Base Metals Breaking Energy Precious Metals

The US debt is about to hit $35 trillion. It’s barely come up at the GOP convention.

Ben Werschkul·Washington Correspondent

Thu, Jul 18, 2024

The national debt is on the cusp of a grim milestone, but it’s one of the least discussed topics at the Republican National Convention this week.

President Joe Biden hasn’t mentioned it much either as he has campaigned across the country.

Outstanding government debt stood at $34.9 trillion ($34,940,154,000,000 to be somewhat more precise) as of Tuesday, according to the latest data from the Treasury Department.

That’s a debt load that now represents over 120% of GDP. Earlier this year, the cost of interest payments alone passed the cost of defense spending.

The psychologically important $35 trillion milestone will likely be crossed sometime between this week’s Republican National Convention and when the Democrats gather in a few weeks’ time in Chicago — if debt continues to grow by an average of about $8 billion a day.

All told, the debt could represent 166% of America’s GDP by 2054.

Yet a Yahoo Finance review of this week’s flood of political commentary — both Republicans in Milwaukee and Biden on the campaign trail — underlines a political reality of this election season: This historic debt is simply not a front-burner issue.

“We stand for fiscal sanity, for low taxes, and for reduced debt,” said Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as he endorsed Republican nominee Donald Trump on Tuesday night.

What the line contained in snappiness it perhaps lacked in internal consistency. Lowering taxes is likely to increase deficits and debt.

“Our government sold us a false bill of goods with the Iraq war and the 2008 financial crisis loading up our national debt that falls on our generation’s shoulders,” added former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy during his speech.

He overlooked how 2017 tax cuts and other policies enacted by Trump as president have contributed mightily to the current total.

The debt rose by nearly $8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. Biden is on pace to oversee a similar rise. In total, the national debt has ballooned by more than 70% over the last 7.5 years, fueled by a flood of new spending as well as these obligations stretching back decades.

TOPSHOT - Former US President and 2024 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is displayed on a screen as he arrives during the second day of the 2024 Republican National Convention at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 16, 2024. Days after he survived an assassination attempt Donald Trump won formal nomination as the Republican presidential candidate and picked right-wing loyalist J.D. Vance for running mate, kicking off a triumphalist party convention in the wake of last weekend's failed assassination attempt. (Photo by Pedro UGARTE / AFP) (Photo by PEDRO UGARTE/AFP via Getty Images)
Former President Donald Trump is displayed on a screen during the second day of the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. (PEDRO UGARTE/AFP via Getty Images) (PEDRO UGARTE via Getty Images)

All told, the vast majority of the major convention speeches so far this week haven’t brought up debt or deficits at all, according to a review of transcripts and videos. The Republican platform offers promises to cut “wasteful government spending” but doesn’t discuss debt or deficits directly.

It’s a notable shift for the Republicans who in years past campaigned on ideas like a balanced budget amendment and fielded major candidates who rose through the ranks as members of the deficit hawk wing of the party.

That wing of the party still exists but was far from prominent this week.

“The fiscal warning signs are really just so bright, so loud, and it’s as though nobody who’s running for office is paying attention,” said Maya MacGuineas, the president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, in a recent Yahoo Finance interview.

Few mentions from Biden as well

The same has been true to a certain extent on the other side of the aisle this week.

The debt didn’t come up when Biden sat down with NBC’s Lester Holt on Monday.

The president did talk about the issue Tuesday at an economic summit in North Las Vegas.

Before cutting his trip short after a positive COVID test, he said that his plan to make billionaires have to pay a minimum tax of 25% will generate $500 billion over the next decade, “allowing us to do more for childcare, eldercare, bring down the federal deficit, and so much more.”

But it’s a plan unlikely to pass Congress, even if Biden wins a second term.

Gallup recently found that federal spending and the budget deficit are collectively something 51% of respondents worry “a great deal” about, the sixth highest issue on the list.

But that issue hasn’t translated into a campaign focus for either side.

President Joe Biden walks from Air Force One as he arrives at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas, Monday, July 15, 2024. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
President Joe Biden arrives at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas for a campaign swing this week. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) (ASSOCIATED PRESS)

Biden has overseen mounds of new red ink but has also overseen decreasing deficits, with the US running a $1.7 trillion deficit in fiscal year 2023 and on pace for a slightly better result this year.

Another positive trend is that debt as a percentage of GDP has stabilized and even declined slightly in recent years.

Tax cuts that could make it worse

The lack of focus on debt also comes as there is massive focus on another issue that could make the problem worse: taxes.

These rates will be a top-tier issue in 2025, with major individual provisions of the 2017 Trump tax cuts set to expire at the end of the year. That means taxpayers could face a significant effective tax hike if Washington doesn’t act.

The plans from both sides at the moment could add trillions more red ink in the years ahead.

Trump has repeatedly promised to extend the tax cuts across the board. That could add between $4 trillion and $5 trillion if not offset, estimates the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

Some Republicans this week are even talking about a tax plan from the “Project 2025” effort led by Trump allies that could lead to even deeper cuts.

Biden’s plan is to extend the cuts for those making under $400,000 a year. That could still cost over $2 trillion.

Biden has offered detailed plans to offset at least some of these costs with tax increases elsewhere, like his effort to put a minimum tax of 25% on billionaires.

Trump has offered far less detail when confronted with questions about the national debt and said he could take care of it with drilling for oil — which he calls “liquid gold” — without elaborating on exactly how that would work.

“There is literally a pit in my stomach,” MacGuineas said, discussing the potential trillions of dollars in costs of these cuts. “There’s a pit in my stomach right now just talking about it with you.”

Ben Werschkul is Washington correspondent for Yahoo Finance. Akiko Fujita contributed reporting.

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Breaking Junior Mining Precious Metals Uncategorized

The World is sitting on a $91 trillion problem. ‘Hard Choices’ are coming

LondonCNN — 

Governments owe an unprecedented $91 trillion, an amount almost equal to the size of the global economy and one that will ultimately exact a heavy toll on their populations.

Debt burdens have grown so large — in part because of the cost of the pandemic — that they now pose a growing threat to living standards even in rich economies, including the United States.

Yet, in a year of elections around the world, politicians are largely ignoring the problem, unwilling to level with voters about the tax increases and spending cuts needed to tackle the deluge of borrowing. In some cases, they’re even making profligate promises that could at the very least jack up inflation again and could even trigger a new financial crisis.

The International Monetary Fund last week reiterated its warning that “chronic fiscal deficits” in the US must be “urgently addressed.” Investors have long shared that disquiet about the long-term trajectory of the US government’s finances.

“(But) continuing deficits and a rising debt burden have (now) made that more of a medium-term concern,” Roger Hallam, global head of rates at Vanguard, one of the world’s largest asset managers, told CNN.

As debt burdens mount around the world, investors are growing anxious. In France, political turmoil has exacerbated concerns about the country’s debt, sending bond yields, or returns demanded by investors, soaring.

The first round of snap elections Sunday suggested that some of the market’s worst fears might not come to pass. But even without the specter of an immediate financial crisis, investors are demanding higher yields to buy the debt of many governments as shortfalls between spending and taxes balloon.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by JIM LO SCALZO/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock (11728221g)
The Federal Reserve building in Washington, DC, USA, 27 January 2021. The Federal Reserve meets on 27 January, and is expected to leave interest rates near zero.
Federal Reserve meets in Washington, DC, USA - 27 Jan 2021

RELATED ARTICLEMarkets are adjusting to stubborn inflation. Election noise could spoil the calm

Higher debt servicing costs mean less money available for crucial public services or for responding to crises such as financial meltdowns, pandemics or wars.

Since government bond yields are used to price other debt, such as mortgages, rising yields also mean higher borrowing costs for households and businesses, which hurt economic growth.

As interest rates rise, private investment falls and governments are less able to borrow to respond to economic downturns.

Tackling America’s debt problem will require either tax hikes or cuts to benefits, such as social security and health insurance programs, said Karen Dynan, former chief economist at the US Treasury and now professor at the Harvard Kennedy School. “Many (politicians) are not willing to talk about the hard choices that are going to need to be made. These are very serious decisions… and they could be very consequential for people’s lives.”

Kenneth Rogoff, an economics professor at Harvard University, agrees that the US and other countries will have to make painful adjustments.

Debt is “not free anymore,” he told CNN.

“In the 2010s, a lot of academics, policymakers and central bankers came to the view that interest rates were just going to be near zero forever and then they started thinking debt was a free lunch,” he said.

“That was always wrong-headed because you can think of government debt as holding a flexible-rate mortgage and, if the interest rates go up sharply, your interest payments go up a lot. And that’s exactly what’s happened all over the world.”

‘Conspiracy of silence’

In the United States, the federal government will spend $892 billion in the current fiscal year on interest payments — more than it has earmarked for defense and approaching the budget for Medicare, health insurance for older people and those with disabilities.

Next year, interest payments will top $1 trillion on national debt of more than $30 trillion, itself a sum roughly equal to the size of the US economy, according to the Congressional Budget Office, Congress’s fiscal watchdog.

The CBO sees US debt reaching 122% of GDP a mere 10 years from now. And in 2054, debt is forecast to hit 166% of GDP, slowing economic growth.

So how much debt is too much? Economists don’t think there is a “predetermined level at which bad things happen in markets,” but most reckon that if debt hits 150% or 180% of gross domestic product, that means “very serious costs for the economy and society more broadly,” said Dynan.

A statue of Alexander Hamilton is seen outside the U.S. Department of Treasury building as they joined other government financial institutions to bail out Silicon Valley Bank's account holders after it collapsed on March 13, 2023 in Washington, DC. U.S.

Despite growing alarm over the federal government’s debt pile, neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump, the main 2024 presidential candidates, are promising fiscal discipline ahead of the election.

During the first televised presidential debate last week, hosted by CNN, each candidate accused the other of making America’s debt situation worse, either through tax cuts by Trump or additional spending by Biden.

British politicians have also buried their heads in the sand ahead of a general election Thursday. The Institute for Fiscal Studies, an influential think tank, has decried a “conspiracy of silence” between the country’s two main political parties, over the poor state of public finances.

“Regardless of who takes office following the general election, they will — unless they get lucky — soon face a stark choice,” IFS director Paul Johnson said last week. “Raise taxes by more than they have told us in their manifestos, or implement cuts to some areas of spending, or borrow more and be content for debt to rise for longer.”

Countries trying to tackle the debt issue are struggling. In Germany, ongoing infighting over debt limits has put the country’s three-way governing coalition under enormous strain. The political standoff could come to a head this month.

In Kenya, blowback over attempts to address the country’s $80 billion debt burden has been much worse. Proposed tax hikes have sparked nationwide protests, which have claimed 39 lives, prompting President William Ruto to announce last week that he would not sign the proposals into law.

Enter the scary bond market

But the problem with putting off efforts to rein in debt is that it leaves governments vulnerable to far more painful disciplining by financial markets. The United Kingdom offers the most recent example in a major economy. Former Prime Minister Liz Truss triggered a collapse in the pound in 2022 when she tried to force through big tax cuts funded by increased borrowing.

This aerial view shows the La Defense business district and the Aillaud Towers of the Pablo Picasso area of Nanterre, north-west of Paris on July 11, 2023.

And the threat hasn’t gone away. Take France. The risk of a financial crisis there became a serious concern virtually overnight after President Emmanuel Macron called a snap election last month.

Investors were worried voters would elect a parliament of populists bent on spending more and cutting taxes, further swelling the country’s already-high debt and budget deficit.

Even though this worst-case scenario now looks less likely, what happens after next Sunday’s second round of voting is far from certain. Yields on French government bonds have continued creeping up, reaching their highest level in eight months Tuesday.

Dynan at the Harvard Kennedy School says financial markets can quickly become unnerved by “political dysfunction” that causes investors to doubt a government’s willingness to make good on its debt.

“We tend to have a lack of imagination about the scope for things going wrong. If there’s a big event in which the market freaks out about (US) debt, it’s not going to be something that was on our radar,” she said.


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Base Metals Breaking Precious Metals Silver Bullet Mines

Silver Bullet Proves up Silver in Zone1 with Successful Bulk Sample and Produces 334 ounces per ton (11,451.5 grams/tonne) Silver Concentrate

Burlington, Ontario–(Newsfile Corp. – December 11, 2023) – Silver Bullet Mines Corp. (TSXV: SBMI) (OTCQB: SBMCF) (‘SBMI’ or ‘the Company’) announced on December 8, 2023 it had begun processing a bulk sample of mixed mineralized material from Zone1 at the Buckeye Silver Mine.

SBMI is pleased to announce it has successfully completed processing that bulk sample of 40 tons (36.29 tonnes), in less time than expected. The purposes of processing the bulk sample were to confirm the high grade nature of Zone1 and its recovery rates, and to confirm the mill’s ability to process a large amount of material from Zone1. Processing was successful on all counts.

The concentrates averaged 24.2 ounces per ton (829.7 grams/tonne) silver. The high grade line on the shaker table (see photo below) assayed at 334 ounces per ton (11,451.5 grams/tonne) recovered and to the field team’s visual observations showed native silver.

Silver mineralization on shaker table Dec 10, 2023

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“The entire team is encouraged by these results and by the mill proving its ability to process Zone1 material. This marks a significant advancement in Silver Bullet Mines’ journey towards reaching our next milestone: full production,” said John Carter.

The next step in the milling process for this material is magnetic separation of the concentrates to remove the iron and any associated PGMs it may contain. Those will be stored to be reviewed at a later time. Then the silver dore bars will be poured. SBMI expects those bars to be poured and ready for shipping in the near future.

Processing the material from Zone1 required simple adjustments to be made to the mill due to the higher grade material. The design of the mill allowed for these adjustments to be easily made.

The Company interprets these and the prior disclosed results as proving up the higher grade silver from Zone1. SBMI plans to now commence processing Zone1 materials on a larger scale.

SBMI will continue to stockpile material from Zone1 at the minesite. This material will be trucked to the mill as trucks are available.

Mining continues in Zone1 at the Buckeye Silver Mine where the vein is approximately 20 feet wide. Water has been noted in recent drill holes, which could indicate a contact zone which could alter the grade of the silver.

“This is the best material I have seen yet and I believe it is because we are in the outer zone of the historic targets that were drilled into back in 1969,” said Ron Murphy, SBMI’s Vice President, Mining.


The material from the Buckeye Silver Mine is assayed at multiple stages of the process. The assay results will provide input as to any adjustments that may be necessary to improve production efficiencies and grade.

Channel samples and grab samples are taken after each blast, to be processed at the Company’s production assay lab located at the mill. In accordance with best practices, multiple assays have been and should continue to be sent to third party ISO-accredited labs for multielement analysis including precious metals and PGMs. Readers are cautioned that these samples may not be representative of the Buckeye Mine as a whole, and not all assay results will be disclosed.

All samples above were analyzed by SBMI at its facility near Globe, Arizona. They were processed through the Lab Jaw Crusher, Lab Hammer Mill and Splitter Box into an aliquot. Most of the pulverized aliquot was mixed with a flux and flour combination and melted in a crucible at 1,850 degree Fahrenheit, with the remainder being logged and archived. Upon cooling, the poured melt was in the form of a metal button and slag, following which a bone ash cupel was utilized to eliminate the lead in the button to form a bead. The bead was then weighed, following which a solution of 6 to 1 distilled water to nitric acid was utilized to dissolve the silver in the bead at approximately 175 degrees Fahrenheit. A much more detailed description of the process and a picture of the assay lab can be found at

Mr. Robert G. Komarechka, P.Geo., an independent consultant, has reviewed and verified SBMI’s work referred to herein, and is the Qualified Person for this release.

For further information, please contact:

John Carter
Silver Bullet Mines Corp., CEO
+1 (905) 302-3843

Peter M. Clausi
Silver Bullet Mines Corp., VP Capital Markets
+1 (416) 890-1232

Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains certain statements that constitute forward-looking statements as they relate to SBMI and its subsidiaries. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts but represent management’s current expectation of future events, and can be identified by words such as “believe”, “expects”, “will”, “intends”, “plans”, “projects”, “anticipates”, “estimates”, “continues” and similar expressions. Although management believes that the expectations represented in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that they will prove to be correct.

By their nature, forward-looking statements include assumptions, and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that could cause actual future results, conditions, actions or events to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. If and when forward-looking statements are set out in this new release, SBMI will also set out the material risk factors or assumptions used to develop the forward-looking statements. Except as expressly required by applicable securities laws, SBMI assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements. The future outcomes that relate to forward-looking statements may be influenced by many factors, including but not limited to: the impact of SARS CoV-2 or any other global virus; reliance on key personnel; the thoroughness of its QA/QA procedures; the continuity of the global supply chain for materials for SBMI to use in the production and processing of ore; shareholder and regulatory approvals; activities and attitudes of communities local to the location of the SBMI’s properties; risks of future legal proceedings; income tax matters; fires, floods and other natural phenomena; the rate of inflation; availability and terms of financing; distribution of securities; commodities pricing; currency movements, especially as between the USD and CDN; effect of market interest rates on price of securities; and, potential dilution. SARS CoV-2 and other potential global pathogens create risks that at this time are immeasurable and impossible to define.

To view the source version of this press release, please visit

Blog Breaking Junior Mining

Top 10 mining podcasts to follow in 2023

Original Source:

For those wanting to learn more about mining and exploration from experts all across the field.

10. Behind the Scenes with Bryan

This podcast typically centres around the field of engineering and frequently explores topics related to mining, with a particular focus on issues such as mining waste management, geoscience, data management, and touches on ESG aspects such as women in mining.

The host, Bryan Ulrich, has over thirty years of experience in the field of engineering, project management, design, construction, analysis, and site investigation related to mining work, and has worked on a multitude of plant-site projects throughout his career.

9. Deep Insights with Mining Review Africa

Hosted by Laura Cornish, the editor-in-chief of Mining Review Africa, the podcast features interviews with industry experts, mining executives, and other key stakeholders who discuss a range of topics related to the African mining industry.

Reaching an audience of over 50 000 influential mining authorities and key decision makers through a variety of channels, the podcast talks about everything from sustainable development across the mining sector in Africa through articles on project developments and the technology and financial models that drive them.

The podcast has an audience over 50,000 key stakeholders in the industry

8. Mining Minds

Mining Minds is a podcast that focuses on the mining industry in Canada, specifically in the province of Ontario. The podcast is produced by the Ontario Mining Association, a trade organisation that represents the mining industry in the province.

Drawing on their own experiences, the hosts take listeners on a journey through the lives of miners, the communities and companies that sustain them, and the unique lifestyles they embrace. The podcast will explore the vital role mining plays in our world while emphasising the crucial need for responsible mining practices that safeguard our environment and secure our future.

7. Exploration Radio

Hosted by a panel of industry experts, Exploration Radio is a podcast that focuses on the exploration of natural resources, including minerals, oil, and gas, the podcast is produced by a team of geoscientists and mining professionals who are passionate about exploration and the discovery of new resources. 

Hosts talk to explorers about the challenges they have faced, what we stand to learn from them and how we can better prepare for the future.

6. Full Production with Peter Finn

Full Production with Peter Finn is a podcast that focuses on the mining industry in Australia. The podcast is produced by Newton Consulting, a consulting firm that specialises in the mining industry.

The podcast features interviews with industry experts, mining executives, and other key stakeholders who discuss a range of topics related to the Australian mining industry.

5. Network – Women in Mining South Africa

Covering everything from the importance of mentorship for women in mining to learning how to navigate male-dominated environments, the Women in Mining South Africa podcast supports the empowerment of women in the sector. The podcast features conversations with women who are leaders, entrepreneurs, professionals, and pioneers in the mining industry. Through their stories, listeners can gain insights into the challenges and opportunities that women face in the mining sector, and learn about the strategies and initiatives that are helping to promote gender equality and diversity in the industry.

WiMSA creates an empowering network to inspire, support, and develop the progression of women working in the South African mining industry

4. On the Rocks

Emily King, who is the Founder of Prospector, a geologist, and the Chief Innovation Officer for Analog Gold, hosts a podcast where she interviews special guests about the current state and the future of the mining industry.

The conversations take place over cocktails, and topics covered include space mining, deep sea mining, artificial intelligence, the state of the market, and tales of exploring remote mountains.

3. Proven and Probable 

This US-based mining podcast, Proven and Probable, has been running since 2016 and has released hundreds of episodes, covering topics from gold and silver mining to battery metals and uranium.

The podcast is hosted by Maurice Jackson, who is a mining industry expert and the founder of Proven and Probable, a mining and exploration company.

Episodes cover a wide range of topics, including exploration techniques, mining methods, mineral economics, and investing strategies. Guests on the show share their experiences and expertise in these areas, and also provide their perspectives on current events and trends in the industry.

2. The Northern Miner Podcast

The Northern Miner is a pioneering podcast in the mining industry, with a legacy of over 100 years in serving mining and exploration professionals. The podcast is powered by crucial reports produced by the expert writing staff of The Northern Miner, which help inform the decision-making process of thousands of high-performing mining professionals worldwide.

Episodes of the podcast often cover news and events from around the world, including developments in mining hotspots such as Canada, Australia, and South America. Listeners can expect to hear discussions on topics such as new mining projects, mergers and acquisitions, commodity prices, and regulatory changes that impact the industry.

1. Dig Deep: The Mining Podcast

Coming in at number 1 is the Dig Deep Podcast. Episodes provide listeners with valuable information about the mining industry and how it is evolving, also highlighting emerging technologies and mining methods, as well as the impact of global events on the industry.

Hosted by Rob Tyson, mining head-hunter and founder and director of Mining International Ltd, the podcast features interviews with mining professionals, including geologists, mining executives, investors, and analysts, who share their insights and perspectives on the latest industry news and trends.

One of the unique features of the Dig Deep podcast is its focus on safety in the mining industry. The podcast often discusses safety initiatives and strategies, and provides insights into how mining companies are working to create safer working environments for their employees.


Breaking Junior Mining Lion One Metals Precious Metals

Lion One Pours First Gold at Tuvatu Mine in Fiji

North Vancouver, British Columbia–(Newsfile Corp. – October 10, 2023) – Lion One Metals Limited (TSXV: LIO) (OTCQX: LOMLF) (ASX: LLO) (“Lion One” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the company has poured first gold at its 100% owned Tuvatu Alkaline Gold Project in Fiji.

Construction of the Tuvatu Mine has been completed ahead of schedule. Mill construction began in August 2022 and commissioning began in September 2023. The mill is expected to ramp up to 300 TPD by the end of October 2023, expanding further to 500 TPD in mid-2024. The first gold pour coincided with Fiji Day on October 10th, 2023. A ceremonial first gold pour was conducted on site with over 900 members of local communities, businesses, employees, and government officials in attendance, including the Honourable Maciu Nalusima, Acting Minister for Mineral Resources for Fiji, who officiated the gold pour ceremony on behalf of Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka of Fiji.

Figure 1. Lion One Metal’s First Gold Pour at the Tuvatu Mine in Fiji. On the right of the photo are Lion One Metals’ Process Operations Manager David Towle, Lion One Metals Chairman and CEO Wally Berukoff, and the Honourable Maciu Nalusima, Acting Minister for Mineral Resources for Fiji.

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

Lion One Chairman and CEO, Walter Berukoff, commented: “The first gold pour at Tuvatu is a landmark event in the history of our company. We have successfully transitioned from explorer to producer and have delivered on our promise to build the South Pacific’s newest gold mine in the heart of Fiji.

“Congratulations to the Lion One team for achieving this significant milestone. We thank our employees, contractors, local landowners and community members for their hard work and dedication. Completing construction ahead of schedule is a testament to the strength of their efforts and to the resilience of the Fijian spirit. We also thank our loyal shareholders for their continued support. This marks the beginning of our next phase of growth as we look forward to ramping up to commercial production at Tuvatu and to advancing our many other top-quality prospects throughout the Navilawa Caldera.”

The Honourable Maciu Nalusima, Acting Minister for Mineral Resources for Fiji, stated that “the future looks good for Tuvatu; the best is yet to come.”

Figure 2. Photos from the Gold Pour Ceremony. Top left: Lion One Metals CEO Wally Berukoff and the Honourable Maciu Nalusima receiving traditional flower garlands. Top middle: Lion One Metals COO Patrick Hickey giving a speech. Top right: Lion One Metals employees below the Fiji flag. Bottom left and middle: members of local communities and businesses in attendance at the gold pour ceremony. Bottom right: Lion One Metals CEO Wally Berukoff and the Honourable Maciu Nalusima on site at Tuvatu.

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

Additional photos and videos of the gold pour ceremony will be available on the Lion One Metals website at

About Lion One Metals Limited

Lion One’s flagship asset is 100% owned, fully permitted high grade Tuvatu Alkaline Gold Project, located on the island of Viti Levu in Fiji. Lion One envisions a low-cost high-grade underground gold mining operation at Tuvatu coupled with exciting exploration upside inside its tenements covering the entire Navilawa Caldera, an underexplored yet highly prospective 7km diameter alkaline gold system. Lion One’s CEO Walter Berukoff leads an experienced team of explorers and mine builders and has owned or operated over 20 mines in 7 countries. As the founder and former CEO of Miramar Mines, Northern Orion, and La Mancha Resources, Walter is credited with building over $3 billion of value for shareholders.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of
Lion One Metals Limited
Walter Berukoff“, Chairman and CEO

Contact Investor Relations
Toll Free (North America) Tel: 1-855-805-1250

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release

This press release may contain statements that may be deemed to be “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein are forward-looking information. Generally, forward-looking information may be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “plans”, “expects” or “does not expect”, “proposed”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates” or “does not anticipate”, or “believes”, or variations of such words and phrases, or by the use of words or phrases which state that certain actions, events or results may, could, would, or might occur or be achieved. This forward-looking information reflects Lion One Metals Limited’s current beliefs and is based on information currently available to Lion One Metals Limited and on assumptions Lion One Metals Limited believes are reasonable. These assumptions include, but are not limited to, the actual results of exploration projects being equivalent to or better than estimated results in technical reports, assessment reports, and other geological reports or prior exploration results. Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Lion One Metals Limited or its subsidiaries to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Such risks and other factors may include, but are not limited to: the stage development of Lion One Metals Limited, general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; the actual results of current research and development or operational activities; competition; uncertainty as to patent applications and intellectual property rights; product liability and lack of insurance; delay or failure to receive board or regulatory approvals; changes in legislation, including environmental legislation, affecting mining, timing and availability of external financing on acceptable terms; not realizing on the potential benefits of technology; conclusions of economic evaluations; and lack of qualified, skilled labour or loss of key individuals. Although Lion One Metals Limited has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Lion One Metals Limited does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

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Base Metals Breaking Emx Royalty Energy Junior Mining Precious Metals Project Generators

EMX Receives Initial Royalty Payment from Zijin

Vancouver, British Columbia–(Newsfile Corp. – September 12, 2023) – EMX Royalty Corporation (NYSE American: EMX) (TSXV: EMX) (FSE: 6E9) (the “Company” or “EMX”) is pleased to announce the receipt of $6,675,947 in royalty proceeds from its Timok royalty property with Zijin (Europe) International Mining Company Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Zijin Mining Group Ltd (“Zijin”). EMX and Zijin recently agreed to an amended and restated royalty agreement that covers Zijin’s Brestovac exploration permit area (including the active Cukaru Peki copper and gold mine), as well as portions of Zijin’s Jasikovo-Durlan Potok exploration license (see EMX News Release dated September 5, 2023). EMX now owns a 0.3625% Net Smelter Return (“NSR”) royalty that is uncapped and cannot be repurchased or reduced.

The approximately $6.68 million royalty payment consisted of $1.59 million from July-December, 2021, payments of $3.20 million from the calendar year 2022, and $1.89 million for the period of January-June, 2023.

Various news media reports recently highlighted Zijin’s planned expansion of the Cukaru Peki operation. As reported by Bloomberg News on August 28, 2023, Branko Rakocevic, Assistant General Manager at Serbia Zijin Mining d.o.o. Bor, commented: “These are vast reserves, which require additional infrastructure, additional investment of around $3.5 to $3.8 billion.” This would represent a substantial further investment in the Cukaru Peki project. Zijin is currently producing copper and gold from the Upper Zone deposit at Cukaru Peki, while concurrently developing the Lower Zone porphyry copper and gold deposit.

The Cukaru Peki deposits and operations are summarized in Zijin’s annual reports and in various Zijin disclosures. An NI-43-101 technical report for the Timok royalty was filed by EMX on SEDAR on March 31, 2022.

Dr. Eric P. Jensen, CPG, a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and employee of the Company, has reviewed, verified and approved the disclosure of the technical information contained in this news release.

About EMX. EMX is a precious, base and battery metals royalty company. EMX’s investors are provided with discovery, development, and commodity price optionality, while limiting exposure to risks inherent to operating companies. The Company’s common shares are listed on the NYSE American Exchange and the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol EMX, and also trade on the Frankfurt exchange under the symbol “6E9”. Please see for more information.

For further information contact:

David M. Cole
President and Chief Executive Officer
Phone: (303) 973-8585

Scott Close
Director of Investor Relations
Phone: (303) 973-8585

Isabel Belger
Investor Relations (Europe)
Phone: +49 178 4909039

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may contain “forward-looking statements” that reflect the Company’s current expectations and projections about its future results. These forward-looking statements may include statements regarding perceived merit of properties, exploration results and budgets, mineral reserve and resource estimates, work programs, capital expenditures, timelines, strategic plans, market prices for precious and base metal, or other statements that are not statements of fact. When used in this news release, words such as “estimate,” “intend,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “will”, “believe”, “potential” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, which, by their very nature, are not guarantees of the Company’s future operational or financial performance, and are subject to risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause the Company’s actual results, performance, prospects or opportunities to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and factors may include, but are not limited to: unavailability of financing, failure to identify commercially viable mineral reserves, fluctuations in the market valuation for commodities, difficulties in obtaining required approvals for the development of a mineral project, increased regulatory compliance costs, expectations of project funding by joint venture partners and other factors.

Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this news release or as of the date otherwise specifically indicated herein. Due to risks and uncertainties, including the risks and uncertainties identified in this news release, and other risk factors and forward-looking statements listed in the Company’s MD&A for the quarter ended June 30, 2023 (the “MD&A”), and the most recently filed Revised Annual Information Form (the “AIF”) for the year ended December 31, 2022, actual events may differ materially from current expectations. More information about the Company, including the MD&A, the AIF and financial statements of the Company, is available on SEDAR at and on the SEC’s EDGAR website at

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The American banking landscape is on the cusp of a seismic shift. Expect more pain to come


  • Rising interest rates, losses on commercial real estate and heightened regulatory scrutiny will pressure regional and midsized banks, leading to a wave of mergers, sources told CNBC.
  • Some of those pressures will be visible as regional banks disclose second-quarter results this month. Firms including Zions and KeyCorp already have warned of sinking revenues.
  • Half the country’s banks will likely be swallowed by competitors in the next decade, according to Fitch analyst Chris Wolfe.
  • “Some of these banks will survive by being the buyer rather than the target,” said incoming Lazard CEO Peter Orszag. “We could see over time fewer, larger regionals.”

The whirlwind weekend in late April that saw the country’s biggest bank take over its most troubled regional lender marked the end of one wave of problems — and the start of another.

After emerging with the winning bid for First Republic, a lender to rich coastal families that had $229 billion in assets, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon delivered the soothing words craved by investors after weeks of stomach-churning volatility: “This part of the crisis is over.”

But even as the dust settles from a string of government seizures of failed midsized banks, the forces that sparked the regional banking crisis in March are still at play.

Rising interest rates will deepen losses on securities held by banks and motivate savers to pull cash from accounts, squeezing the main way these companies make money. Losses on commercial real estate and other loans have just begun to register for banks, further shrinking their bottom lines. Regulators will turn their sights on midsized institutions after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank exposed supervisory lapses.  

What is coming will likely be the most significant shift in the American banking landscape since the 2008 financial crisis. Many of the country’s 4,672 lenders will be forced into the arms of stronger banks over the next few years, either by market forces or regulators, according to a dozen executives, advisors and investment bankers who spoke with CNBC.

“You’re going to have a massive wave of M&A among smaller banks because they need to get bigger,” said the co-president of a top six U.S. bank who declined to be identified speaking candidly about industry consolidation. “We’re the only country in the world that has this many banks.”

How’d we get here?

To understand the roots of the regional bank crisis, it helps to look back to the turmoil of 2008, caused by irresponsible lending that fueled a housing bubble whose collapse nearly toppled the global economy.

The aftermath of that earlier crisis brought scrutiny on the world’s biggest banks, which needed bailouts to avert disaster. As a result, it was ultimately institutions with $250 billion or more in assets that saw the most changes, including annual stress tests and stiffer rules governing how much loss-absorbing capital they had to keep on their balance sheets.

Non-giant banks, meanwhile, were viewed as safer and skirted by with less federal oversight. In the years after 2008, regional and small banks often traded for a premium to their bigger peers, and banks that showed steady growth by catering to wealthy homeowners or startup investors, like First Republic and SVB, were rewarded with rising stock prices. But while they were less complex than the giant banks, they were not necessarily less risky.

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The sudden collapse of SVB in March showed how quickly a bank could unravel, dispelling one of the core assumptions of the industry: the so-called stickiness of deposits. Low interest rates and bond-purchasing programs that defined the post-2008 years flooded banks with a cheap source of funding and lulled depositors into leaving cash parked at accounts that paid negligible rates.

“For at least 15 years, banks have been awash in deposits and with low rates, it cost them nothing,” said Brian Graham, a banking veteran and co-founder of advisory firm Klaros Group. “That’s clearly changed.”

‘Under stress’

After 10 straight rate hikes and with banks making headline news again this year, depositors have moved funds in search of higher yields or greater perceived safety. Now it’s the too-big-to-fail banks, with their implicit government backstop, that are seen as the safest places to park money. Big bank stocks have outperformed regionals. JPMorgan shares are up 7.6% this year, while the KBW Regional Banking Index is down more than 20%.

That illustrates one of the lessons of March’s tumult. Online tools have made moving money easier, and social media platforms have led to coordinated fears over lenders. Deposits that in the past were considered “sticky,” or unlikely to move, have suddenly become slippery. The industry’s funding is more expensive as a result, especially for smaller banks with a higher percentage of uninsured deposits. But even the megabanks have been forced to pay higher rates to retain deposits.

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Some of those pressures will be visible as regional banks disclose second-quarter results this month. Banks including Zions and KeyCorp told investors last month that interest revenue was coming in lower than expected, and Deutsche Bank analyst Matt O’Connor warned that regional banks may begin slashing dividend payouts.

JPMorgan kicks off bank earnings Friday.

“The fundamental issue with the regional banking system is the underlying business model is under stress,” said incoming Lazard CEO Peter Orszag. “Some of these banks will survive by being the buyer rather than the target. We could see over time fewer, larger regionals.”

Walking wounded

Compounding the industry’s dilemma is the expectation that regulators will tighten oversight of banks, particularly those in the $100 billion to $250 billion asset range, which is where First Republic and SVB slotted.

“There’s going to be a lot more costs coming down the pipe that’s going to depress returns and pressure earnings,” said Chris Wolfe, a Fitch banking analyst who previously worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

“Higher fixed costs require greater scale, whether you’re in steel manufacturing or banking,” he said. “The incentives for banks to get bigger have just gone up materially.”

Half of the country’s banks will likely be swallowed by competitors in the next decade, said Wolfe.

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While SVB and First Republic saw the greatest exodus of deposits in March, other banks were wounded in that chaotic period, according to a top investment banker who advises financial institutions. Most banks saw a drop in first-quarter deposits below about 10%, but those that lost more than that may be troubled, the banker said.

“If you happen to be one of the banks that lost 10% to 20% of deposits, you’ve got problems,” said the banker, who declined to be identified speaking about potential clients. “You’ve got to either go raise capital and bleed your balance sheet or you’ve got to sell yourself” to alleviate the pressure.

A third option is to simply wait until the bonds that are underwater eventually mature and roll off banks’ balance sheets – or until falling interest rates ease the losses.

But that could take years to play out, and it exposes banks to the risk that something else goes wrong, such as rising defaults on office loans. That could put some banks into a precarious position of not having enough capital.

‘False calm’

In the meantime, banks are already seeking to unload assets and businesses to boost capital, according to another veteran financials banker and former Goldman Sachs partner. They are weighing sales of payments, asset management and fintech operations, this banker said.

“A fair number of them are looking at their balance sheet and trying to figure out, `What do I have that I can sell and get an attractive price for?'” the banker said.

Banks are in a bind, however, because the market isn’t open for fresh sales of lenders’ stock, despite their depressed valuations, according to Lazard’s Orszag. Institutional investors are staying away because further rate increases could cause another leg down for the sector, he said.

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Orszag referred to the last few weeks as a “false calm” that could be shattered when banks post second-quarter results. The industry still faces the risk that the negative feedback loop of falling stock prices and deposit runs could return, he said.

“All you need is one or two banks to say, ‘Deposits are down another 20%’ and all of a sudden, you will be back to similar scenarios,” Orszag said. “Pounding on equity prices, which then feeds into deposit flight, which then feeds back on the equity prices.”

Deals on the horizon

It will take perhaps a year or longer for mergers to ramp up, multiple bankers said. That’s because acquirers would absorb hits to their own capital when taking over competitors with underwater bonds. Executives are also looking for the “all clear” signal from regulators on consolidation after several deals have been scuttled in recent years.

While Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has signaled an openness to bank mergers, recent remarks from the Justice Department indicate greater deal scrutiny on antitrust concerns, and influential lawmakers including Sen. Elizabeth Warren oppose more banking consolidation.

When the logjam does break, deals will likely cluster in several brackets as banks seek to optimize their size in the new regime.

Banks that once benefited from being below $250 billion in assets may find those advantages gone, leading to more deals among midsized lenders. Other deals will create bulked-up entities below the $100 billion and $10 billion asset levels, which are likely regulatory thresholds, according to Klaros co-founder Graham.

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Bigger banks have more resources to adhere to coming regulations and consumers’ technology demands, advantages that have helped financial giants including JPMorgan steadily grow earnings despite higher capital requirements. Still, the process isn’t likely to be a comfortable one for sellers.

But distress for one bank means opportunity for another. Amalgamated Bank, a New York-based institution with $7.8 billion in assets that caters to unions and nonprofits, will consider acquisitions after its stock price recovers, according to CFO Jason Darby.

“Once our currency returns to a place where we feel it’s more appropriate, we’ll take a look at our ability to roll up,” Darby said. “I do think you’ll see more and more banks raising their hands and saying, `We’re looking for strategic partners’ as the future unfolds.”

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