Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals

(Interview) Why is Great Bear Resources up over 400% in One Year

Great Bear Resources


In this exclusive interview, Chris Taylor of Great Bear Resources sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss the value proposition of the Dixie Gold Project located in Red Lake District. Find out why Great Bear Resources is up 400% in one year!

Contact Great Bear Resources:
Phone : 604-646-8354


Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining

(Interview) Granite Creek Copper | High-Grade, Brownfields Copper Exploration in Yukon’s Minto Copper District

Granite Creek Copper


In this exclusive interview, Tim Johnson the President, Director, and CEO of Granite Creek Copper, which is part of the Metallic Group of Companies sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss the value proposition of the Stu Copper Project located in the prolific Minto Copper District. Granite Creek Copper is focused on high-grade brownfields copper exploration nestled between the Minto Mine and Carmacks Deposit.

Contact Granite Creek Copper:
Phone : 604-235-1982



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Base Metals Blog Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals Project Generators

EMX Royalty Provides an Update on the Queensland Gold Project in Australia

EMX Royalty 


has just released an important update for shareholders regarding the Queensland Gold Project located in Australia.  We are on record for stating that we will be matching our bullion purchases this year with shares in EMX Royalty.  We are of the opinion that EMX Royalty’s stock has a good probability for melt up!  For more information on EMX Royalty contact:

Investor Relations

Mr. Scott S. Close
10001 W. Titan Road
Littleton, CO, USA 80125
Phone: +1 (303) 973-8585

Press Release

Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Precious Metals

Bob Moriarty – Global Reset, Metals, Miners

In this exclusive interview, Bob Moriarty the founder of 321 Gold and 321 Energy, sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss a whole range of topics that are of value rich content!  Bob and I will discuss address the student debt crisis, politics, global financial crisis, global reset, precious metals, and junior mining companies.  Click below and join the conversation!

Contact me, Maurice Jackson, before you make your next physical precious metals purchase at 855.505.1900 or email


Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals

Labrador Gold – Exploring for District Scale in Greenstone Belts



In this exclusive interview, Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable sits down with Dr. Roger Moss the CEO of Labrador Gold discuss the value proposition on their flagship Hopedale Gold Project located in Labrador, Canada. This is the most comprehensive interview to date on Labrador Gold. Exploration has already outlined district scale gold on two projects, including over a 40 kilometre strike length of the Florence Lake greenstone belt, one of two greenstone belts covered by the Hopedale Project.
Contact Details for Labrador Gold:
Telephone: 416.704.8291


Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals

Tristar Gold Project in Brazil Offers ‘Simplicity and Potential Scale’

Tristar Gold (TSX.V: TSG)

In this exclusive interview, Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable sits down with Nick Appleyard the CEO of Tristar Gold discuss the value proposition on their flagship Castelo De Sonhos Gold Project located in Para State, Brazil. This is the most comprehensive interview to date on Tristar Gold. Castelo de Sonhos offers simplicity and potential scale for speculators.
For Direct Inquiries on Tristar Gold:
Telephone: +1-480-794-1244


Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals Project Generators

VIDEO | Mickey Fulp – These Metals Have My Attention

In this exclusive interview Mickey Fulp the Mercenary Geologist sits down with Maurice Jackson the founder of Proven and Probable to discuss a wide range of topics from Precious Metals to Base Metals and best value propositions available for you the speculator.

Before you make your next precious metals purchase, call me at 855.505.1900 or email


Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals Project Generators

Riverside Expands Into Canada Staking New High-Grade Gold Project

Riverside Resources (TSX.V: RRI | OTCQB: RVSDF)

In this exclusive interview Dr. John-Mark Staude and Freeman Smith of Riverside Resource sit down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to share some exciting news regarding the Oakes Project located in Ontario, Canada. Mr. Smith, VP of Exploration is spearheading exploration on the Oakes and has some intriguing results to share, as well as Joint Venture possibilities. Riverside Resources is has remained committed to the 5 C’s on their strategic plans for 2019!


Proven and Probable

Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals Project Generators

Royalty Company Focuses on Project Generation

David Cole, the CEO of EMX Royalty (TSX.V: EMX | NYSE: EMX) sits down with Proven and Probable to discuss recent strategic moves the company is conducting to expand the profitability of their Property Bank. EMX Royalty is cash rich, zero debt, and has proven pedigree of success in accretive growth in royalty generation, royalty acquisition, and strategic investments through the project generation business model. Find out why are matching our purchases in physical precious metals with shares in EMX Royalty for 2019!

Investor Relations
Mr. Scott S. Close
10001 W. Titan Road
Littleton, CO, USA 80125
Phone: +1 (303) 973-8585


Sprott Symposium, Proven and Probable

Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals

The Third World Is Imploding: An Argument for Investment in Gold

Jayant Bhandari the founder of Capitalism and Morality sits down with Maurice Jackson to discuss the implosion of third world countries, precious metals, junior mining speculations, and philosophy.  Mr. Bhandari is one of the most respected names in the natural resources space and pulls no punches as he conveys his views.


Proven and Probable, Capitalism and Morality