Base Metals Energy Junior Mining Precious Metals Silver Hammer

Silver Hammer Significantly Expands Mineralized Footprint with Four Primary Target Areas Identified Through Soil Sampling at the Eliza Project in Nevada

Silver Hammer Mining Corp
Silver Hammer Mining Corp

Figure 1

Eliza Project North Area Soil Grid
Eliza Project North Area Soil Grid

Figure 2

Eliza Project North Area Soil Grid
Eliza Project North Area Soil Grid

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Silver Hammer Mining Corp. (CSE: HAMR; OTCQB: HAMRF) (the “Company” or “Silver Hammer”) is pleased to report that soil sampling results at the Eliza Project (“Eliza” or the “Project”) have defined significant anomalies that extend well beyond the small historical mine areas.

A total of 518 soil samples were collected from the northern area of Eliza with results ranging from below detection limit to 26.95 grams per tonne (“g/t”) silver (“Ag”). Thirty-nine samples returned grades higher than 1 g/t silver. Results with over 0.5 g/t Ag are highly anomalous and can be considered a tracer of potential larger systems. The purpose of the soil sampling program was to further define the extent of mineralization within the northern area and examine any geochemical patterns that may exist. The soil sampling program has outlined four distinct target areas, which are now being further evaluated. The historic mining areas include the California, Passynak and Belmont mines; a new fourth area, the Western Anomaly will be added to our focus going forward.

President and CEO, Morgan Lekstrom commented: “Our thesis has always been that a methodical and modern exploration approach in districts with small-scale, high-grade historical production can lead to the discovery of much larger mineralized systems. Soil sampling does not typically return silver results greater than 1 g/t, so we are very encouraged not only by the widespread nature of mineralization, but by the highly anomalous values from this program.” Lekstrom added, “This type of low-cost, high-impact exploration work aligns with our current view towards maintaining a strong treasury during the current market environment and we have initiated preliminary discussions with prospective partners on our Nevada assets as we advance these projects toward a drill-ready stage.”

Soil samples are commonly used as a targeting tool to find major discoveries and these results provide evidence supporting the potential for widespread mineralization well beyond the small historical mines dating back to the1860’s Hamilton Silver Rush.

Eliza North Soil Grid
To date, 518 soil samples have been collected from the Eliza North Grid Area, which includes the Passynak, Belmont and California historical mines. The mines are accessible by road and are situated within 670 m of each other. Each mine has a distinct geochemical anomaly collectively stretching over 700 m.

The Passynak area is the strongest multi-element anomaly. Significant soil sample results were found over a broad 200 m diameter area. Twelve soil samples show greater than 1 g/t Ag with anomalous copper, lead, antimony, and zinc. Care and attention were given to eliminate any samples collected from past mine dumps or transported surface debris.

Table 1. Sample Result Highlights from Passynak Anomaly

Sample_IDSilver ICP g/tCopper ICP g/tLead ICP g/tAntimony ICP g/tZinc ICP g/t

The Belmont area is characterized by high silver-in-soil values, plus accessory copper, lead, antimony, and zinc. Further work in this area is required to define the zone and the nature of the mineralization.

Table 2. Sample Result Highlights from Belmont Anomaly

Sample_IDSilver ICP g/tCopper ICP g/tLead ICP g/tAntimony ICP g/tZinc ICP g/t

The California prospect area is as widespread as Passynak and crosses the Eberhardt Fault on both the north and south. The Eberhardt Fault is considered a main structure and integral to the mineralizing system. Antimony remained fairly consistent; however, gold appeared in minor values in surface soil samples.

Table 3. Sample Result Highlights from California Anomaly

Sample_IDSilver ICP g/tCopper ICP g/tLead ICP g/tGold FA ICP ppbZinc ICP g/t

New Western Anomaly
Two samples south of the Eberhardt Fault on the west side of the grid reported silver and gold anomalies. This area is on the edge of a wider spaced soil grid, but adjacent to the prospective fault zone and will be investigated further in near future work with prospecting and geochemistry.

Table 4: Sample Result Highlights from New Western Anomaly

Sample_IDWGS EastWGS NorthSilver ICP g/tCopper ICP g/tLead ICP g/tGold FA ICP ppbZinc ICP g/t

Sampling Protocol

Soil samples were collected from the “B Horizon” every 75 metres (“m”) on 75m line spacing and then infilled on a 37.5 m spacing in areas of greater interest. Typical sample depths ranged between 30 and 45 centimetres.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control

Assays were processed by American Assay Laboratories Inc. in Sparks, Nevada. The laboratory has its own QA/QC protocols running standards and blanks with duplicate samples in each batch stream. Silver Hammer geological staff inserted a system of field duplicates, blanks and lab standards into the sample stream every 10 samples to ensure QA/QC of the work. A multi-element assay method was used for silver and all other elements called ICP-5AM48 with an ICP-OES/MS finish and reported in ppm. Gold was assayed by fire assay with an ICP finish and reported down to 3 ppb in method FA-PB30-ICP.

Qualified Person

Technical aspects of this press release have been reviewed and approved by Philip Mulholland, a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, a contractor of the Company and the designated Qualified Person (QP) under National Instrument 43-101.

About Silver Hammer Mining Corp.

Silver Hammer Mining Corp. is a junior resource company advancing the flagship past-producing Silver Strand Mine in the Coeur d’Alene Mining District in Idaho, USA, as well both the Eliza Silver Project and the Silverton Silver Mine in one of the world’s most prolific mining jurisdictions in Nevada and the Lacy Gold Project in British Columbia, Canada. Silver Hammer’s primary focus is defining and developing silver deposits near past-producing mines that have not been adequately tested. The Company’s portfolio also provides exposure to copper and gold discoveries.

Disclaimer note: Mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Company’s projects.

On Behalf of the Board of Silver Hammer Mining Corp.

Morgan Lekstrom, President and CEO
Corporate Office: 551 Howe Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 2C2, Canada

For investor relations inquiries, contact:

Kristina Pillon, High Tide Consulting Corp.
T: 604.908.1695

For media inquiries, contact:

Adam Bello, Primoris Group Inc.
T: 416.489.0092

The CSE does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

The Canadian Securities Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
Energy Precious Metals Uncategorized

Silver47 Exploration Drills 7.68m of 1577 g/t Ag within 15m of 907 g/t Ag

October 24, 2022

Silver47 Exploration Corp. (Vancouver) (the “Company”) is pleased to report that it has completed 5 shallow diamond drill core holes at the Silver Matt Discovery on its wholly owned Michelle Project located in north-central Yukon, Canada. All 5 holes intersected oxide-sulphide mineralization. Mineralization was first discovered in the Silver Matt area in 2009 by prospecting, where a grab sample returned 4180 g/t Ag and where a 2015 hand trench yielded 2.8m of 894 g/t Ag, 46.9% Pb and 8.09% Zn. The initial drill discovery at the Silver Matt Target was made in 2021 through RC drilling in hole MCH-21-005 as highlighted below.


· Discovery RC hole MCH-21-005 graded 19.8m of 556 g/t Ag, 20.3% Pb, 3.16% Zn, including 7.6m of 824ppm Ag, 28.7% Pb, 1.54% Zn.

· Discovery confirmation core hole MCH-22-002 yielded 15m of 907 g/t Ag, 26% Pb, 2.7% Zn including 7.7m of 1577 g/t Ag, 45% Pb, 4% Zn.


Holes MCH-22-001 to MCH-22-003 were completed from the same collar as the 2021 RC holes to test potential down-dip and strike extension from the discovery hole MCH21-005. Holes MCH22-004 and MCH22-005 were collared 50m northwest to test strike extension (results pending).

Hosted in Bouvette Formation limestone and dolostone, mineralization occurs primarily as strongly oxidized material with remnant intervals of massive sulphide, primarily galena. The high-grade intervals are typically surrounded by a gradational alteration halo into fresh carbonates. Karst voids above and within the mineralized zones were noted. Mineralization appears to have a shallow northeast dip to flat-lying with a NW/SE strike orientation observed across the 5 holes drilled in 2022, please see Figure 2 below

Table 1. Drill Highlights from 2022, holes MCH-22-001 to MCH-22-003, Michelle Project.

Assay intervals are unweighted averages and true widths cannot be determined at this time.

Figure 1. General Location Map for the Michelle Project.


Initial drilling at the Silver Matt Zone was completed using a Reverse Circulation drilling in late summer of 2021.  Oriented to drill under the 2015 trench, hole MCH-21-005 intersected a broad zone of oxide mineralization over 19.8m of 556 g/t Ag, 20.3% Pb, 3.16% Zn, including 7.6m of 824ppm Ag, 28.7% Pb, 1.54% Zn 


The second hole drilled at Silver Matt in 2021 was drilled vertically from the same collar and intersected 3.04m of oxide mineralization grading 42.25 g/t Ag, 2.4% Pb, and 2.8% Zn at 13.72m depth. 


The objective of MCH-22-001 was to undercut the RC discovery hole MCH-21-005. MCH-22-001 intercepted high-grade mineralization at a shallower depth than expected, indicating a flat to shallow-dipping lens.  An intensely oxidized interval of 4.40m from 21.65m to 26.05m contained up to 2% blebby galena with fine white crystalline precipitate zinc and lead oxides.   

MCH22-002 was drilled to twin MCH-21-005 to obtain structural data and better-define the mineralized zone, as hole 22-001 produced unexpected results.  The higher resolution data provided by core drilling the RC intercept allowed for readjustment of the following drill hole orientations.  MCH-22-002 resulted in similar mineralized widths, but with significantly higher-grade silver, lead and zinc.  This can be attributed to the better recovery percentage of core drilling compared to RC drilling, as well as more control on sampling intervals in the logging process. Up to 7% metallic sulphides, with lead-zinc precipitates were observed through the 7.68m interval. 

Figure 2. Cross Section of the Silver Matt Zone, Michelle Project. 

Figure 3. Galena mineralization with pervasive oxidation at 39m in MCH-22-002.  

Figure 4. Galena mineralization with pervasive oxidation at 41m in hole MCH-22-002.


MCH-22-003 was oriented to test the NW/SE proposed strike trend, and intersected 9.4m of high-grade mineralization including 1.05m of 1395 g/t Ag, 51.47% Pb (final values pending), 12.25% Zn at 30m – 31.05m.  Hole 3 confirmed the strike orientation and shallow-dip of the mineralized lens. 

Table 2.  2021 RC and 2022 DDH collar table. 

Easting and northing in meters, NAD 1983 Zone 8. 

Geochemical Sampling  

Concurrent to drilling operations, a property-wide surface sample and trenching program was carried out on high-priority targets.  A total of 754 soil samples and 92 rock samples (including trenches) were collected.  All trenches were hand-dug and reclaimed prior to the end of the program.  Notably, a trench dug approximately 500m NW of the Silver Matt drill holes reported two 2-meter contiguous samples grading 423 g/t Ag and 247 g/t Ag, with +10% Pb, indicating a significant potential strike extension of the mineralized trend. 

Silver Matt Target 

Trench TR22-01 was dug approximately 500m northwest, and on strike, to the Silver Matt showing produced two 2m composite samples of 423 g/t Ag, 11.9% Pb, 1.6% Zn; and 247 g/t Ag, 14.5% Pb and 0.76% Zn from 2.3m-4.3m and 4.3m-6.4m, respectively.  A rock grab sample taken 50m north of this trench graded 226 g/t Ag, 15.8% Pb, 2.1% Zn.  Additional samples indicated anomalous zinc concentrations northeast and east of the known mineralization. 

Heeler Target  

Located 10km east of the Silver Matt Zone, 5 trenches were completed at the Heeler showing, following up a 2015 high-grade sample.  Trench TR22-03 contained two samples (1m-1.6m, and 2.85-2.95) with 14.5 g/t Ag, 2.1% Pb, 1.5% Zn; and 22.9 g/t Ag, 1.5% Pb, 1.6% Zn.  Both samples also contained anomalous values of critical minerals returning 303ppm chromium, 3400ppm copper, 208ppm gallium, 1940ppm nickel, 936ppm antimony and 4980ppm vanadium. 

Two anomalous zinc samples were taken while prospecting east of the Heeler Target.  Sample E814060 graded 2.18% Zn and sample E814531 graded 3.6% Zn, 0.6% Pb, and 5.76 g/t Ag. 

Soil/talus-fines sampling in the Heeler area was inconclusive with several point anomalies for silver, lead, and zinc.  Further prospecting of this showing is warranted given the concentration of critical minerals. 

Nanny/Boxer Target 

Historic trenching and prospecting at these showings, 21km northeast from the Silver Matt Zone, produced several anomalies for 2022 follow up.  Soil/talus-fines sampling along contours and ridgelines in this target area resulted in three high-priority anomalies for silver, lead, zinc, barium, gallium, and vanadium.  Trenches TR-22-09 and TR-22-10 contained significant intervals of silver, lead and zinc mineralization.  TR-22-09 exposed two non-continuous intervals (trench filled with talus from 4.8m to 8.5m); 0-4.8m graded 2 g/t Ag, 0.1% Pb and 11.9% Zn over 4.8m and 10.2-16.1m graded 7.8 g/t Ag, 0.62% Pb and 7.9% Zn over 5.9m.  Both intervals contained anomalous values of cadmium and gallium.  TR-22-10 exposed a 9.5m interval of 103 g/t Ag, 8.1% Pb, and 4.2% Zn, including 3mof 355 g/t Ag, 24.5% Pb, 6.2% Zn. Two samples were collected while prospecting the Nanny/Boxer target area with >20% Zn and anomalous silver, lead, cadmium, and antimony concentrations. 

Figure 5. Silver Geochemical Map, Michelle Project. 


Description automatically generated


Quality assurance and quality control protocols for rock, soil and drill core sampling follow industry standard practices.  Rock and soil samples were delivered directly to ALS Minerals preparation facility in Whitehorse, Yukon. Core samples were taken at 1.0m intervals in mineralized zones, and 3.0m intervals in unaltered, fresh host rock.  Blank, duplicate (coarse and lab pulp), and certified reference materials were inserted into the sample stream every 8th sample.  Core samples were cut in half, bagged, sealed and delivered to ALS Minerals preparation facility in Whitehorse, Yukon.  ALS Minerals Laboratories is registered to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 17025 accreditations for laboratory procedures.  Rock and core samples were analyzed at ALS Laboratory facilities in North Vancouver using four acid digestion with an ICP-MS finish.  Over limits for Ag, Pb, and Zn were analyzed using Ore Grade four acid digestion.  Silver values >1,500ppm were analyzed using fire assay with gravimetric finish.  Lead >20% and Zinc >30% were analyzed using titration methods.  The standards, certified reference materials were acquired from CDN Resource Laboratories Ltd. of Langley, British Columbia and selected to represent expected mineralization.  Blank material consisted of non-mineralized limestone landscaping rock. 

About the Michelle Property 

Silver47 acquired the Michelle project from Silver Range Resources 100% by issuing 5,650,000 shares (16.8%) of Silver47.  Silver Range retains a 1% NSR on the Michelle project and is entitled to receive a one-time payment of $1 million if a positive production decision is made on a resource of not less than 80 million ounces of silver as outlined in a feasibility study on the Michelle project. Silver47 holds a ROFR on the sale of the NSR. 

Covering 15,900 hectares, the Michelle Project is located in north-central Yukon, 130km north-northeast of Dawson City, YT.  First discovered in 1973, exploration has identified 20 named showings with limited drilling defining 3 mineralized zones.  Silver, lead, zinc and a number of critical metals are known to occur within oxide and sulphide mineralization of the Bouvette Formation carbonates across the property.  Mineralization style is yet to be defined, with showings exhibiting characteristics of Mississippi Valley Type, Carbonate Replacement, within the broader classification of SEDEX deposits.  The Michelle Property is considered an early-stage exploration project, with further property-scale sampling and targeted drilling planned, pending a class 3 permit. 

Mr. Alex S. Wallis, P.Geo., is Vice President of Exploration for the Company who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.  Mr. Wallis has verified the data disclosed in this press release, including the sampling, analytical and test data underlying the information and has approved the technical information in this press release. 

Alex Wallis, P.Geo., VP Exploration 

(250) 505-6454 

About Silver47 Exploration Corp. 

Silver47 is a private Canadian exploration company focused on advancing its critical minerals project in the Yukon Territory.   

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information 

This news release includes certain “forward-looking information” under applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking information involves risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause actual results, performance, prospects, and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward-looking information in this news release includes the completion of the pending assays, characteristics of the mineralized lens and mineralized trend, anomalous zinc concentrations in the Silver Matt Target, and further prospecting of the Heeler Target. Forward-looking information is necessarily based on a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Accordingly, the forward-looking information discussed in this release, may not occur and could differ materially as a result of these known and unknown risk factors and uncertainties affecting the Company. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on this information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. Except where required by law, the Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. 

Base Metals Energy Junior Mining Precious Metals Rover Metals

Rover Metals Applies for Share Consolidation

Rover Metals Corp.
Rover Metals Corp.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rover Metals Corp. (TSXV: ROVR) (OTCQB: ROVMF) (FSE:4XO) (“Rover” or the “Company”) announces that it is applying to the TSX Venture Exchange (the “TSXV”) to consolidate its outstanding common shares (the “Common Shares”) on the basis of one (1) post-consolidation Common Share for each six (6) pre-consolidation Common Shares (the “Consolidation”). The Company currently has 157,585,212 Common Shares issued and outstanding and following the completion of the Consolidation will have approximately 26,264,202 Common Shares issued and outstanding.



No fractional Common Shares will be issued as a result of the Consolidation. Each fractional Common Share following the Consolidation that is less than one-half of a share will be cancelled and each fractional Common Shares that is at least one-half of a share will be rounded up to the nearest whole Common Shares. No cash consideration will be paid in respect of fractional Common Shares. All options and warrants outstanding will reflect the change in accordance with the Consolidation. Registered holders of Common Shares will receive a letter of transmittal from Computershare investor Services inc. with instructions on how to exchange existing share certificates for new post-Consolidation share certificate.

The Consolidation remains subject to acceptance by the TSXV. The Common Shares are expected to begin trading on the TSXV on a post-share Consolidation basis within two or three business days following the date when the TSXV issues its final bulletin approving the Consolidation. The Company will issue an updating news release once such approval has been obtained.

There will be no name change and no ticker symbol change in connection with the Consolidation and shareholder approval is not required.

Judson Culter, CEO at Rover Metals, states “a consolidation of our Company’s securities is necessary to position Rover for growth and success with our new critical mineral projects. Both the Let’s Go Lithium Project, and the IML Zinc-Copper Project require Phase 1 and Phase 2 Exploration Programs. Additionally, the Company’s existing gold projects require expanded Phase 2 Exploration Programs. Management and the Directors of the Company believe that the timing is right for a consolidation as the Company will need to finance future exploration at all of its mineral resource projects.”

About Rover Metals
Rover is a publicly traded junior mining company that trades on the TSXV under symbol ROVR, on the OTCQB under symbol ROVMF, and on the FSE under symbol 4XO. The Company is now developing a diverse portfolio of mineral resource projects: (1) Nevada Claystone Lithium; (2) Zinc-Copper-Lead-Silver in NT, Canada; as well as (3) Gold in NT, Canada. The Company is exclusive to the mining jurisdictions of Canada and the U.S.

You can follow Rover on its social media channels:
for daily company updates and industry news, and
for corporate videos.

“Judson Culter”
Chief Executive Officer and Director

For further information, please contact:
Phone: +1 (778) 754-2617

Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information
This news release contains statements that constitute “forward-looking statements.” Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Rover’s actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in the industry to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words “expects,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “intends,” “estimates,” “projects,” “potential” and similar expressions, or that events or conditions “will,” “would,” “may,” “could” or “should” occur. There can be no assurance that such statements prove to be accurate. Actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements, and readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Any factor could cause actual results to differ materially from Rover’s expectations. Rover undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management’s beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.



Base Metals Breaking Energy Junior Mining Precious Metals Silver Bullet Mines

Silver Bullet Mines Continues to Assay for High-Grade Gold and PGMs

Burlington, Ontario–(Newsfile Corp. – October 18, 2022) – On September 26, 2022, Silver Bullet Mines Corp. (TSXV: SBMI) (OTCQB: SBMCF) (‘SBMI’ or ‘the Company’) disclosed it had found significant levels of palladium, platinum, rhodium, osmium and gold in its concentrate.

To help identify with greater precision the location of the source of the platinum, palladium, rhodium, osmium and gold, SBMI recently took samples directly from locations around the Buckeye Silver Mine and the Company’s mill site, including from crushed material, directly from the vein, from diabase samples from the wall rock and from tailings from the run of lower grade material. The location from which those samples were taken and their assay results are below:

Assay Results are in Grams per Tonne
Sample IDAuPdPtRhIrRuOs
Crushed ore 115.19.07nd0.157nd0.9490.08
Head ore118.813.50.0930.062ndndnd

Samples from all locations above were taken to be as representative of the local mineralized material as possible. Samples taken from the crushed ore are by their nature representative of the source mineralized material.

In management’s opinion, this round of results provides further strong evidence for the conclusion that the Buckeye Silver Mine may host economic amounts of platinum, rhodium, palladium, osmium and gold, in addition to the original silver targets. Management has engaged third party engineers, metallurgists and geologists to assist in creating a new process flow sheet and in determining the nature of the mineralized material at the Buckeye Silver Mine. Without effecting selective disclosure, management has also had positive preliminary discussions with potential financiers, pending the delivery of the flow sheet and a rough budget.


For each batch, Lone Pine Analytical of Phoenix, Arizona sampled two distinct samples (approx 200mg), digested, filtered, diluted and analyzed. For the digestion, the lab used [1mL HF: 4.5mL Nitric Acid: 4.5mL HCI]. The samples were digested in a microwave in sealed PTFE tubes where the temperature reached 200C with a total cycle time of 40 minutes. Bismuth (Bi) was used the internal standard. A three-point calibration, plotted through zero was used with excellent linear correlation for each element. Thus, the lab used an internal and external standards (instrument calibration). Chain of custody protocols were strictly observed. Lone Pine Analytical, as of September 11, 2022, is in the process of renewing its ISO /IEC-17025 lab accreditation with a scope for metals in soils and rocks.

Readers are cautioned that although management has made every reasonable effort to ensure the samples are as representative of the local mineralized material as possible, the samples above (apart from the crushed ore samples) are ultimately random by nature and may not be representative of the mineralization throughout the Buckeye Silver Mine.

Mr. Robert G. Komarechka, P.Geo., an independent consultant, has reviewed and verified SBMI’s work referred to herein, and is the Qualified Person for this release.

For further information, please contact:

John Carter
Silver Bullet Mines Corp., CEO
+1 (905) 302-3843

Peter M. Clausi
Silver Bullet Mines Corp., VP Capital Markets
+1 (416) 890-1232

Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains certain statements that constitute forward-looking statements as they relate to SBMI and its subsidiaries. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts but represent management’s current expectation of future events, and can be identified by words such as “believe”, “expects”, “will”, “intends”, “plans”, “projects”, “anticipates”, “estimates”, “continues” and similar expressions. Although management believes that the expectations represented in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that they will prove to be correct.

By their nature, forward-looking statements include assumptions, and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that could cause actual future results, conditions, actions or events to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. If and when forward-looking statements are set out in this new release, SBMI will also set out the material risk factors or assumptions used to develop the forward-looking statements. Except as expressly required by applicable securities laws, SBMI assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements. The future outcomes that relate to forward-looking statements may be influenced by many factors, including but not limited to: the impact of SARS CoV-2 or any other global virus; reliance on key personnel; the thoroughness of its QA/QA procedures; the continuity of the global supply chain for materials for SBMI to use in the production and processing of ore; shareholder and regulatory approvals; the presence and quantity of minerals in the Company’s properties; activities and attitudes of communities local to the location of the SBMI’s properties; risks of future legal proceedings; income tax matters; fires, floods and other natural phenomena; the rate of inflation; availability and terms of financing; distribution of securities; commodities pricing; currency movements, especially as between the USD and CDN; effect of market interest rates on price of securities; and, potential dilution. SARS CoV-2 and other potential global viruses create risks that at this time are immeasurable and impossible to

Silver Bullet Mines Corp.

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Recent News

Energy Junior Mining Precious Metals

Bravo’s Nickel-Copper Massive Sulphide Intercept Returns High-Grade PGMs

Results Include 11m @ 4.24 g/t 3PGM+Au, 2.04% Nickel + 1.23% Copper

VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 17, 2022 /CNW/ – Bravo Mining Corp. (TSXV: BRVO) (OTCQX: BRVMF), (“Bravo” or the “Company“) today announced that high-grade PGM assay results have been received for previously released diamond drill hole DDH22LU047.  Hole  DDH22LU047 intercepted high-grade nickel and copper  at its Luanga palladium + platinum + rhodium + gold + nickel (PGM+Au+Ni) project (“Luanga“), located in the Carajás Mineral Province, state of Pará, Brazil.

The high-grade intercept in hole – DDH22LU047 graded 4.24 g/t 3PGM+Au with 2.04% nickel and 1.23% copper over 11.04m and occurs in massive and semi-massive sulphides.

“As announced in Bravo’s August 16th, 2022 news release, high-grade nickel-copper mineralization had not been previously observed at Luanga. This discovery suggests potential for other metals and styles of mineralization than previously intercepted at Luanga, and we are extremely encouraged that it also contains high grade PGMs,” said Luis Azevedo, Chairman and CEO of Bravo. “Downhole EM has commenced and should greatly assist in targeting follow up drilling, whilst surface EM has the potential to identify other massive and semi-massive sulphide mineralization along Luanga’s 8.1 km mineralized strike.”


Au (g/t)
Cu(%)Ni (%)(Sulphide)Type
Notes:  All ‘From’, ‘To’ depths, and ‘Thicknesses’ are downhole.
             Given the orientation of the hole and the mineralization, the intercept is estimated to be 85% of true thickness.
             Type: FR = Fresh Rock. Recovery methods and results will differ based on the type of mineralization.
  • Two diamond drill holes have been completed on each of two drill sections located 50m north and south of DDH22LU047.
  • All four step-out drill holes have intersected varying amounts of semi-massive sulphides. Assay results are pending.
  • Drill rigs have been temporarily moved clear of the area while borehole electromagnetic surveys (“EM”) are completed on these four step-out drill holes.
  • Following the completion of borehole EM, surface fixed loop EM will commence over the entire Luanga deposit.
DDH22LU047: High grade massive sulphide PGM + nickel + copper mineralization at 136.0m* (CNW Group/Bravo Mining Corp.)
DDH22LU047: High grade massive sulphide PGM + nickel + copper mineralization at 136.0m* (CNW Group/Bravo Mining Corp.)

DDH22LU047: High grade massive sulphide PGM + nickel + copper mineralization at 136.0m*

* Downhole depth

Luanga Drill Program

The Phase 1 diamond drill program continues as planned at Luanga. Six drill rigs are on site, with drilling progressing in various locations along the entire 8.1 km strike length of the known Luanga mineralized envelope (as defined by historic drilling). To date, 91 drill holes have been completed, for a total of 15,554 metres of the planned 25,500 metre Phase 1 drill program.

Additional details for Intercept in Hole -047

PGM + Au (g/t)Ni(%) (Sulphide)Cu(%)Type
Notes:  All ‘From’, ‘To’ depths, and ‘Thicknesses’ are downhole.
             Given the orientation of the hole and the mineralization, the intercept is estimated to be 85% of true thickness.
             Type: FR = Fresh Rock. Recovery methods and results will differ based on the type of mineralization.
Location of Bravo Drilling Reported in this Document (CNW Group/Bravo Mining Corp.)
Location of Bravo Drilling Reported in this Document (CNW Group/Bravo Mining Corp.)

Location of Bravo Drilling Reported in this Document

About Bravo Mining Corp.

Bravo is a Canada and Brazil-based mineral exploration and development company focused on advancing its Luanga PGM + Au + Ni Project in the world-class Carajás Mineral Province of Brazil.

The Luanga Project benefits from being in a location close to operating mines, with excellent access and proximity to existing infrastructure, including road, rail and clean and renewable hydro grid power. The project area was previously de-forested for agricultural grazing land. Bravo’s current Environmental, Social and Governance activities includes replanting trees in the project area, hiring and contracting locally, and ensuring protection of the environment during its exploration activities.

Technical Disclosure

Technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Simon Mottram, F.AusIMM (Fellow Australia Institute of Mining and Metallurgy), President of Bravo Mining Corp. who serves as the Company’s “qualified person”, as defined in National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101“). Mr. Mottram has verified the technical data and opinions contained in this news release.

Forward Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking information which is not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking information is characterized by words such as “potential”, “assist”, “suggest”, and other similar words, phrases or statements that certain events or conditions “should”, or “will” occur.
In particular, this news release contains forward-looking information pertaining to the Company’s ongoing drill program and the results thereof, including the assay results for the four step-out holes near hole -047 that intercepted semi-massive sulphides; the results of geophysical surveys; the potential for the definition of new styles of mineralization and the Company’s plans in respect thereof. Forward-looking information involves risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events, results, and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, changes in the state of equity and debt markets, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in obtaining required regulatory or governmental approvals, environmental risks, limitations on insurance coverage; and other risks and uncertainties involved in the mineral exploration and development industry. Forward-looking information in this news release is based on the opinions and assumptions of management considered reasonable as of the date hereof, including, but not limited to, the assumption that the assay results confirm the interpreted mineralization contains significant values of nickel, copper and also contain PGMs and Au; final drill and assay results will be in line with management’s expectations; that activities will not be adversely disrupted or impeded by regulatory, political, community, economic, environmental and/or healthy and safety risks; that the Luanga Project will not be materially affected by potential supply chain disruptions; and general business and economic conditions will not change in a materially adverse manner. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, other than as required by applicable securities laws.

Schedule 1: Drill Hole Collar Details

HOLE-IDCompanyEast (m)North (m)RL (m)DatumDepth
DDH22LU047Bravo659899.999342475.05275.18SIRGAS2000 UTM22S170.05090-60

Schedule 2: Assay Methodologies and QAQC

Samples follow a chain of custody between collection, processing and delivery to the ALS laboratory in Parauapebas, state of Pará, Brazil. The drill core is delivered to the core shack at Bravo’s Luanga site facilities and processed by geologists who insert certified reference materials, blanks and duplicates into the sampling sequence. Drill core is half cut and placed in secured polyurethane bags, then in security-sealed sacks before being delivered directly from the Luanga site facilities to the Parauapebas ALS laboratory by Bravo staff. Additional information about the methodology can be found on the ALS global website (ALS) in the analytical guides. IN this case a split is collected by Bravo staff and securely delivered to the Intertek laboratory in Parauapebas where it was assayed by high priority for ore grade Ni and Cu.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control (“QAQC”) is maintained internally at the lab through rigorous use of internal certified reference materials, blanks, and duplicates. An additional QAQC program is administered by Bravo using certified reference materials, duplicate samples and blank samples that are blindly inserted into the sample batch. If a QAQC sample returns an unacceptable value an investigation into the results is triggered and when deemed necessary, the samples that were tested in the batch with the failed QAQC sample are re-tested.

Bravo ALS
For All ElementsPt, Pd, AuRhNi-SulphideTrace Elements
Bravo Intertek
Ni, Cu Sulphide
Ni-ICP05 (CNW Group/Bravo Mining Corp.) (CNW Group/Bravo Mining Corp.)

SOURCE Bravo Mining Corp.


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Base Metals Collective Mining Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals Uncategorized

Collective Mining – Materially Expands the Main Breccia Discovery at Apollo

Joining us for a conversation is Ari Sussman of Collective Mining, Colombia’s Newest Exploration Company. Collective Mining has just announced another significant development coming from the flagship Guayabales Project. Today’s discussion will focus on the Main Breccia at the Apollo Target which is delivering High Grade along with some remarkable continuity with a new Strike of 385 Meters, Width at 350 Meters, and Vertical 825 Meters!

Collective Mining: Rapidly advancing, large-scale gold-copper-silver-moly porphyry and breccia targets with related high-grade vein systems in the mining-friendly department of Caldas in Colombia

Collective Mining’s two projects the Guayabales (Flagship) and the San Antonio (Secondary) are situated in Marmato, an underexplored yet multi-million ounce, high-grade gold and silver district located in the Middle Cauca belt in Colombia. With six out of eleven targets drilled, the Company has made three promising grassroot discoveries to date and is awaiting assay results on a potential fourth discovery. Drilling activity continues at a brisk pace with a 20,000+ metre drill program in 2022.

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Step Out Drilling Materially Expands the Overall Dimensions of Collective Mining’s Main Breccia Discovery at Apollo

  • Visual observations from two step-out diamond drill holes within the Company’s Main Breccia discovery at the Apollo target have intersected the most cumulative mineralization in drill holes completed to date as well as significantly expanded the known dimensions of this exciting new discovery.
  • Hole APC-17, which was drilled due north from Pad 3, cut more than 600 metres in total of favourable mineralization before terminating at approximately 913 metres while still in mineralization. This is the most mineralization encountered in a drill hole to date at the Apollo target.
  • Hole APC-22, which was drilled to the northeast from Pad 3, cut more than 400 metres in total of favourable mineralization before terminating at 734 metres while still in mineralization.
  • As a result of both new holes, the potential total volume of rock hosting the Main Breccia discovery within it has approximately tripled in size with the dimensions now measuring 385 metres along strike by 350 metres width by 825 metres depth versus prior dimensions of 385 metres x 190 metres x 500 metres. The discovery remains wide open for expansion and further step-out holes are currently being designed.
  • Three rigs continue to drill at Apollo with additional assay results anticipated in the near term.

TORONTO, Oct. 11, 2022 /CNW/ – Collective Mining Ltd. (TSXV: CNL) (OTCQX: CNLMF) (“Collective” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce visual observations from two step out holes drilled into the Apollo target (“Apollo”) which is located within the Guayabales project in Caldas, Colombia. The Main Breccia discovery at Apollo is a high-grade, bulk tonnage copper-gold-silver porphyry-related breccia target with previously announced intercepts including:

HoleIntercept (m)Au (g/t)Ag (g/t)Cu %Zn %Pb %Mo %AuEq (g/t) *
See press releases dated August 10th, September 13th and October 6th respectively.

As part of its fully funded 20,000+ metre drill program for 2022, there are currently three diamond drill rigs operating at the Apollo target.

“These two new diamond drill holes are incredibly exciting as we have significantly expanded the size of the Main Breccia discovery at Apollo and while doing so, we have cut the longest intercepts of both total and continuous mineralization completed to date. Importantly, the system remains open to the north and northeast as both holes bottomed in mineralization. We look forward to continued aggressive drilling in order to see how much more this exceptional discovery can grow,” commented Ari Sussman, Executive Chairman.

Details (See Figures 1–4)

Fourteen diamond drill holes with accompanying assay results have now been announced at Apollo and a further eleven holes are outstanding. The Company recently completed two northerly directed diamond drill holes, APC-17 and APC-22, from its southernmost drill pad (Pad 3), which were designed to test for mineralized extensions to the Main Breccia discovery. The following visual observations are highlighted from the two step out holes:

  • Hole APC-17 was drilled approximately due north to a maximum depth of 912.60 metres. The hole intersected more than 70 metres of mineralization beginning at 119 metres down hole (100m vertical) and another 545 metres of mineralization from 365 metres down hole (330m vertical) to the end of the hole (825m vertical). Total mineralization in this diamond drill hole exceeded 600 metres and is the most mineralization drilled in a single hole to date into the Main Breccia discovery at Apollo. The shallow intercept is hosted within angular porphyry related breccia containing chalcopyrite (1-2%) with pyrite and pyrrhotite and is located directly beneath recently discovered mineralization outcropping at surface. The deeper and longer intercept is also hosted within angular porphyry related breccia with the matrix filled with pyrite, chalcopyrite and overprinting carbonate base metal veins (“CBM”). The hole was terminated at 912.6 metres while still in mineralized breccia.
  • Hole APC-22 was drilled to the northeast to a maximum depth of 734.8 metres and intercepted three zones yielding more than 400 metres of total breccia mineralization. The two shallow zones are located directly beneath surface outcrops and the initial 37 metre intercept commenced at 100 metres downhole (60m vertical), while the second shallow 19 metre intercept began at 167 metres down hole (100m vertical). Mineralization is hosted within angular porphyry breccia with a matrix of chalcopyrite (1-2%) and pyrrhotite and overprinting zones of sheeted CBM veins. The deeper intercept commenced at 308 metres downhole (276m vertical) and continued within mineralized porphyry related angular breccia until the hole was terminated at 734.8 metres.
  • Visual logging of APC-17 and APC-22 have significantly increased the overall maximum potential volume of rock hosting the Main Breccia discovery, which now measures up to 385 metres along strike by 350 metres width by 825 metres depth (prior dimensions were 385 metres x 190 metres x 500 metres). The system remains open for expansion.
  • Three rigs continue to drill at Apollo with additional assay results anticipated in the near term.
  • The Apollo target area, as defined to date by surface mapping, rock sampling and copper and molybdenum soil geochemistry, covers an 800 metres X 700 metres area. The Apollo target area hosts the Company’s new Main Breccia discovery plus a vein system flanking its eastern side. Multiple additional untested breccia, porphyry and vein targets have been generated and will be drilled in due course. Lastly, the overall Apollo target area also remains open for further expansion.
Figure 1: Plan View of the Main Breccia Discovery at Apollo Highlighting the Significant Extensions to the Zone Based on Drill Holes APC-17 and APC-22 (CNW Group/Collective Mining Ltd.)
Figure 1: Plan View of the Main Breccia Discovery at Apollo Highlighting the Significant Extensions to the Zone Based on Drill Holes APC-17 and APC-22 (CNW Group/Collective Mining Ltd.)
Figure 2: Plan View of the Guayabales Project Highlighting the Apollo Target (CNW Group/Collective Mining Ltd.)
Figure 2: Plan View of the Guayabales Project Highlighting the Apollo Target (CNW Group/Collective Mining Ltd.)
Figure 3: Images of Core from Hole APC-17 (CNW Group/Collective Mining Ltd.)
Figure 3: Images of Core from Hole APC-17 (CNW Group/Collective Mining Ltd.)
Figure 4: Images of Core from Hole APC-22 (CNW Group/Collective Mining Ltd.)
Figure 4: Images of Core from Hole APC-22 (CNW Group/Collective Mining Ltd.)

About Collective Mining Ltd.

To see our latest corporate presentation and related information, please visit

Collective Mining is an exploration and development company focused on identifying and exploring prospective mineral projects in South America. Founded by the team that developed and sold Continental Gold Inc. to Zijin Mining for approximately $2 billion in enterprise value, the mission of the Company is to repeat its past success in Colombia by making significant new mineral discoveries and advance the projects to production. Management, insiders and close family and friends own nearly 45% of the outstanding shares of the Company and as a result, are fully aligned with shareholders.

The Company currently holds an option to earn up to a 100% interest in two projects located in Colombia. As a result of an aggressive exploration program at its flagship Guayabales project, a total of seven major targets have been defined. The Main Breccia discovery within the Apollo target is the most important to date and is characterized by bulk tonnage, high-grade copper-silver gold mineralization with highlight drill results including: 207.15 metres @ 2.68g g/t AuEq, 265.75 metres at 2.44 g/t AuEq and 237.7 metres at 2.88 g/t AuEq. Other grassroots discoveries include near-surface discovery holes yielding 301.9 metres at 1.11 g/t AuEq at the Olympus target, 163 metres at 1.33 g/t AuEq at the Donut target, and 102.2m @ 1.53 g/t AuEq at the Trap target. At the San Antonio project, the Company intersected, from surface, 710 metres at 0.53 AuEq.  (See related press releases on our website for AuEq calculations). The Company’s fully funded, 20,000 metre drill program for 2022 is ongoing with a significant number of assay results expected through the remainder of the year.

Qualified Person (QP) and NI43-101 Disclosure

David J Reading is the designated Qualified Person for this news release within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) and has reviewed and verified that the technical information contained herein is accurate and approves of the written disclosure of same. Mr. Reading has an MSc in Economic Geology and is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and of the Society of Economic Geology (SEG).

Technical Information

Rock and core samples have been prepared and analyzed at SGS laboratory facilities in Medellin, Colombia and Lima, Peru. Blanks, duplicates, and certified reference standards are inserted into the sample stream to monitor laboratory performance. Crush rejects and pulps are kept and stored in a secured storage facility for future assay verification. No capping has been applied to sample composites. The Company utilizes a rigorous, industry-standard QA/QC program.


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, statements about the drill programs, including timing of results, and Collective’s future and intentions. Wherever possible, words such as “may”, “will”, “should”, “could”, “expect”, “plan”, “intend”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate”, “predict” or “potential” or the negative or other variations of these words, or similar words or phrases, have been used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management’s current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management as at the date hereof.

Forward-looking statements involve significant risk, uncertainties, and assumptions. Many factors could cause actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from the results discussed or implied in the forward-looking statements. These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, Collective cannot assure readers that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and Collective assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.

Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

SOURCE Collective Mining Ltd.


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Base Metals Energy Junior Mining Metallic Group Metallic Minerals Precious Metals

Metallic Minerals to Present at the Emerging Growth Conference October 12th

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 10, 2022 / Metallic Minerals Corp. (TSX.V:MMG; OTCQB:MMNGF) (“Metallic” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the Company will be presenting at the Emerging Growth Conference on October 12th, 2022 at 9:00am PT (12:00pm ET).

Metallic Minerals Corp., Monday, October 10, 2022, Press release picture
Metallic Minerals Corp., Monday, October 10, 2022, Press release picture

This live, interactive online event will give existing shareholders and the investment community the opportunity to interact with CEO, Greg Johnson, who will discuss global and domestic metals markets, provide an overview of our key projects and upcoming catalysts and participate in a live Q&A session.

To register, click here or the adjacent logo. To learn more about Emerging Growth Conferences, visit

Metallic Minerals CEO, Greg Johnson, commented, “We are very pleased to be participating in our first Emerging Growth event and, against the backdrop of recently rebounding metals strength, feel this is excellent timing to introduce investors to the mining sector, the opportunities that abound and the value potential of Metallic Minerals as a precious and base metals explorer with exceptional assets. In 2022, we conducted exploration and drill campaigns at both our high-grade Keno Silver project adjacent to Hecla Mining in Yukon, Canada and our La Plata copper-silver-gold project in Colorado, USA. Results from both are pending receipt of assays and we anticipate news flow in that regard to commence soon.”

About the Emerging Growth Conference

The Emerging Growth conference is an effective way for public companies to present opportunities and communicate major announcements to the investment community in a time efficient manner. Conference focus and coverage includes companies in a wide range of growth sectors with strong management teams, focused strategy and execution, and overall potential for long-term growth. The audience includes individual and institutional investors, as well as investment advisors and analysts.

About Metallic Minerals

Metallic Minerals Corp. is an exploration and development stage company, focused on silver, gold and copper in the high-grade Keno Hill and La Plata mining districts of North America. Our objective is to create shareholder value through a systematic, entrepreneurial approach to making exploration discoveries, growing resources and advancing projects toward development. Metallic Minerals has consolidated the second-largest land position in the historic Keno Hill silver district of Canada’s Yukon Territory, directly adjacent Hecla Mining’s operations, with more than 300 million ounces of high-grade silver in past production and current M&I resources. Hecla Mining Company, the largest primary silver producer in the USA and third largest in the world, completed the acquisition of Alexco in September 2022. In April 2022, Metallic announced the inaugural NI 43-101 mineral resource estimate for its La Plata silver-gold-copper project in southwestern Colorado. The Company also continues to add new production royalty leases on its holdings in the Klondike gold district in the Yukon. All three districts have seen significant mineral production and have existing infrastructure, including power and road access. Metallic Minerals is led by a team with a track record of discovery and exploration success on several major precious and base metal deposits, as well as having large-scale development, permitting and project financing expertise.


Website: Phone: 604-629-7800

Email: Toll Free: 1-888-570-4420

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

SOURCE: Metallic Minerals Corp.

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Base Metals Emx Royalty Energy Junior Mining Uncategorized

EMX to Receive US$ 3 Million Milestone Payment for the Parks-Salyer Royalty Property in Arizona

Vancouver, British Columbia–(Newsfile Corp. – October 4, 2022) – EMX Royalty Corporation (NYSE American: EMX) (TSXV: EMX) (FSE: 6E9) (the “Company” or “EMX”) is pleased to announce that it will receive a US$3 million milestone payment from Arizona Sonoran Copper Company, Inc. (TSX: ASCU) (“ASCU”) for the Parks-Salyer royalty property (the “Royalty Property”) in Arizona. The Royalty Property was held under a lease arrangement by EMX’s wholly owned subsidiary Bronco Creek Exploration Inc., and was transferred to ASCU via Assignment and Royalty Agreements (the “Agreements”) executed earlier this year (see EMX news release dated February 10, 2022). EMX’s Royalty Property covers 158 acres of ASCU’s Parks-Salyer copper project. The milestone payment results from ASCU’s maiden resource estimate for the Parks-Salyer project that exceeds thresholds for contained copper included within EMX’s Royalty Property footprint. The Company also retains a 1.5% net smelter return (“NSR”) royalty covering the Royalty Property.

EMX’s Parks-Salyer Royalty Property provides an example of a significant pre-production payment to the Company resulting from its copper porphyry royalty generation program in Arizona. The Property’s porphyry targets, which are concealed beneath post-mineral cover, were identified by EMX based upon structural geological assessments of historical exploration data. The open ground covering these targets was acquired by EMX at minimal cost. The 158 acres transferred to ASCU complemented the property position at its Parks-Salyer project, while providing EMX with pre-production payments and exploration, development, and royalty upside optionality at no additional cost to the Company.

Commercial Terms and Property Summary (all dollar amounts in USD)The Agreements provided for a one-time cash payment to EMX for the assignment of EMX’s rights covering the Property, as well as the 1.5% NSR royalty interest (ASCU may buy back 1% of the royalty for $500,000), work commitments, annual advance royalty (“AAR”) payments, and the $3 million milestone payment to EMX based upon declared resources totaling 200 million pounds or more of contained copper covered by EMX’s Royalty Property. ASCU’s (global) maiden resources for its Parks-Salyer project were disclosed in a news release dated September 28, 2022.

Parks-Salyer is located approximately five kilometers northwest of Casa Grande, Arizona and approximately 1.5 kilometers southwest of the historical Sacaton open pit copper mine. Sacaton was a porphyry copper-molybedenum mine operated by Asarco (1974-1984), and is now being advanced by ASCU as the PEA stage Cactus Project. The Parks-Salyer deposit lies beneath post-mineral gravels and represents a tilted, and fault-displaced portion of the Casa Grande-Santa Cruz porphyry system.

Qualified Person. Michael P. Sheehan, CPG, a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and employee of the Company, has reviewed, verified and approved the disclosure of the technical information contained in this news release.

About EMX. EMX is a precious, base and battery metals royalty company. EMX’s investors are provided with discovery, development, and commodity price optionality, while limiting exposure to risks inherent to operating companies. The Company’s common shares are listed on the NYSE American Exchange and the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol EMX, and also trade on the Frankfurt exchange under the symbol “6E9”. Please see for more information.

About Arizona Sonoran Copper Company. ASCU’s objective is to become a mid-tier copper producer with low operating costs, develop the Cactus and Parks-Salyer Project that could generate robust returns for investors, and provide a long term sustainable and responsible operation for the community and all stakeholders. The Company’s principal asset is a 100% interest in the Cactus Project (former ASARCO, Sacaton mine) and Parks-Salyer deposit which is situated on private land in an infrastructure-rich area of Arizona.

For further information contact:

David M. Cole
President and Chief Executive Officer
Phone: (303) 973-8585

Scott Close
Director of Investor Relations
Phone: (303) 973-8585

Isabel Belger
Investor Relations (Europe)
Phone: +49 178 4909039

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may contain “forward looking statements” that reflect the Company’s current expectations and projections about its future results. These forward-looking statements may include statements regarding perceived merit of properties, exploration results and budgets, mineral reserve and resource estimates, work programs, capital expenditures, timelines, strategic plans, market prices for precious and base metal, or other statements that are not statements of fact. When used in this news release, words such as “estimate,” “intend,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “will”, “believe”, “potential” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, which, by their very nature, are not guarantees of the Company’s future operational or financial performance, and are subject to risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause the Company’s actual results, performance, prospects or opportunities to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and factors may include, but are not limited to: unavailability of financing, failure to identify commercially viable mineral reserves, fluctuations in the market valuation for commodities, difficulties in obtaining required approvals for the development of a mineral project, increased regulatory compliance costs, expectations of project funding by joint venture partners and other factors.

Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this news release or as of the date otherwise specifically indicated herein. Due to risks and uncertainties, including the risks and uncertainties identified in this news release, and other risk factors and forward-looking statements listed in the Company’s MD&A for the quarter ended June 30, 2022 and the year ended December 31, 2021 (the “MD&A”), and the most recently filed Revised Annual Information Form (the “AIF”) for the year ended December 31, 2021, actual events may differ materially from current expectations. More information about the Company, including the MD&A, the AIF and financial statements of the Company, is available on SEDAR at and on the SEC’s EDGAR website at

To view the source version of this press release, please visit

Base Metals Energy Junior Mining Precious Metals

Dolly Varden and Fury Announce the Sale of Dolly Varden Common Shares to an Institutional Investor

Vancouver, British Columbia–(Newsfile Corp. – October 3, 2022) – Dolly Varden Silver Corporation (TSXV: DV) (OTCQX: DOLLF)(“Dolly Varden”) and Fury Gold Mines Ltd (“Fury”) are pleased to announce that Dolly Varden’s largest shareholder, Fury, with the approval and consent of Dolly Varden, has entered into an agreement to sell 17 million common shares at C$0.40 in the capital of the Dolly Varden (“Common Shares“), representing approximately 7.4% of the outstanding Common Shares, to a well known institutional investor (the “Transaction“).

Fury approached Dolly Varden about the sale of a portion of its Common Shares as a way for Fury to finance continued exploration at the Eau Claire and Éléonore South Joint Venture projects in Quebec and for general working capital. Following completion of the Transaction, Fury will continue to hold approximately 26% of the Common Shares and will be well capitalized for its upcoming exploration activities. While Dolly Varden will receive no proceeds from the Transaction, the company is pleased to be welcoming a new financial institutional investor.

Shawn Khunkhun, Chief Executive Officer of Dolly Varden said, “We are pleased to have been involved in discussions regarding the Transaction and to consent to the sale by Fury of a portion of its holdings in Dolly Varden to a new institutional investor for Dolly Varden. We believe the transaction is mutually beneficial for Dolly Varden and Fury as it brings another experienced institutional investor to Dolly Varden while providing Fury with funding for its Eau Claire and Éléonore South Joint Venture projects in Quebec. We consider Fury to be our partner in the exploration and development of the Company’s proposed Kitsault Valley Project, and we are happy to be able to support a transaction that benefits both companies.”

Tim Clark, CEO and Director of Fury, added, “We would like to thank Dolly Varden for the support on this mutually beneficial transaction. We view this as a prudent and strategic joint decision that will provide capitalization for Fury’s exciting potential at its Eau Claire and Éléonore South Joint Venture projects, and also add a significant institutional investor to Dolly Varden’s current share ownership. Going forward, Fury is still the largest investor in Dolly Varden at 26% and we remain confident in both their management team and projects. We believe that success in this industry is about working well with your partners and are thrilled about the opportunities ahead for both companies.”

Fury acquired the Common Shares of Dolly Varden in February 2022 when Dolly Varden acquired, through the acquisition of Fury’s wholly-owned subsidiary Homestake Resource Corporation, a 100% interest in the Homestake Ridge gold-silver project (the “Homestake Ridge Project“), located adjacent to the Dolly Varden Project in the Golden Triangle, British Columbia.

At that time, Dolly Varden and Fury also entered into an investor rights agreement (the “Investor Rights Agreement“) granting Fury certain board nomination and participation rights as well as providing for customary re-sale restrictions, voting and standstill conditions and a one-year hold period. Dolly Varden has provided its consent under the Investor Rights Agreement to the Transaction.

Dolly Varden understands that Fury intends to file a Form 45-102F1 Notice of Intention to Distribute Securities under Section 2.8 of National Instrument 45-102 – Resale of Securities later today to facilitate the sale. Closing of the Transaction is anticipated to occur on the business day following the expiry of the seven day notice period under NI 45-102. It is not anticipated that the purchaser will become a 10% or greater shareholder of Dolly Varden upon completion of the Transaction.

Upon completion of the Transaction, the ownership interest of Fury in Dolly Varden will be reduced from the current 76,504,590 Shares, representing 33% of the outstanding common shares of Dolly Varden, to 59,504,590 Dolly Varden Shares, representing 26% of the outstanding common shares of Dolly Varden. Fury will file an amendment to its current Early Warning Report on SEDAR to reflect its change in ownership position. Fury will continue to have two nominees on Dolly Varden’s board of directors under the Investor Rights Agreement following completion of the Transaction as Fury’s ownership will remain above the 20% level. Fury will continue to hold its shares in Dolly Varden for investment purposes and will evaluate its investment in Dolly Varden on ongoing basis and may increase or decrease its holdings in Dolly Varden in the future, subject to its rights and obligations under the Investor Rights Agreement, a copy of which has been filed under Fury’s and Dolly Varden’s SEDAR profile.

About Dolly Varden Silver Corporation

Dolly Varden Silver Corporation is a mineral exploration company focused on advancing its 100% held Kitsault Valley Project (which combines the Dolly Varden Project and the Homestake Ridge Project) located in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia, Canada, 25kms by road to tide water. The 163 sq. km. project hosts the high-grade silver and gold resources of Dolly Varden and Homestake Ridge along with the past producing Dolly Varden and Torbrit silver mines. It is considered to be prospective for hosting further precious metal deposits, being on the same structural and stratigraphic belts that host numerous other, on-trend, high-grade deposits, such as Eskay Creek and Brucejack. The Kitsault Valley Project also contains the Big Bulk property which is prospective for porphyry and skarn style copper and gold mineralization, similar to other such deposits in the region (Red Mountain, KSM, Red Chris).

About Fury Gold Mines Limited

Fury Gold Mines Limited is a well financed Canadian-focused exploration company positioned in two prolific mining regions across the country and holds a 59.5 million common share position in Dolly Varden Silver Corp. Led by a management team and board of directors with proven success in financing and advancing exploration assets, Fury intends to grow its multi-million-ounce gold platform through rigorous project evaluation and exploration excellence. Fury is committed to upholding the highest industry standards for corporate governance, environmental stewardship, community engagement and sustainable mining. For more information on Fury Gold Mines, visit

Dolly Varden Contact Information

Shawn Khunkhun, CEO & Director, 1-604-602-1440,

Fury Contact Information

Margaux Villalpando, Investor Relations, 1-844-601-0841,

Forward-Looking Statements

This release may contain forward-looking statements or forward-looking information under applicable Canadian securities legislation that may not be based on historical fact, including, without limitation, statements containing the words “believe”, “may”, “plan”, “will”, “estimate”, “continue”, “anticipate”, “intend”, “expect”, “potential”, and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of Dolly Varden to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements or information in this release relates to, among other things, the intended closing of the Transaction, the use of proceeds from the Transaction by Fury and Fury’s intention to file certain regulatory forms.

These forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations and beliefs and assume, among other things, the ability of the Company to successfully pursue its current development plans, that future sources of funding will be available to the company, that relevant commodity prices will remain at levels that are economically viable for the Company and that the Company will receive relevant permits in a timely manner in order to enable its operations, but given the uncertainties, assumptions and risks, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements or information. The Company disclaims any obligation to update, or to publicly announce, any such statements, events or developments except as required by law.

For additional information on risks and uncertainties, see the Company’s annual information form (“AIF“) dated September 23, 2022 for the year ended December 31, 2021 available on SEDAR at The risk factors identified in the AIF are not intended to represent a complete list of factors that could affect the Company.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX-V) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

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