Joining us for a conversation is Morgan Lekstrom the CEO of Silver Hammer Mining (CSE: HAMR), to provide a company update on the Silver Strand Mine, which is getting ready for a highly anticipated drill program. The past-producing Silver Strand Mine is comprised of 70 claims over a 5.5 kilometres strike length atop the Revett formation, a silver belt within the renowned Coeur d’Alene mining district in Idaho, a district that has produced over 1.2 billion ounces of silver and is host to some of the world’s largest silver mines, many of which were mined to depths exceeding 1800 metres.
Also, we will find out the proposed plans on the Eliza Project. The Eliza Silver Project is located along strike of the Hamilton Mining District (Hamilton District), Nevada’s highest-grade silver district, which produced 40 million (M) ounces (oz) silver with grades up to 25,000 grams per tonne (g/t) between 1876-1890. Silver Hammer Mining has some of the most respected value creators in the Junior Mining Industry with names such as Lawrence Roulston. If you like Junior Mining Stocks this is a must watch interview!
Silver Hammer Mining | CSE: HAMR | OTCQX: HAMRF)
Website: https://silverhammermining.com/
Silver Strand: https://silverhammermining.com/silver-strand/
Corporate Presentation: https://silverhammermining.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Silver-Hammer-Mining-Investor-Presentation-Fall-2021-Oc.pdfPresentation-August-2021-FINAL-.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/silverhmr
Contact: 604.908.1695