shareholders. According to the proxy votes received from shareholders, the results were as follows:

DirectorVotes FORVotes WITHHELD
Brian E. Bayley96.68%3.32%
David M. Cole99.25%0.75%
Sunny Lowe98.98%1.02%
Henrik Lundin99.31%0.69%
Larry M. Okada96.45%3.55%
Michael D. Winn99.26%0.74%

Shareholders voted 99.11% in favour of setting the number of directors at six, 99.29% in favour of appointing Davidson & Company LLP, Chartered Accountants as auditors, and 92.09% in favour of approving and ratifying the Company’s Stock Option Plan.

Voting results for all resolutions noted above are reported in the Report on Voting Results as filed under the Company’s SEDAR profile on June 30, 2022.

About EMX. EMX is a precious, base and battery metals royalty company. EMX’s investors are provided with discovery, development, and commodity price optionality, while limiting exposure to risks inherent to operating companies. The Company’s common shares are listed on the NYSE American Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “EMX”, and also trade on the Frankfurt exchange under the symbol “6E9”. Please see for more information.

For further information contact:

David M. Cole
President and CEO
Phone: (303) 973-8585

Scott Close
Director of Investor Relations
Phone: (303) 973-8585

Isabel Belger
Investor Relations (Europe)
Phone: +49 178 4909039

To view the source version of this press release, please visit

Junior Mining Labrador Gold Precious Metals

Labrador Gold Raises $3.88 Million From Exercise of Share Purchase Warrants

Labrador Gold, Proven and Probable

TORONTO, June 29, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Labrador Gold Corp. (TSX.V:LAB | OTCQX:NKOSF | FNR: 2N6) (“LabGold” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has raised $3,885,285.90 from the recent exercise of share purchase warrants (the “warrants”) with a strike price of $0.175 and $0.30. The warrant exercise increases the Company’s cash position to $26.5 million. Management and directors of Labrador Gold were among those exercising warrants.

“The funds brought in by the exercise of the warrants adds to an already robust treasury and allows us to continue our ongoing exploration of the 12km strike length of the Appleton Fault Zone at our 100% owned Kingsway Project,” said Roger Moss, President and CEO. “The hard work of the LabGold team over the past two years has resulted in the generation and successful drilling of four out of four gold targets. This demonstrates both the ability of our people on the ground as well as the prospectivity of the Kingsway project, and the Appleton Fault Zone in particular. We look forward to another exciting summer of discovery as we prove up more targets in the pipeline and get them ready for drilling.”

Exploration Update

Drilling continues at Kingsway with four drill rigs. Two rigs are working at Big Vein, one testing the down plunge extension of the high-grade HTC Zone below 250m, and the other testing the southwest extension of the Big Vein Zone. A third rig continues to test the Golden Glove target while the fourth rig tests the CSAMT target approximately eight kilometres northeast of Big Vein. The CSAMT target was generated from geophysical (controlled source audio magnetotellurics, magnetics and VLF-EM) and geochemical (gold in soil, rock and till) anomalies and is in an area of structural complexity. Both the Golden Glove and CSAMT targets occur on the east side of the Appleton Fault Zone. Approximately 44% of the 100,000 metre planned program has been completed to date.

Qualified Person

Roger Moss, PhD., P.Geo., President and CEO of LabGold, a Qualified Person in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements as set out in NI 43-101, has read and approved the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for the disclosure contained in this release.

The Company gratefully acknowledges the Newfoundland and Labrador Ministry of Natural Resources’ Junior Exploration Assistance (JEA) Program for its financial support for exploration of the Kingsway property.

About Labrador Gold
Labrador Gold is a Canadian based mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition and exploration of prospective gold projects in Eastern Canada.

In early 2020, Labrador Gold acquired the option to earn a 100% interest in the Kingsway project in the Gander area of Newfoundland. The three licenses comprising the Kingsway project cover approximately 12km of the Appleton Fault Zone which is associated with gold occurrences in the region, including those of New Found Gold immediately to the south of Kingsway. Infrastructure in the area is excellent located just 18km from the town of Gander with road access to the project, nearby electricity and abundant local water. LabGold is drilling a projected 50,000 metres targeting high-grade epizonal gold mineralization along the Appleton Fault Zone following encouraging early results. The Company has approximately $26.5 million in working capital and is well funded to carry out the planned program.

The Hopedale property covers much of the Florence Lake greenstone belts that stretches over 60 km. The belt is typical of greenstone belts around the world but has been underexplored by comparison. Work to date by Labrador Gold show gold anomalies in rocks, soils and lake sediments over a 3 kilometre section of the northern portion of the Florence Lake greenstone belt in the vicinity of the known Thurber Dog gold showing where grab samples assayed up to 7.8g/t gold. In addition, anomalous gold in soil and lake sediment samples occur over approximately 40 km along the southern section of the greenstone belt (see news release dated January 25th 2018 for more details). Labrador Gold now controls approximately 40km strike length of the Florence Lake Greenstone Belt.

The Company has 168,889,979 common shares issued and outstanding and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol LAB.

For more information please contact:

Roger Moss, President and CEO      Tel: 416-704-8291

Or visit our website at:

Twitter @LabGoldCorp

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to differ materially from the statements made. When used in this document, the words “may”, “would”, “could”, “will”, “intend”, “plan”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate”, “expect” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause our actual results to differ materially from the statements made, including those factors discussed in filings made by us with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties, such as actual results of current exploration programs, the general risks associated with the mining industry, the price of gold and other metals, currency and interest rate fluctuations, increased competition and general economic and market factors, occur or should assumptions underlying the forward looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, or expected. We do not intend and do not assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law. Shareholders are cautioned not to put undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.

Gold Shore Resources Junior Mining Precious Metals

Goldshore Resources Drills 78.35m at 1.17 g/t Au and Delineates Higher Grade Lenses Within Moss Lake Deposit

Goldshore Resources, Proven and Probable

Vancouver, British Columbia–(Newsfile Corp. – June 29, 2022) –  Goldshore Resources Inc. (TSXV: GSHR) (OTCQB: GSHRF) (FSE: 8X00) (“Goldshore” or the “Company“), is pleased to announce assay results from its ongoing 100,000-meter drill program at the Moss Lake Project in Northwest Ontario, Canada. Drilling is aiming to better define and expand high-grade structural zones within the Moss Lake deposit to improve the overall grade and volume beyond that of the historic mineral resource.


  • Four shallow holes drilled during the winter ice program have confirmed high-grade gold mineralization within shears hosted by altered diorite with best intercepts of:
  • 78.35m @ 1.17 g/t Au from 170.35m depth in MMD-22-020, including
    • 22.65m @ 2.31 g/t Au from 217.0m, including
    • 5.65m @ 5.69 g/t Au from 234.0m
  • 24.7m @ 1.28 g/t Au from 105.3m depth in MMD-22-017, including
    • 2.75m @ 7.80 g/t Au from 106.9m
  • 24.65m @ 1.05 g/t Au from 81.2m depth in MMD-22-016, including
    • 2.0m @ 7.95 g/t Au from 103.0m
  • 12.0m @ 1.41 g/t Au from 127.0m

President and CEO Brett Richards stated: “We are excited to continue to deliver consistent drilling results supporting our belief from the beginning of our 100,000m drill program, that Moss Lake is much larger in depth, width and along strike, to the historical mineral resource. I am very encouraged about the high grade sections we are seeing, as this will provide a lot of optionality when we model the resource later in the year and start to look at economic pit shells. We see several PEA permutations, including a smaller, higher grade starting project (Phase 1) followed by a larger scale operation formulated on the global resource (Phase 2). Given the current economic climate, a lower CapEx project (Phase 1) expanding to the larger operation (Phase 2) may well be the best approach to developing Moss Lake, while not losing sight of the larger Tier One potential. We will make these determinations later in the year, as we continue to evaluate the results from our 100,000m program.

Technical Overview

Table 1 shows the significant intercepts calculated from recently received drill hole results. Figure 1 shows a typical cross section through MMD-22-020. Table 2 and Figure 2 show the drill hole locations.

Table 1: Significant downhole gold intercepts

(g/t Au)
(g/t Au)
Intersections calculated above a 0.3 g/t Au cut off with a top cut of 30 g/t Au and a maximum internal waste interval of 10 metres. Shaded intervals are intersections calculated above a 1.0 g/t Au cut off. Intervals in bold are those with a grade thickness factor exceeding 20 gram x metres / tonne gold. True widths are approximate and assume a subvertical body. The fact that cut and uncut assays are the same, shows that all samples assayed less than the 30 g/t Au top cut.

Figure 1: Drill section through MMD-22-020 showing mineralized intercepts relative to the 2013 grade model, the newly defined parallel zones and high grade structures within the model

To view an enhanced version of Figure 1, please visit:

Figure 2: Drill plan showing the drill holes relative to the 2013 resource model and the new parallel zones

To view an enhanced version of Figure 2, please visit:

Table 2: Location of drill holes in this press release

Approximate collar coordinates in NAD 83, Zone 15N

Four shallow drill holes were completed over ice this past winter. They were drilled to help define the resource in the upper levels of the deposit. This includes localized high grade structural zones – 2.0m @ 7.95 g/t Au, 2.75m @ 7.80 g/t Au, and 5.65m @ 5.69 g/t Au – that are common in the Main and QES Zones.

Pete Flindell, VP Exploration for Goldshore, said “Our drilling program continues to confirm that the large volume of low grade gold mineralization is plumbed by anastomosing high grade shears. These high grade zones are not reflected in the historic (2013) Mineral Resource and will be a focus of our resource update intended to be released at the end of 2022. Accurate modelling of the high grade zones will significantly improve the economics of the Moss Project. Drilling is also continuing to better define these zones within the known extents of the deposit and in parallel zones that will add to the overall tonnage.”

Analytical and QA/QC Procedures

All samples were sent to ALS Geochemistry in Thunder Bay for preparation and analysis was performed in the ALS Vancouver analytical facility. ALS is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) for the Accreditation of Mineral Analysis Testing Laboratories and CAN-P-4E ISO/IEC 17025. Samples were analyzed for gold via fire assay with an AA finish (“Au-AA23”) and 48 pathfinder elements via ICP-MS after four-acid digestion (“ME-MS61”). Samples that assayed over 10 ppm Au were re-run via fire assay with a gravimetric finish (“Au-GRA21”).

In addition to ALS quality assurance / quality control (“QA/QC”) protocols, Goldshore has implemented a quality control program for all samples collected through the drilling program. The quality control program was designed by a qualified and independent third party, with a focus on the quality of analytical results for gold. Analytical results are received, imported to our secure on-line database and evaluated to meet our established guidelines to ensure that all sample batches pass industry best practice for analytical quality control. Certified reference materials are considered acceptable if values returned are within three standard deviations of the certified value reported by the manufacture of the material. In addition to the certified reference material, certified blank material is included in the sample stream to monitor contamination during sample preparation. Blank material results are assessed based on the returned gold result being less than ten times the quoted lower detection limit of the analytical method. The results of the on-going analytical quality control program are evaluated and reported to Goldshore by Orix Geoscience Inc.

About Goldshore

Goldshore is an emerging junior gold development company, and owns the Moss Lake Gold Project located in Ontario. Wesdome is currently a strategic shareholder of Goldshore with an approximate 27% equity position in the Company. Well-financed and supported by an industry-leading management group, board of directors and advisory board, Goldshore is positioned to advance the Moss Lake Gold Project through the next stages of exploration and development.

About the Moss Lake Gold Project

The Moss Lake Gold Project is located approximately 100 km west of the city of Thunder Bay, Ontario. It is accessed via Highway 11 which passes within 1 km of the property boundary to the north. The Moss Lake Gold Project covers 14,292 hectares and consists of 282 unpatented and patented mining claims.

Moss Lake hosts a number of gold and base metal rich deposits including the Moss Lake Deposit, the East Coldstream Deposit (Table 3), the historically producing North Coldstream Mine (Table 4), and the Hamlin Zone, all of which occur over a mineralized trend exceeding 20 km in length. A historical preliminary economic assessment was completed on Moss Lake in 2013 and published by Moss Lake Gold1. A historical mineral resource estimate was completed on the East Coldstream Deposit in 2011 by Foundation Resources Inc2,3. In addition to these zones, the Moss Lake Gold Project also hosts a number of under-explored mineral occurrences which are reported to exist both at surface and in historically drilled holes. The Moss Lake Deposit is a shear-hosted disseminated-style gold deposit which outcrops at surface. It has been drilled over a 2.5 km length and to depths of 300 m with 376 holes completed between 1983 and 2017. The last drilling program conducted in 2016 and 2017 by Wesdome, which consisted of widely spaced holes along the strike extension of the deposit was successful in expanding the mineralized footprint and hydrothermal system 1.6 km to the northeast. Additionally, the deposit remains largely open to depth. In 2017, Wesdome completed an induced polarization survey which traced the potential extensions of pyrite mineralization associated with the Moss Lake Deposit over a total strike length of 8 km and spanning the entire extent of the survey grids.

The East Coldstream Deposit is a shear-hosted disseminated-style gold deposit which locally outcrops at surface. It has been drilled over a 1.3 km length and to depths of 200 m with 138 holes completed between 1988 and 2017. The deposit remains largely open at depth and may have the potential for expansion along strike. Historic drill hole highlights from the East Coldstream Deposit include 4.86 g/t Au over 27.3 m in C-10-15.

The historically producing North Coldstream Mine is reported to have produced significant amounts of copper, gold and silver4 from mineralization with potential iron-oxide-copper-gold deposit style affinity. The exploration potential immediately surrounding the historic mining area is not currently well understood and historic data compilation is required.

The Hamlin Zone is a significant occurrence of copper and gold mineralization, and also of potential iron-oxide-copper-gold deposit style affinity. Between 2008 and 2011, Glencore tested Hamlin with 24 drill holes which successfully outlined a broad and intermittently mineralized zone over a strike length of 900 m. Historic drill hole highlights from the Hamlin Zone include 0.9 g/t Au and 0.35% Cu over 150.7 m in HAM-11-75.

The Moss Lake, East Coldstream and North Coldstream deposits sit on a mineral trend marked by a regionally significant deformation zone locally referred to as the Wawiag Fault Zone in the area of the Moss Lake Deposit. This deformation zone occurs over a length of approximately 20 km on the Moss Lake Gold Project and there is an area spanning approximately 7 km between the Moss Lake and East Coldstream deposits that is significantly underexplored.

Table 3: Historical Mineral Resources1,2,3

DepositTonnesAu g/tAu ozTonnesAu g/tAu oz
Moss Lake Deposit1 (2013 resource estimate)
Open Pit Potential39,795,0001.11,377,30048,904,0001.01,616,300
Underground Potential1,461,1002.9135,400
Moss Lake Total39,795,0001.11,377,30050,364,0001.11,751,600
East Coldstream Deposit2 (2011 resource estimate)
East Coldstream Total3,516,7000.8596,40030,533,0000.78763,276
Combined Total43,311,7001.081,473,70080,897,0000.982,514,876


(1) Source: Poirier, S., Patrick, G.A., Richard, P.L., and Palich, J., 2013. Technical Report and Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Moss Lake Project, 43-101 technical report prepared for Moss Lake Gold Mines Ltd. Moss Lake Deposit resource estimate is based on 0.5 g/t Au cut-off grade for open pit and 2.0 g/t Au cut-off grade for underground resources.

(2) Source: McCracken, T., 2011. Technical Report and Resource Estimate on the Osmani Gold Deposit, Coldstream Property, Northwestern Ontario, 43-101 technical report prepared for Foundation Resources Inc. and Alto Ventures Ltd. East Coldstream Deposit resource estimate is based on a 0.4 g/t Au cut-off grade.

(3) The reader is cautioned that the above referenced “historical mineral resource” estimates are considered historical in nature and as such is based on prior data and reports prepared by previous property owners. A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimates as current resources and Goldshore is not treating the historical estimates as current resources. Significant data compilation, re-drilling, re-sampling and data verification may be required by a qualified person before the historical estimate on the Moss Lake Gold Project can be classified as a current resource. There can be no assurance that any of the historical mineral resources, in whole or in part, will ever become economically viable. In addition, mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. Even if classified as a current resource, there is no certainty as to whether further exploration will result in any inferred mineral resources being upgraded to an indicated or measured mineral resource category.

Table 4: Reported Historical Production from the North Coldstream Deposit4

DepositTonnesCu %Au g/tAgCu lbsAu ozAg oz
Historical Production2,700,00001.890.565.59102,000,00044,000440,000


(4) Source: Schlanka, R., 1969. Copper, Nickel, Lead and Zinc Deposits of Ontario, Mineral Resources Circular No. 12, Ontario Geological Survey, pp. 314-316.

Peter Flindell, MAusIMM, MAIG, Vice President – Exploration of the Company, a qualified person under NI 43-101 has approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release.

Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

For More Information – Please Contact:

Brett A. Richards
President, Chief Executive Officer and Director
Goldshore Resources Inc.

P. +1 604 288 4416 M. +1 905 449 1500

Facebook: GoldShoreRes | Twitter: GoldShoreRes | LinkedIn: goldshoreres

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains statements that constitute “forward-looking statements.” Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company’s actual results, performance or achievements, or developments to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words “expects,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “intends,” “estimates,” “projects,” “potential” and similar expressions, or that events or conditions “will,” “would,” “may,” “could” or “should” occur.

Forward-looking statements in this news release include, among others, statements relating to expectations regarding the exploration and development of the Moss Lake Gold Project, an update to the historical resource at the Moss Lake Gold Project, and other statements that are not historical facts. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors and risks include, among others: the Company may require additional financing from time to time in order to continue its operations which may not be available when needed or on acceptable terms and conditions acceptable; compliance with extensive government regulation; domestic and foreign laws and regulations could adversely affect the Company’s business and results of operations; the stock markets have experienced volatility that often has been unrelated to the performance of companies and these fluctuations may adversely affect the price of the Company’s securities, regardless of its operating performance; and the impact of COVID-19.

The forward-looking information contained in this news release represents the expectations of the Company as of the date of this news release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management’s beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”) or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.

Base Metals Collective Mining Energy Junior Mining Precious Metals Uncategorized

OTC Markets Group Welcomes Collective Mining Ltd to OTCQX

OTC Markets
OTC Markets

NEW YORK, June 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM), operator of regulated markets for trading 12,000 U.S. and international securities, today announced Collective Mining Ltd (TSX-V: CNL; OTCQX: CNLMF), an exploration and development company focused on identifying and exploring prospective mineral projects in South America, has qualified to trade on the OTCQX® Best Market. Collective Mining Ltd upgraded to OTCQX from the Pink® market.

Collective Mining Ltd begins trading today on OTCQX under the symbol “CNLMF.” U.S. investors can find current financial disclosure and Real-Time Level 2 quotes for the company on

Upgrading to the OTCQX Market is an important step for companies seeking to provide transparent trading for their U.S. investors. For companies listed on a qualified international exchange, streamlined market standards enable them to utilize their home market reporting to make their information available in the U.S. To qualify for OTCQX, companies must meet high financial standards, follow best practice corporate governance and demonstrate compliance with applicable securities laws.

“We are pleased to reach the milestone of trading on OTCQX, as this will make it easier for our U.S. employees and investors to invest in Collective Mining by reducing the requirement of having a Canadian trading account,” said Ari Sussman, Executive Chairman of Collective.

Nauth LPC acted as the company’s OTCQX sponsor.

About Collective Mining Ltd

Collective Mining is an exploration and development company focused on identifying and exploring prospective mineral projects in South America. Founded by the team that developed and sold Continental Gold Inc. to Zijin Mining for approximately $2 billion in enterprise value, the mission of the Company is to repeat its past success in Colombia by making significant new mineral discoveries and advance the projects to production. Management, insiders and close family and friends own nearly 45% of the outstanding shares of the Company and as a result, are fully aligned with shareholders. Collective currently holds an option to earn up to a 100% interest in two projects located in Colombia. As a result of an aggressive exploration program on both the Guayabales and San Antonio projects, a total of eight major targets have been defined. The Company is fortuitous to have made significant grassroot discoveries at both projects with near-surface discovery holes at the Guayabales project yielding 302 metres at 1.11 g/t AuEq at the Olympus target, 163 metres at 1.3 g/t AuEq at the Donut target and 87.8 metres at 2.49 g/t AuEg at the Apollo target. At the San Antonio project, the Company intersected, from surface, 710 metres at 0.53 AuEq. (See press releases dated October 27th, 2021, November 15, 2021, March 15, 2022 and June 22, 2022 for AuEq calculations)

About OTC Markets Group Inc.
OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM) operates regulated markets for trading 12,000 U.S. and international securities. Our data-driven disclosure standards form the foundation of our three public markets: OTCQX® Best Market, OTCQB® Venture Market and Pink® Open Market.

Our OTC Link® Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs) provide critical market infrastructure that broker-dealers rely on to facilitate trading. Our innovative model offers companies more efficient access to the U.S. financial markets.

OTC Link ATS, OTC Link ECN and OTC Link NQB are each an SEC regulated ATS, operated by OTC Link LLC, a FINRA and SEC registered broker-dealer, member SIPC.

To learn more about how we create better informed and more efficient markets, visit

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Media Contact:
OTC Markets Group Inc., +1 (212) 896-4428,

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Whoa! Joining us for an action packed interview is the legendary Bob Moriarty the founder of, as we will cover a lot of ground in this interview! Topics ranging from Market Conditions, Bitcoin, the Colorado River, Junior Mining Companies, and Precious Metals. This is an absolute must watch!

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Base Metals Emx Royalty Energy Junior Mining Precious Metals

EMX Royalty Acquires Shares of Norra Metals Corp.

Vancouver, British Columbia–(Newsfile Corp. – June 22, 2022) – EMX Royalty Corporation (NYSE American: EMX) (TSXV: EMX) (FSE: 6E9) (the “Company” or “EMX”) has acquired ownership of 7,924,106 common shares (representing 7.25% of the outstanding shares) of Norra Metals Corp. (TSXV: NORA) of Vancouver, BC. The acquisition was made pursuant to a property sale agreement with Norra executed in December 2018.

Prior to the acquisition, EMX owned 5,771,000 common shares (representing 5.69% of Norra’s outstanding common shares). EMX now has ownership of and control over 13,695,106 common shares of Norra (representing 12.53% of Norra’s outstanding common shares).

The shares were acquired on June 15, 2022, under the prospectus exemption set out in section 2.13 [Petroleum, natural gas and mining properties] of National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions of the Canadian Securities Administrators.

Presently, EMX does not have any intention of acquiring any further securities of Norra.

EMX will file an Early Warning Report with the British Columbia and Alberta Securities Commissions in respect of the acquisition. Copies of the Report may be obtained from SEDAR ( or without charge from EMX’s Corporate Secretary, Rocio Echegaray (604-688-6390).

About EMX. EMX is a precious, base and battery metals royalty company. EMX’s investors are provided with discovery, development, and commodity price optionality, while limiting exposure to risks inherent to operating companies. The Company’s common shares are listed on the NYSE American Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “EMX”, and also trade on the Frankfurt exchange under the symbol “6E9”. Please see for more information.

For further information contact:

David M. Cole
President and CEO
Phone: (303) 973-8585

Scott Close
Director of Investor Relations
Phone: (303) 973-8585

Isabel Belger
Investor Relations (Europe) Phone: +49 178 4909039

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release

Base Metals Collective Mining Energy Junior Mining Precious Metals

Collective Mining Makes a Significant New Discovery at the Apollo Target by Drilling 87.8
Metres at 2.49 g/t Gold Equivalent

Collective Mining Ltd.
Collective Mining Ltd.

Figure 1:

Plan View of the Guayabales Project Highlighting the Apollo Target
Plan View of the Guayabales Project Highlighting the Apollo Target

Figure 2:

Plan View of the Apollo Target Area Outlining the Porphyry and Breccia Targets, their Related Soil Anomalies and Drill Holes Completed or Currently Underway
Plan View of the Apollo Target Area Outlining the Porphyry and Breccia Targets, their Related Soil Anomalies and Drill Holes Completed or Currently Underway

Figure 3:

Plan View of the Hydrothermal Breccia Discovery Made at Apollo
Plan View of the Hydrothermal Breccia Discovery Made at Apollo

Figure 4:

Apollo Target Cross Section N-S With APC-1 and Related Core Photos Highlighted
Apollo Target Cross Section N-S With APC-1 and Related Core Photos Highlighted

TORONTO, June 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Collective Mining Ltd. (TSXV: CNL) (“Collective” or the “Company”) is excited to announce the discovery of a new high-grade copper-gold-silver porphyry-related breccia at the Guayabales project, located in Caldas, Colombia. APC-1, which is the first ever diamond drill hole to test the Apollo target (“Apollo”), was collared approximately 600 metres southeast of the previously announced Olympus discovery hole that assayed 302 metres @ 1.11 g/t gold equivalent (see release dated March 15, 2022). Apollo is one of eight porphyry-related targets situated within a three-by-four-kilometre cluster area generated by the Company through grassroots exploration. As part of its fully funded 20,000 metre drill program for 2022, there are currently three diamond drill rigs operating at Guayabales, with two turning at Apollo and one turning at the Trap target.

Highlights (See Figures 1 – 4)
 APC-1, intercepted the mineralized breccia from 291.6 metres downhole (170 metres vertical) with results as follows:
   87.8 metres @ 2.49 g/t AuEq including:
    10.9 metres @ 4.55 g/t AuEq from 291.6 metres down hole; and
    14.3 metres @ 3.67 g/t AuEq from 352 metres down hole
 Mineralization is remarkably continuous along the axis of the discovery intercept and is hosted within a breccia sulphide matrix consisting of chalcopyrite (Cu) and pyrite. Additionally, overprinting carbonate base metal porphyry veins flood the breccia matrix in various locations along the mineralized interval in APC-1 with visible sphalerite (Zn) and Galena (Pb) observed. The breccia clasts are all quartz diorite in composition and this hydrothermal system is clearly linked to a porphyry system.
 APC-1 was drilled to the south from Pad 1 on the northern fringe of an 800 metre X 700 metre target area as defined by rock sampling, soil geochemistry and geology mapping. Apollo remains open to the east, west, south and at depth for further expansion. Due to the size of the target area at Apollo, the Company has completed the construction of two additional drill pads. Drill holes APC-1W and APC-2 have already been completed with APC-3 and APC-4 currently underway. Future assay results for Apollo will be reported in batch format once received and interpreted by the Company.
 The Apollo target area consists of newly generated porphyry and porphyry related targets with coincidental high-grade copper and molybdenum soil anomalies in places measuring greater than 500 parts per million (“ppm”) in copper and 30 ppm in molybdenum. Additionally, surface sampling at Apollo has uncovered a series of high-grade gold outcrops with numerous rock samples assaying greater than 3 g/t gold.
 Apollo is road accessible all year-round and is situated within an elevation range of 1,800 to 2,000 metres above sea level. Additionally, an electrical substation is located less than one kilometre from the target area.
  “The discovery at Apollo opens a new and very exciting front for the Company. Firstly, it is the first time that the Company has discovered a significant amount of copper. Secondly, large mineralized systems generally have multiple styles of overprinting mineralization and in the case of Apollo, we have already observed three different mineralization types, namely two types of porphyry related CBM veins and of course the mineralized breccia. Our technical team also believes that the Apollo discovery may be the first in a series of porphyry and breccia discoveries at the Apollo target,” commented Ari Sussman, Executive Chairman. “With a second rig recently commissioned and now coring, we have made the decision to soon add a third rig to the program in order to aggressively unlock the potential value of this discovery.”

Table 1: Assays Results

HoleIDFrom (m)To (m)Intercept (m)**Au (g/t)Ag (g/t)Cu %Zn %Pb %Mo %AuEq (g/t)*

*AuEq (g/t) is calculated as follows: (Au (g/t) x 0.95) + (Ag g/t x 0.014 x 0.95) + (Cu (%) x 2.06 x 0.95) + (Mo (%) x 6.86 x 0.95+(Zn(%)x 0.80 x 0.95)+ (Pb(%)x 0.45 x 0.95) utilizing metal prices of Cu – US$4.50/lb, Mo – US$15.00/lb, Zn – US$1.75/lb, Pb – US$1.0/lb, Ag – $21/oz and Au – US$1,500/oz and recovery rates of 95% for Au, Ag, Cu, Mo, Zn and Mo. Recovery rate assumptions are speculative as no metallurgical work has been completed to date.
** A 0.4 g/t AuEq cut-off grade was employed with no more than 10% internal dilution. True widths are unknown, and grades are uncut.

Figure 1: Plan View of the Guayabales Project Highlighting the Apollo Target

Plan View of the Guayabales Project Highlighting the Apollo Target
Plan View of the Guayabales Project Highlighting the Apollo Target

Figure 2: Plan View of the Apollo Target Area Outlining the Porphyry and Breccia Targets, their Related Soil Anomalies and Drill Holes Completed or Currently Underway

Plan View of the Apollo Target Area Outlining the Porphyry and Breccia Targets, their Related Soil Anomalies and Drill Holes Completed or Currently Underway
Plan View of the Apollo Target Area Outlining the Porphyry and Breccia Targets, their Related Soil Anomalies and Drill Holes Completed or Currently Underway

Figure 3: Plan View of the Hydrothermal Breccia Discovery Made at Apollo

Plan View of the Hydrothermal Breccia Discovery Made at Apollo
Plan View of the Hydrothermal Breccia Discovery Made at Apollo

Figure 4: Apollo Target Cross Section N-S With APC-1 and Related Core Photos Highlighted

Apollo Target Cross Section N-S With APC-1 and Related Core Photos Highlighted
Apollo Target Cross Section N-S With APC-1 and Related Core Photos Highlighted

About Collective Mining Ltd.

To see our latest corporate presentation, please visit

Collective Mining is an exploration and development company focused on identifying and exploring prospective mineral projects in South America. Founded by the team that developed and sold Continental Gold Inc. to Zijin Mining for approximately $2 billion in enterprise value, the mission of the Company is to repeat its past success in Colombia by making significant new mineral discoveries and advance the projects to production. Management, insiders and close family and friends own nearly 45% of the outstanding shares of the Company and as a result, are fully aligned with shareholders. Collective currently holds an option to earn up to a 100% interest in two projects located in Colombia. As a result of an aggressive exploration program on both the Guayabales and San Antonio projects, a total of eight major targets have been defined. The Company is fortuitous to have made significant grassroot discoveries at both projects with near-surface discovery holes at the Guayabales project yielding 302 metres at 1.11 g/t AuEq at the Olympus target, 163 metres at 1.3 g/t AuEq at the Donut target and 87.8 metres at 2.49 g/t AuEg at the Apollo target. At the San Antonio project, the Company intersected, from surface, 710 metres at 0.53 AuEq. (See press releases dated October 27th, 2021, November 15, 2021, March 15, 2022 and June 28, 2022 for AuEq calculations)

Qualified Person (QP) and NI43-101 Disclosure

David J Reading is the designated Qualified Person for this news release within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) and has reviewed and verified that the technical information contained herein is accurate and approves of the written disclosure of same. Mr. Reading has an MSc in Economic Geology and is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and of the Society of Economic Geology (SEG).
Technical Information

Rock and core samples have been prepared and analyzed at SGS laboratory facilities in Medellin, Colombia and Lima, Peru. Blanks, duplicates, and certified reference standards are inserted into the sample stream to monitor laboratory performance. Crush rejects and pulps are kept and stored in a secured storage facility for future assay verification. No capping has been applied to sample composites. The Company utilizes a rigorous, industry-standard QA/QC program.

Contact Information

Collective Mining Ltd.
Steve Gold, Vice President, Corporate Development and Investor Relations
Tel. (416) 648-4065


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, statements about the drill programs, including timing of results, and Collective’s future and intentions. Wherever possible, words such as “may”, “will”, “should”, “could”, “expect”, “plan”, “intend”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate”, “predict” or “potential” or the negative or other variations of these words, or similar words or phrases, have been used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management’s current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management as at the date hereof.

Forward-looking statements involve significant risk, uncertainties, and assumptions. Many factors could cause actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from the results discussed or implied in the forward-looking statements. These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, Collective cannot assure readers that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and Collective assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.

Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:
Base Metals Energy MillRock Resources Precious Metals Project Generators

Millrock Announces Loan Agreement

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Millrock Resources Inc. (TSX-V: MRO, OTCQB: MLRKF) (“Millrock” or the “Company”) reports that it has entered into a Loan Agreement with Redplug Capital Corporation. The loan is in the amount of $500,000 and will be used for general working capital. Millrock intends to repay the loan within the coming year by 1) liquidation of shares that it holds in other companies, 2) sale of royalty interests, and/or 3) from proceeds that may be realized on sale or purchase agreements concerning Millrock mineral exploration projects. The term of the loan is one year. Interest for the first six months of the loan is 6.0% per annum and thereafter at 12.0% per annum. Additionally, Millrock will pay the Redplug Capital Corporation 2,000,000 bonus shares of the Company upon acceptance of the TSX Venture Exchange.

Millrock President & CEO, Gregory Beischer, commented: “Millrock has found itself in a tight financial position at a time when market conditions limit our ability to raise further operating funds. In any event, an equity financing at the current share price would be highly dilutive to existing shareholders. At the same time, Millrock has many catalysts that have potential to drive the Company’s share price higher. More than 18,000 metres of drilling has been planned and budgeted at several projects in which Millrock has an interest. All the funds for these drilling programs come from partner companies. Additionally, Millrock is closing in on option agreements on other projects that could bring more cash into the company treasury. Shareholders that have invested in Millrock over the past few years have looked forward to the big year of drilling underway in 2022. Millrock has determined that it is best not to incur excessive dilution by equity financing at this particular juncture. The less dilutive loan transaction will allow operations to continue in the short term. Potential asset sales will cover longer term needs while results of ongoing drilling programs unfold. We are hopeful that results of the drilling programs will make an equity financing under more favourable and less dilutive terms later in 2022 possible. We think all the drilling programs have a good chance at making gold discoveries.”

Qualified Person
The scientific and technical information disclosed within this document has been prepared, reviewed, and approved by Gregory A. Beischer, President, CEO, and a director of Millrock Resources. Mr. Beischer is a qualified person as defined in NI 43-101.

About Millrock Resources Inc.
Millrock Resources Inc. is a premier project generator to the mining industry. Millrock identifies, packages, and operates large-scale projects for joint venture, thereby exposing its shareholders to the benefits of mineral discovery without the usual financial risk taken on by most exploration companies. The company is recognized as the premier generative explorer in Alaska, holds royalty interests in British Columbia, Canada, and Sonora State, Mexico, is a significant shareholder of junior explorer ArcWest Exploration Inc., and owns a large shareholding in each of Resolution Minerals Limited and Felix Gold Limited. Funding for drilling at Millrock’s exploration projects is primarily provided by its joint venture partners. Business partners of Millrock have included some of the leading names in the mining industry: EMX Royalty, Coeur Explorations, Centerra Gold, First Quantum, Teck, Kinross, Vale, Inmet, and Altius, as well as junior explorers Resolution, Riverside, PolarX, Felix Gold and Tocvan.

“Gregory Beischer”
Gregory Beischer, President & CEO

Melanee Henderson, Investor Relations
Toll-Free: 877-217-8978 | Local: 604-638-3164
Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Some statements in this news release may contain forward-looking information (within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation) including without limitation the intention of partner companies to complete all the planned drilling they have indicated, the sale of Millrock assets, that Millrock has many catalysts that have potential to drive the Company’s share price higher, that Millrock is closing in on option agreements on other projects that could bring more cash into the company treasury, that potential asset sales will cover longer term needs, that all the drilling programs have a good chance at making gold discoveries, and the possibility of share price increase upon receipt of future drilling results. These statements address future events and conditions and, as such, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the statements. Such factors include, without limitation, customary risks of the resource industry and the risk factors identified in Millrock’s management’s discussion and analysis for the three-month period ended March 31, 2022, which is available under Millrock’s profile on SEDAR at Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date those statements are made. Except as required by applicable law, Millrock assumes no obligation to update or to publicly announce the results of any change to any forward-looking statement contained or incorporated by reference herein to reflect actual results, future events or developments, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting the forward-looking statements. If Millrock updates any forward-looking statement(s), no inference should be drawn that it will make additional updates with respect to those or other forward-looking statements.