Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals Project Generators

Explorer Announces First Completed Drill Hole Adjacent to a 10,000,000 Oz Gold Resource

Millrock Resources (TSX.V: MRO | OTCQB: MLRKF)


Gregory Beischer the CEO of Millrock Resources sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to provide an update for shareholders on the first completed drill hole on the promising 64N Gold Project, formerly known as the West Pogo, located in the prolific Tintina Gold Province of Alaska. Mr. Beischer will first provide an update on current operations be placed on hold due the coronavirus, and share how the company will continue to increase shareholder value while operations have be halted. Viewers will see actual drill core from the fist hole on the Aurora Targets and they look quite compelling. The Aurora Targets adjacent to the Northern Star Resources Pogo Mine, which has 10+ ources of gold in resources and reserves. This is quite an intriguing value proposition as for Millrock shareholders.
Mr. Beischer stated: “We saw an abundance of Quartz veins transecting the rocks, there was strong wall rock alteration around those veins and best of all there was obvious sulfide mineralization, pyrite, arsenal pyrite, and in one case a little bit of Bismuthanite and all three of those elements are excellent indicators of gold in the general region”.


Investor Relations Direct: 604-638-3164 Toll Free: 877-217-8978 Email:

Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Project Generators

Find Out Why this Uranium Junior Mining Company Has a Distinctive Competitive Advantage

Skyharbour Resources (TSX.V: SYH | OTCQB: SYHBF)


Jordan Trimble the CEO of Skyhabour Resources sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss a number of catalyst’s that are emerging in the uranium sector that look to benefit shareholders of Skyharbour Resources.

Mr. Trimble will provide a thorough comprehensive interview of the distinct competitive advantage of Skyharbour’s dual prong approach as an uranium exploration company and prospect generator.

Skyharbour Resources has active drill programs on the Preston, East Preston, and Moore Lake Projects respectively. The Preston is a dual effort program with JV partner Orano, the East Preston with JV partner Azincourt, while the flagship Moore Lake Project is being conducted solely by Skyharbour Resources.

We will be introduced to the new addition to the Board the Board of Directors Mr. Joseph Gallucci and find out what valuable skill sets he brings to shareholders.

Then we will shift our focus on the supply and demand on uranium which provide a multitude of catalysts for uranium and equally Skyharbour Resources.

For investor questions please call: Simon Dyakowski or Jordan Trimble Telephone: 604-639-3855 or 604-639-3856 Toll Free: 1-800-567-8181 Fax: 604-687-3119 Email:

Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Oil & Gas Precious Metals

Mickey Fulp | We Need to be Paying Attention to This!

The Mercenary Geologist


Mickey Fulp the Mercenary Geologist sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss the pernicious erosion of the Bill of Rights as both federal government and municipalities expand their footprint through their social and economic responses to the Wuhan Flu. We will discuss the euphemism’s to Marital Law such as social distancing, self-isolation,shelter in place, and the impacts they are having on our liberties. Mickey will convey the duplicitous economic policy response by the Federal Reserve and Congress on trade, demand and supply ramifications, and the debasement of our currency. We conclude our discussion with a buying opportunity that Mr. Fulp views as the ultimate financial insurance during these unprecedented times.

Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining

DNI Metals | Status on Trading, Fraud Trial, and Permits



Dan Weir of DNI Metals sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to provide shareholders updates on when trading will commence on the Canadian Stock Exchange, judicial matters, and permitting. DNI Metals is striving to become one of the world’s leading graphite producers. DNI Metals is listed on the Canadian Stock Exchange and is will provide an update on when trading will resume. Mr. Weir will provide an update regarding the termination of a former employee, whom they took to court accused of falsifying documents which compromised DNI’s ability to procure their environmental permits, which would allow them to go into production. Finally, Dan will provide shareholders an update on the final approval for the environmental permits.

Contact DNI Metals:

Dan Weir | | 412.720.0754

Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals Project Generators

Jayant Bhandari | Hysteria Creates Opportunity


Jayant Bhandari the founder of Capitalism and Morality sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss the coronavirus and its global impact. Jayant will discuss the inefficiency of government and his thoughts on who is to blame for the virus. We will cover Africa, The Middle Ease, India, and the Far East. Mr. Bhandari will share which junior mining companies have his attention. We will then discuss the merits of owning precious metals, in particular gold and silver, during these unprecedented times. Finally, we will discuss the critical role of reasoning, liberty, argumentation, and philosophy. Great insights from one the most respected names in the natural resource space.

Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Oil & Gas Precious Metals Project Generators

Rick Rule | The Perfect Contrarian Metal


Rick Rule of Sprott USA sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to outline his portfolio crisis response to ongoing financial crisis, and provides some considerations for your investment portfolio. We will address a number of issues ranging from the FED, Treasuries, currency creation, currency devaluation, and value propositions in the natural resource space and physical precious metals. You might be surprised as to which precious metal has Rick Rule’s attention at the moment!

Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals Top Bar

Find Out Why Rio Tinto just entered into a $45,000,000 Earn-in Agreement with this Explorer

Calibre Mining (TSX: CXB | OTC: CXBMF)


In this exclusive interview, Ryan King the VP for Corporate Development and Investor Relations for Calibre Mining shares the value proposition the company presents to the Market. Calibre Mining is a multi-asset gold producer focused on execution and building sustainable value for our shareholders, communities we operate in, and all stakeholders. The company has completed a series of successive accretive transactions for their shareholders which we will address throughout the interview.
First, we will discuss the $45 Million Dollar Earn-In Agreement with Rio Tinto on Calibre’s Borosi Projects which host both gold-silver and copper-gold resources in two areas as well as multiple lesser explored copper-gold skarns, low-sulphidation epithermal gold-silver vein systems and bulk tonnage copper-gold porphyry targets. Second, we will discuss B2Gold And Calibre Mining joininig forces in Nicaragua on the El Limon and La Libertad Gold Mines in addition to completed a CDN$100 Million Equity Financing. Finally, we discuss the expansive, ambitious 40,000 Metre diamond core drilling exploration program that Calibre will be embarking upon on the aforementioned El Limon and La Libertad gold mines. Discover why the value proposition of Calibre Mining is extremely compelling!

Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals

Currency Lets Them Take Your Work; Money Saves It | Maurice Jackson

Dunagun Kaiser, invited us to be his program and shared the following with his subscribers: First-time guest Maurice Jackson, founder and host of, joins Liberty and Finance to explain why it’s vitally important to never think of the US Dollar as “money.” Jackson shares his relatable journey from becoming a “Silver Bug” to an aficionado of all precious metals, and how that led him to form close relationships with metals mining companies, and finally to get into direct bullion sales to his clients!

The following interview was conducted on Liberty & Finance via ​

Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Oil & Gas Precious Metals Project Generators

Significant Size, Grade, Returns


Steve Todoruk of Sprott USA, and the 2019 Pezim Award winner sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss the Significant New Discoveries and the impact on your portfolio. Mr. Todoruk has a proven pedigree of identifying promising new discovery plays for gold miners time and time again. His unique insights and deep understanding of the mechanics driving the sector make the interview an invaluable source for junior gold miners and investors alike. Mr. Todoruk conveys some of the unique, qualitative criteria for identifying new gold deposits, building new mines, and spotting promising gold miners and mining companies worth investing in. His in-depth overview of the industry and major mining companies participating made him one of the most highly regarded, sought out investments minds in the space.