Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Precious Metals

BOB MORIARTY’s Outlook On 2019

In a wide-ranging conversation, Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold discusses with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable geopolitics, economics, Bitcoin, precious metals and more.




Bob Moriarty’s Outlook on 2019 
Contributed Opinion

Source: Maurice Jackson for Streetwise Reports  (12/11/18)

Bob MoriartyMaurice Jackson

In a wide-ranging conversation, Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold discusses with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable geopolitics, economics, Bitcoin, precious metals and more.

Maurice Jackson: Joining us for conversation is Bob Moriarty, the founder of 321 Gold and 321, and also the author of two of my personal favorite books, “The Art of Peace,” and “Nobody Knows Anything.” Mr. Moriarty, welcome to the show, sir.
Bob Moriarty: It’s very good to talk to you today, and it’s very funny because those are two of my favorite books, too.
Maurice: Sir, it’s always an honor to have you on our show. I would like to begin our discussion on your outlook for 2019. What are some topics of interest that we should focus on beginning with the political and economic landscape of the United States?
Bob: You’ve got to separate those, and we can do that, from an economic point of view. The trade war is a total disaster. It can only do damage. It already has done substantial damage. I think the everything bubble has popped, and we could see some real fireworks in 2019! The stock market has either topped or will top soon. Gold and silver appear to be bottoming. Platinum is the lowest relative to gold it has ever been. So, I’m literally buying platinum and I’m buying silver right now. I think that we may have a few more weeks of tax loss silly selling in the gold shares. But, I think that resources look good for next year, and everything else looks bad.
Politically, there’s just no predicting what Trump will do. Every day I get up, I look, I shudder. I’m not sure Trump knows what he’s doing. But, you and I were talking off mic, and one of the things that I said was, everybody needs to own some gold, they need to have some liquid cash, and they need to have a passport. The world is very precarious. Certainly you can see from the riots in France how swiftly things can go bad, and that all has to do with government spending money it doesn’t have and increasing taxes to pay for it.
Now, the problem is, governments across the globe have spent so much money that they can never tax the people enough, and the people are getting very tired of the cost of living go up and taxes going up, and they know the government is at fault, and they’re going to start hanging politicians here, very soon, and 2019 could be a lot worse than 2008 ever dreamed of.
Maurice: Speaking of that, let’s shift the focus here a little bit and talk about it on a global context here. Regarding geopolitics and the world economy, you somewhat reference it here, but what has you concerned the most?
Bob: Trump.
Maurice: Which will suffice in and of itself.
Bob: Trump is not dealing with a full deck, now to the extent that I’m glad he was elected president, because Hillary Clinton was far worse. But, Donald Trump is not dealing with a full deck. We have a coup d’état in progress. It’s been going on for several years where the FBI, and the DOJ, and the CIA, and the NSA are all trying to over throw Trump, and that’s a very bad thing. That’s not a good thing. It’s a bad thing. Have you ever been in a riot?
Maurice: No, sir, I have not.
Bob: Well, for 20 years, I flew small airplanes all over the world, and there were a couple of times that I got caught up in riots because things just started getting crazy. I was in Pakistan, and the locals decided they would start breaking up all the places that sold liquor, and when a mob forms, you see people at that very worst. When the banks close, when people can no longer cash checks, when their plastic money doesn’t work, Americans are three meals away from chaos, and it’s going to be bad, and I’m serious as a heart attack. Everybody should have a plan for getting out of dodge.
Maurice: And again, that plan is for our audience, a passport, physical precious metals, and some cash. And with regards to cash, would it be in a particular currency?
Bob: Whatever the local currency is. If you’re Canadian, you need Canadian dollars, and if you’re American, you need American dollars. Here’s the flaw. If the banks close, and the U.S. dollar goes to zero, you still need dollars because that’s what people are used to doing trade in. I’m not saying you need dollars because dollars are going to be more valuable. You need dollars because that’s how you conduct trade. I’m quite serious everybody needs a plan B. When everything goes to shit, I’m going to get out of dodge.
Maurice: Moving on to resource companies. Who has your attention now and going forward into 2019?
Bob: Miramont Resources Corp. (MONT:CSE; MRRMF:OTC) is absolutely one. They’ve just received a drill permit. It’s a Quinton Hennigh company. They have two world-class projects in Peru. They will start drilling in January. I expect to start seeing results in February or March. I think they will be world-class results. I think the market will recognize it. The company has gone from 13 cents, 10 days ago, to 26 cents (CAD) now, and that gives a market cap of about CA$13 million. Could they be CA$150 million in six months or a year? Absolutely. They’ve got plenty of money. They’ve got CA$6 million in the bank, so there’s no risk whatsoever with them going out, doing a big financing; and I expect to see solid, good results in the next two to three months.
The second company would be Irving Resources Inc. (IRV:CSE; IRVRF:OTCBB). Same story there. You and I were at Irving. We looked at CA$25,000/ton rock. We looked at the sinter. They will start drilling the sinter in January, and you can expect to see results six weeks, two months later. And, when you drill through $25,000 rock, you get a meter or two, and you’re going to have a stock that’s explosive. Irving was $1.10 a share two weeks ago, and it’s $1.80 right now, and it’s still cheap.
Maurice: How about Novo Resources Corp. (NVO:TSX.V; NSRPF:OTCQX). That’s one of our favorites as well.
Bob: Who?
Maurice: Novo Resources.
Bob: I’ve never heard of them. I’m going to be a little bit cagey here. I mean, that’s a terrible thing for me to say. Novo is, literally, having their AGM as you’re doing this recording, and I don’t want to say anything about Novo, until I hear the results of the AGM. But, I was there a month ago, Nova has an extraordinary future ahead of them, good management, tons of money in the bank. Quinton Hennigh is an absolute genius. Everybody hates the stock now, and how many times do I need to say, “You need to buy things when everybody hates them, and you need to sell them when everybody loves them.” And, you got all these people at the chat boards whining and crying, “Oh my God, Novo’s at a new low,” and I’m thinking, “Why did they not see that as an opportunity?”
Platinum hit $790 an ounce today. Why would you whine about that? That’s an opportunity. My God, it hasn’t been $790 an ounce in many, many years. It is so cheap. Buy stuff when it’s cheap, sell it when it’s expensive. It is not complicated.
Maurice: You’ll learn that in a book written by Bob Moriarty entitled “Nobody Knows Anything.” Bob, we’ll get to that in just a second. Before we leave here, full disclosure, Miramont Resources, Irving Resources, and Novo Resources, all three are sponsors of both 321 Gold and Proven and Probable, and by the way, unbeknownst to you, Bob, I will be interviewing Bill Pincus, CEO for Miramont Resources, this coming Friday.
Bob: Good. That’s going to be a must listen to. I talked to him a few days ago. I was nibbling at the shares at 13 and 14 cents, and, obviously, word was getting out because the stock, literally, has doubled in 10 days. They have a brilliant future ahead of them. Peru can be a difficult country to deal with. Bill Pincus has it totally under control. They should have been drilling six months ago, and they didn’t, and it’s no big deal, and they will be drilling shortly.
Maurice: Moving on to physical precious metals. You wrote a piece, recently, which is a must read, entitled “These 113 Analyst Believe Gold Will Go Parabolic to Three Thousand or More.” What compelled you to write this piece, and why now?
Bob: Well, here’s what’s very funny. I didn’t write the piece. The piece came out in 2011, okay. Now, I had been contacted in 2011, and the woman who wrote the piece wanted to know my prediction for gold, and I said, “Well, I’ll be happy to give you a prediction for gold.” “Tell me what the dollars going to be.” And she said, “Well, I have no idea what it’s going to be.” And I said, “Well, how can I tell you what gold’s going to be if you can’t tell me what the dollar’s going to be, because gold is the inverse of the dollar now.” We forget this, and we shouldn’t because it’s so basic. Anytime you’re talking about the price of any commodity, you’re talking about the commodity, and you’re talking about the currency it’s quoted in. Now, the funny thing is, gold had been up 12 years in a row, and everybody in the industry wanted to come out with an outrageous price.
Do you happen to know what the price of copper is today?
Maurice: $2.85 per pound.
Bob: From a mathematical point of view, if you wanted to predict the price of copper six months from now, from a mathematical point of view, what price should you predict? Because everything has to do with probability and permutations. If you know the price of copper, it’s $2.85 today, and you want to predict the price from six months from now, mathematically speaking, ignore your opinion, what price should you predict? $2.85.
Maurice: And that being because?
Bob: Everything goes up. We know that. And, everything goes down. And that fact of the matter is, all prices wobble up and down, and we forget that because we think, “I really like gold. I really like silver. I really like platinum. Therefore, it should go up every single day.” Well, markets don’t work that way. “Well, if it doesn’t go up every single day, it’s proof somebody’s manipulating it.” Well, actually, everything’s manipulated, so it’s not proof of anything.
What we forget that all of this variation in price has nothing to do with the commodity, and everything to do with the value of the dollar.When you include inflation, the value of the dollar changes every single day. Between noon today and noon tomorrow, the value of the U.S. dollar will change 10,000 times. Now, that’s actually insane from an economist point of view. If you’re a Martian and you came to earth and you found out the currency changed its value 10,000 times in a day, the Martian would say, “You know, you guys are all nuts down here,” and he would be correct.
But, in 2011 everybody watched gold go up 12 years in a row, so they thought, “well, mathematically, if it’s gone up 12 years in a row, that means it’s going to go up another 12 years in a row.” And they forgot things go up and things go down. It’s very funny because you look at those predictions seven years later, and we’ve got $1,200 and something gold, and you realize that people were being silly in their predictions. There are no experts, and there are no gurus, period.
Maurice: But, Bob, there is a way to navigate and make the value proposition, actually, work better for you, and I want to ask you this here. So, regarding physical precious metals, can you share with us, and you already have, but tell us why? What are you buying right now? You’re not buying gold.
Bob: No, as a matter of fact I sold gold here recently. This goes back to my basic thesis, and it’s the heart of the book, and it’s very important to understand. You buy things when they’re cheap and you sell them when they’re expensive. The ratio of silver and gold has varied from about 16:1, to 101:1 over the last hundred years. For 50 of those years, the price of gold was fixed. And for 50 of those years, the price gold and silver was variable. So, that should give you a good idea of the range. Now, the average over the last 100 years been 54:1; silver has gotten very cheap, else it has, literally in the last week where it was 86:1, and you go back to 2011, it got down to about 32:1 where silver was very expensive.
Everybody makes investing way too complicated because the first mistake they make is they listen to people who feed their fantasies. Okay. Would you vote for an honest politician?
Maurice: My answer is, I would.
Bob: If you voted for an honest politician, how many votes would he get in total?
Maurice: It sounds like probably would just be myself.
Bob: That’s correct, one vote. Politicians, television preachers and most financial analyst make their money, get their power, by feeding people’s fantasies. They tell people what they want to hear, and you’re always comfortable. If you got a certain belief set, if you believe that Catholics are horrible people, you want to go into a Baptist Church and listen to them talk about Catholics. If you think Muslims are horrible people, you want to go into a Catholic church and hear them talk about Muslims. We have prejudices. We have biases, and we listen to those people who feed those biases. I listen to TV preachers, and I’m sitting here thinking, how the hell could anybody listen to that unadulterated horse shit and send their money to these fools. But, the fools are the people in the audience throwing hundred dollar bills at people for telling what they want to hear.
And when you look at the state of politics in the United States, my God, it’s embarrassing. I mean, I can tell you because I spend a lot of time outside the United States, the rest of the world’s looking at the American political system saying, “You know, those people have gone off the deep end. They’re all crazy,” and they would be right.
Maurice: You know, what’s very important for our audience to understand here, is again, you didn’t say that silver is going to a certain numerical value. You just looked at the ratios between that and gold. Completely different perspective. I can share prior to me entering the public domain, I would listen to someone that would feed my paradigm, but silver is being manipulated, at the time, this is me 10 years ago entering the precious metals industry, and that silver’s going to hit this parabolic number of $150 to $200 any day now because of the Federal Reserve. And, that was my reasoning for purchasing physical silver, and then, I had the opportunity to be introduced to the likes of your work, and I shifted that paradigm, and took a more responsible approach, and I appreciate you so much sharing that. It’s a lesson that we all can learn from, and again, to learn more about lessons like that, the book that you’re referring to is “Nobody Know Anything.”
Bob: But, it’s as simple as you should buy what’s cheap, and you should sell what’s dear. Right now, silver’s cheap, gold’s expensive. Now, I’m not predicting $50,0000 silver. I’m not predicting $200 gold. I’m not predicting anything. I’m taking facts. The ratio has been 16:1, to 101:1, over 100 years. That should be the parameters. The average has been 54:1. Silver has spent less than 1% of the time over the last 100 years above 86:1. All investing is based on mathematics at its heart. A mathematical point of view, the chances that you’re profiting by buying silver and selling gold is 99%, and those are good odds.
Now, do I give a damn if silver goes down tomorrow? No. Okay. Same thing with platinum. My God, platinum’s the cheapest relative to gold it’s ever been in history. Yesterday, it was $460 an ounce cheaper than gold, yet for most of history since it was discovered in the 18th century, platinum’s had a premium to gold. So, buy platinum and sit.
Maurice: That’s exactly what we’re doing. We’re purchasing, very aggressively, both of those metals. May I ask you this as well? When you’re looking at buying your silver, are you looking at 100 ounce bars? Do you like government minted coins? Do you like rounds, junk silver? Tell us what you’re buying.
Bob: It’s funny you say that. I am cheap. Okay. Silver is silver is silver, and somebody contacted me and he had a good deal on 100 ounce bars. So, I bought 100 ounce bars. But, I would buy whatever is cheap. It’s all the same silver.
Maurice: Much agreed. I know some people have a certain perspective on getting government minted coins versus rounds, which are private minted coins, and I didn’t know if you had a particular interest in either one of those two.
Bob: It’s probably a good idea to have a variation. You can buy a tank of gas with a one ounce silver coin, but you can’t buy a tank of gas with a 100 ounce silver bar.
Maurice: True indeed. Bob, let’s shift our focus a little bit on something you and I both like to discuss as well, and let’s compare precious metals now with a different type of coin, bitcoin.
Bob: No. No. No. No. No. You mispronounced that word.
Maurice: I certainly did. Please share with the audience. What is the appropriate name for this.
Bob: Bitcon.
Maurice: And how rare is Bitcon, by the way.
Bob: How rare is salt water in the ocean.
Maurice: Well, I would say there’s a number of variations. Could you share with us, how many variations are there of Bitcon?
Bob: 2,513, roughly.
Maurice: And, isn’t that part of one of the big marketing aspects of Bitcon is that it’s supposed to be rare?
Bob: That’s not rare. You can’t have 2,513 variations and be considered rare.
Maurice: A year ago we had you on our show, and I believe at that time, we were looking at a $13,000 to $14,000 in U.S. currency on Bitcon, and today, we’re looking at $3,400. Is that correct? And, your analysis at that time, it was going to go its intrinsic value of zero. So, it appears to be heading that direction.
Bob: Allow me to ask you a question, because actually, we’re lower than $3,400 right now. If people would take the knowledge that they have, and their common sense, and some logic, they wouldn’t need to listen to experts. They wouldn’t need to listen to gurus. What is the value of a 99 cent stuffed toy?
Maurice: At the current market price, then it would be 99 cents.
Bob: Okay. What is the value of a Beanie Baby?
Maurice: Assuming that is the same toy that you’re referring to, then I would say 99 cents.
Bob: Everything, eventually, returns to its real value. Beanie Babies were going for thousands of dollars because, supposedly, they were rare, and it was this everybody wanted to jump in and everybody wanted to collect, and they thought they were valuable because they were rare. They were 99 cent stuffed toys.
Bob’s Wife: And we collected them.
Bob: That’s my wife and Mr. Brown.
Bob’s Wife: We got to them.
Maurice: And, introducing into the conversation, Bob, who do you have there with you?
Bob: Oh, that’s my wife, Mr. Brown, her pet stuffed sheep.
Maurice: And, Mr. Brown, is he valued at 99 cents as well?
Bob: No. He’s valued a lot higher than that. If my wife had the choice to get rid of me or get rid of Mr. Brown, it’s like no choice at all. Let’s go back to Bitcon and Beanie Babies. Which of those have value?
Maurice: Assuming for a child, they have some type of intrinsic value, but to someone purchasing it, I guess the current market price.
Bob: Well, no. Current market price could be absolutely incorrect.
Maurice: That’s correct because the value at one time was significantly higher.
Bob: Correct.
Maurice: Bob, you make a good point there.
Bob: The strange thing is, when Beanie Babies were selling for thousands of dollars, it was because they were mispriced because everybody was chasing the fear of missing out. You’ve must have Beanie Babies was the narrative at the time. The key here is, at the very worst, Beanie Babies still are 79 cent, or 89 cent, or 99 cent toys. So, let’s take that over to Bitcon and the 2,513 variations. What real value did they have? What intrinsic value is there there?
Maurice: I don’t see one.
Bob: Well, yeah. I see one. I know exactly what the real value is.
Maurice: And what is that?
Bob: You can too if you think about it.
Maurice: Alright, please share with us, sir.
Bob: Zero.
Maurice: That was my point.
Bob: You said you didn’t see it.
Maurice: My apologies, I was inferring, zero.
Bob: I went through and I re-read some of what I was saying last December. I did conducted a number of interviews because I was totally convinced Bitcon was at the top. I sought every measure that you would use to call the top of a bubble in December, but there were only 1,300 or 1,400 variations of Bitcon a year ago. That’s almost doubled, yet the price of Bitcon has gone from $20,000 to $3,400. Bitcon gone down over 80%, but is there anything preventing it from going to zero? Actually, the only thing preventing it is the number of fools in the world who still believe there is some value there.
There is no value there. There is nothing now. There was nothing a year ago, and there’s going to be nothing 10 years from now. Bitcon doesn’t have the value of a Beanie Baby, and this electronic Beanie Baby made of bits and bytes of no particular value, and the mere fact that it’s the biggest bubble in world history, okay, should tell you something. But, over $700 billion disappeared into Bitcon heaven.
Maurice: It’s important to note, as you were speaking here, I’m thinking, Bitcon, and a con artist tries to emulate and fool. When I look at every image I ever see of Bitcon, they make it look like a gold coin.
Bob: They make it look like a coin and the funny thing is, there weren’t any coins. There wasn’t anything.
Maurice: Absolutely. And, then they also use mining terms, like you’re mining bitcoin. That’s what imposter does. An imposter, as we’re referencing it appropriately here, Bitcon, the name fits very well.
Bob: But, here’s what really funny. There were two arguments. One is, that it’s some kind of electronic money, which it’s not. And the other is that it’s rare, and it’s certainly not rare, not with 2,513 variations of it. People are starting to wake up. But, it has been fraud from the get go. It was a bubble. The current bubble right now is marijuana. And, I’ll go you one better, and you’re going to have to guess at the answer here. What’s going to be the big bubble in 2019, or 2020, and 2021?
Maurice: Big bubble. You’re putting me on the spot here.
Bob: Damn straight I am.
Maurice: Let me ask you this then. Are we referring to a natural resource here, by chance?
Bob: Yep.
Maurice: For some reason, my initial instinct is saying lithium.
Bob: It’s already been on the bubble.
Maurice: Alright. If not lithium…
Bob: This new bubble is absolutely the equivalent of Bitcon and marijuana. We’re going to have a bubble that’s just going to go sky high. Everybody’s going to jump into, everybody’s going to think it’s the greatest thing in the world, and everybody’s going to buy it, and they’re going to drive the price up right to the root. What is it?
Maurice: Then, if it’s not lithium, then how about vanadium?
Bob: How about gold?
Maurice: Gold. Interesting. I was thinking more of on the base metals side here. Okay.
Bob: Here’s what’s crazy. Can you name a commodity that is incapable of going in a bubble?
Maurice: No, sir.
Bob: We’ve had stock market bubbles. We’ve had real estate market bubbles. We’ve had Bitcon bubbles. We’ve had marijuana bubbles. We had a silver bubble in 1980. Gold is going to have a bubble. Period. But, the purpose for me writing the book “Nobody Knows Anything” was to allow people to learn that they’re capable of thinking for themselves. There is going to come a time when gold’s expensive, silver’s expensive, platinum’s expensive, palladium’s expensive, rhodium’s expensive, and what do you do when they all get expensive?
Maurice: You should sell.
Bob: You better sell.
Maurice: Bob, as always, thank you for sharing your insights. Last question. What did I forget to ask?
Bob: You forgot to ask me about the book, “How to Invest In Natural Resource Companies.”
Maurice: Absolutely. What can you share with us?
Bob: What book?
Wife: What book?
Maurice: The book on “How to Invest In Natural Resource Companies.”
Bob: I think that’s a great idea. I think somebody really needs to dig in, get to work and start writing the book.
Maurice: Can you give us an update on that person who might be writing that book?
Bob: You’re coming in really broken. I’m having a hard time hearing you.
Maurice: Bob, you’ve got fill us in here. You’ve shared with us over a year ago that you’ll be writing a book, and a number of speculators have been waiting.
Bob: I can see your lips move, but I can’t hear anything you’re saying.
Maurice: For audience members, he’s pulling my leg here, and pulling your leg as well.
Bob: I have all the intentions in the world. I’ve started the book. I will do it.
Maurice: And you want to leave it at that? How about for 2019? Is that on the outlook there? Is that something on the horizon that. . .
Bob: Yeah. Yeah. 2019’s good. It give me a lot of time to come up with new excuses.
Maurice: Okay. Well, before we leave here, I reference Bob Moriarty’s two books, “The Art of Peace,” and “Nobody Knows Anything.” You can order your copy under our education tab. Proven and Probable does not receive any financial for selling or advertising. But, we see these books as a must have for your library. We’ve benefited financially from applying the axioms in the book. Bob, for someone listening who wants to get more information on your work, please share the websites.
Bob: 321 Gold, and 321 Energy. They’re free sites, and they are valuable.
Maurice: And, if you’re looking to sell or buy physical precious metals, we welcome a conversation. Please email me at or call me directly at 919-274-5680. And last but not least, please visit our website where we interview the most respected names in the natural resource space. If you would like to have a discussion regarding precious metals, please contact us at
Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold, and, thank you for joining us today on Proven and Probable.
Speaker 4: Thank you for joining us today on Proven and Probable. Remember to like and subscribe for more conversations with the most respected names in the natural resource space. Check out our website at The information presented on Proven and Probable is provided for educational and informational purposes only without any expressed or implied warranty of any kind, including warranties of accuracy, completeness, or fitness for any particular purpose. The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial, investment, or trading advice, or any other advice. You should not make any financial, investment, or trading decision based on any of the information presented without first undertaking independent due diligence and consultation with a professional broker of competent financial advisor.
Bob and Barb Moriarty brought to the Internet almost 16 years ago. They later added to cover oil, natural gas, gasoline, coal, solar, wind and nuclear energy. Both sites feature articles, editorial opinions, pricing figures and updates on current events affecting both sectors. Previously, Moriarty was a Marine F-4B and O-1 pilot with more than 832 missions in Vietnam. He holds 14 international aviation records.
Maurice Jackson is the founder of Proven and Probable, a site that aims to enrich its subscribers through education in precious metals and junior mining companies that will enrich the world.


1) Bob Moriarty: I, or members of my immediate household or family, own shares of the following companies mentioned in this article: Miramont Resources, Irving Resources and Novo Resources. I personally am, or members of my immediate household or family are, paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. My company has a financial relationship with the following companies mentioned in this article: Miramont Resources, Irving Resources and Novo Resources are sponsors of 321 Gold and/or 321 Energy.
2) Maurice Jackson: I, or members of my immediate household or family, own shares of the following companies mentioned in this article: Irving Resources and Novo Resources. I personally am, or members of my immediate household or family are, paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. My company has a financial relationship with the following companies mentioned in this article: Miramont Resources, Irving Resources and Novo Resources are sponsors of Proven and Probable. Proven and Probable disclosures are listed below.
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Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews

MIRAMONT RESOURCES | On the Search for a Major Copper Porphyry in Peru

Bill Pincus the President, Director, and CEO of Miramont Resources sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss the latest exciting developments at the Cerro Hermoso and Lukkacha Projects. Specifically, we will highlight the recent press release the highly anticipated drilling permits for Cerro Hermoso.




On the Search for a Major Copper Porphyry in Peru 
Contributed Opinion

Source: Maurice Jackson for Streetwise Reports  (12/10/18)

Maurice JacksonBill Pincus, president and CEO of Miramont Resources, speaks with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable about his company’s latest exploration efforts in Peru.

Miramonte Cerro Hermoso

Miramonte Cerro Hermoso
Maurice Jackson: Joining us for a conversation is Bill Pincus, the president, director and CEO of Miramont Resources Corp. (MONT:CSE; MRRMF:OTCQB), which is developing new opportunities in world-class mining districts.
Bill, we have some great news to share with current and prospective shareholders, but before we begin, for first-time listeners, please share who is Miramont Resources, and what is the thesis you’re attempting to prove?
Bill Pincus: Miramont Resources is a junior exploration company. We have two copper gold projects in Peru. Both are relatively early-stage prospects. One (Cerro Hermoso) is ready to drill, and one is getting near ready to drill, so what we’re looking for, what our thesis is, we’re looking for large bulk tonnage that has the potential to be very significant type ore deposits.
Maurice Jackson: Bill, provide us with some historical context on the region in Peru where Miramont has its projects.
Bill Pincus: We’re working in Southern Peru, which is known as one of the world’s great copper provinces. You have the giant mines of Toquepala, Cuajone, Cerro Verde, and Quellaveco is now being developed. These all produce hundreds of thousands of tons of copper metal annually. Our project, Lukkacha, is located right in this belt. We’re about 10 kilometers from one of the newer porphyry projects, by, I believe it’s Anglo American. But most importantly, we’re in one of the world’s great copper regions, so as an exploration company, we are the hunters, and if you’re going to hunt the elephants that we’re looking for, you want to be in the elephant country, and that’s exactly where we are.
Maurice Jackson: Walk us through both of your projects and the value propositions they present to the market, beginning with Cerro Hermoso.
Two prospects
Bill Pincus: Cerro Hermoso is our most advanced project. This is the one that we will begin drilling early next year. When we first started looking at it, we were looking at it because of some pretty significant gold values we were finding in rock chip and rock channel samples. But as the project has emerged over the past year, with our continued exploration, it’s really turned into a copper polymetallic project, copper-gold-silver, as well as some lead and zinc. But I think copper is the primary metal.
And it has the potential to be a very, very significant, large bulk tonnage deposit. That’s what we’re exploring for, and that’s what we hope to find. So, you know, we hope when we begin our first round of drilling, a discovery round of drilling, to identify significant subsurface mineralization.
Maurice Jackson: Tell us about your second project, Lukkacha.
Bill Pincus: Lukkacha, which is further to the southwest of Cerro Hermoso, is a classic copper porphyry system. We have now concluded a round of both reconnaissance mapping, followed up with detailed mapping, and what’s emerging is the classic picture of a copper porphyry system, in terms of the typical alteration patterns you would expect, the typical mineralization patterns you would expect, and the typical geologic patterns you would expect. So, we would like to do a little bit more work on this. We’ve done detailed geochemical sampling, detailed mapping, but we do want to take it to a round of geophysics.
We have drill targets emerging, but obviously, we want to refine that before we actually drill. So, if all goes according to plan, we think we’re looking at a completely new porphyry system, un-drilled, that is exhibiting many of the characteristics of similar systems nearby.
Maurice Jackson: On the 4th of December, Miramont received some great news for current and prospective shareholders. What can you share with us?
Bill Pincus: We got our drilling permit. This is for the Cerro Hermoso property. To be very honest with you, the process was just a tad longer than we had anticipated, and we had to jump through a few more hoops than we anticipated, but we did get our drilling permits. We’ve been in touch with the driller, and we should have a rig on site, ready to turn, in the second half of January, 2019.
Maurice Jackson: Mr. Pincus, I’m going to have a multilayered question here for you. What is the next unanswered question for Miramont Resources, when can we expect an answer, and what determines success?
Bill Pincus: Well, the next unanswered question is what do we find in the Cerro Hermoso drilling? We’ve done everything we possibly can, and we have great drill targets, but you know, the true test is what’s in the subsurface. So, that’s the next unanswered question. As I said, we should start drilling late January, so I would expect answers probably early March.
Maurice Jackson: And what will determine success, sir?
Bill Pincus: Well, success will be this is the first round of drilling in a project that’s never been drilled. You know, a great lengthy ore section would be huge success, but I think we have to get enough intercept and grade to make us firmly believe that our geologic model is correct, and that we can move forward and predict what will happen in the future from there.
Maurice Jackson: Switching gears, talk to us about the capital structure.
Bill Pincus: Miramont has 50 million shares outstanding. We have warrants priced at 45 cents that expire in Nov.19. We closed yesterday, at 26 cents Canadian. We have no debt, so I would call it a clean, simple capital structure. Most of the shares are fairly tightly held.
Maurice Jackson: What keeps you up at night that we don’t know about?
Bill Pincus: Unanswered questions. You know, this project, Cerro Hermoso, has been really a lot of fun for me, and it’s followed a pattern that I think is characteristic of excellent prospects, which is every time we go there, every time we take another look, every time we investigate something, we find something new that encourages us that there’s significant mineralization in the system. You know, we’ve done all that work. Now, we had to test that with a drill rig, and I guess that’s what keeps me up at night. What are we going to find with that drill rig?
Maurice Jackson: Last question. What did I forget to ask?
Bill Pincus: Well, I’m not sure. I can’t think of anything off the top of my head. I would say that if any readers have any questions, they can get onto our website, where they could book a phone call with either myself or our vice president, Tyson King, 604.398.4493, and we’ll be able to answer any follow-up questions they may have.
Maurice Jackson: And Bill, in regards to that, if investors do want to get more information about Miramont Resources, please do share the website address with us.
Bill Pincus: Quite simple,
Maurice Jackson: And as a reminder, Miramont Resources trades on the CSE symbol MONT, and on the OTCQB symbol MRRMF. Last but not least, please visit our website where we interview the most respected names in the natural resource space. You may reach us at
Bill Pincus of Miramont Resources, thank you for joining us today on Proven and Probable.
Maurice Jackson is the founder of Proven and Probable, a site that aims to enrich its subscribers through education in precious metals and junior mining companies that will enrich the world.


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Energy Oil & Gas

JERICHO OIL Announces 725 BOE per Day STACK Well Targeting Meramec Formation

TULSA, Okla., Dec. 10, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jericho Oil Corporation (“Jericho”) (TSX-V: JCO; OTC PINK: JROOF) announces through its Oklahoma STACK Joint Venture (“STACK JV”), that it has brought online a second high-rate single-mile lateral Meramec oil well within its contiguous Blaine County acreage position.

The Valkyrie 19-12-06 1H well is located within the STACK JV’s approximately 16,000 net acre position of the normally-pressured oil window of the STACK play.  The Valkyrie achieved a peak 24-hour rate of 725 oil-equivalent barrels (“BOE”) per day (55% oil).  The 30-day normalized rate (IP30) for this ~4,500 ft perforated lateral well was 625 BOE per day (52% oil).  Initial rates of productivity from the Valkyrie continue to strongly support the Company’s confidence in its multi-zone developments and the overall value of our coveted STACK acreage position.  The Valkyrie, in addition to the STACK JV’s previously announced Wardroom Meramec well, located 2 miles to the southeast, show consistent performance of the STACK resource, crucial to our Company’s long-term net asset value.
Jericho’s STACK JV owns a 24% working interest alongside Staghorn Petroleum II LLC (Staghorn) in the Valkyrie.
As a reminder, the Meramec and Osage formations, the principal targets of the STACK play, represent a combined oil-rich thick column of approximately 700 feet.  Our experience throughout 2018, by way of drilling and participating in both target-zone formation wells, has provided our STACK JV the proper catalysts of data to leverage into the Company’s 2019 development program.
Brian Williamson, CEO of Jericho Oil, stated, “Our focus in participating with best in class operators is working and we are extremely encouraged with the results of the Valkyrie and surrounding Meramec wells, proving the extent, both geographically and geologically, of the formation.  In addition to the Meramec, we continue to execute on successfully proving-up the large resource potential of the regionally deposited Osage formation.  Ultimately, 2018 has been an extremely productive year which has allowed our Company to have ever-increasing confidence in repeatable, multi-zone development of our STACK resource which, over time, should benefit our strong shareholder base.”
About Jericho Oil Corporation
Jericho Oil ( is focused on domestic, liquids-rich unconventional resource plays, located primarily in the Anadarko basin STACK Play of Oklahoma.  Jericho’s primary business objective is driving long-term shareholder value through the growth of oil and gas production, cash flow and reserves.  Jericho has assembled an interest in 55,000 net acres across Oklahoma, including an interest in ~16,000 net acres in the STACK Play. Jericho owns a 26.5% interest in STACK JV.
Jericho’s current operations are focused on the oil-prone Meramec and Osage formations in the STACK.  The Jericho team applies advanced engineering analyses and enhanced geological techniques to under-developed resource areas.
Jericho, with operational headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma, trades publicly on the TSX Venture Exchange (JCO) and OTC Markets (JROOF). Jericho owns its net acre position in Oklahoma through, and participates in the STACK JV through, one or more wholly owned subsidiaries.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: This news release includes certain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and Canadian securities laws. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from Jericho’s expectations include risks related to the exploration stage of Jericho’s project; market fluctuations in prices for securities of exploration stage companies; and uncertainties about the availability of additional financing.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Adam Rabiner,
Director, Investor Relations

Base Metals Energy Precious Metals Project Generators

MILLROCK RESOURCES | Financing Opportunity




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Base Metals Energy Precious Metals Project Generators

PROJECT GENERATOR | EMX Royalty Executes Regional Strategic Alliance Agreement with South32 Covering Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah

Vancouver, British Columbia–(Newsfile Corp. – December 6, 2018) – EMX Royalty Corporation (TSXV: EMX) (NYSE American: EMX(the “Company” or “EMX”) is pleased to announce the execution of a Regional Strategic Alliance agreement (the “Agreement”) between its wholly-owned subsidiary Bronco Creek Exploration, Inc. (“BCE”), and South32 USA Exploration Inc. (“South32”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of South32 Limited. The Agreement provides annual funding for generative work and acquisitions over a two year period, as well as a framework to advance projects of interest. Generative work will focus on copper and other base metal projects within the Laramide and Tertiary magmatic arcs of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. Projects advanced to the drill program stage may be selected as Designated Projects. Designated Projects will advance under separate option agreements providing for work commitments and cash payments to EMX during South32’s earn-in period, and upon earn-in, a 2% net smelter return (“NSR”) royalty interest and pre-production and milestone payments to EMX’s benefit. South32 has initially selected five EMX copper projects in Arizona to begin advancing toward the drill program stage. Please see the attached map and for more information.

Alliance and Commercial Terms Overview (all dollar amounts in USD). Under the terms of the Agreement, which has an initial term of two years, South32 will provide annual funding for generative work performed by EMX personnel to identify properties for exploration work (“Alliance Exploration Properties” or “AEPs”) within the Regional Strategic Alliance Area of Interest (“AOI”) that consists of the states of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, but excludes South32’s Hermosa project in southern Arizona. EMX personnel will conduct exploration activities on AEPs with additional funding from South32 in order to identify projects suitable for designation as Designated Projects. Each Designated Project will be covered by a separate option agreement pursuant to which South32 can acquire 100% of the project on the terms described below. All generative and AEP exploration activities will be guided by a Technical Committee consisting of two members from each company.

South32 will provide $800,000 per year to cover the generative work and the salaries of EMX personnel involved in AEP exploration work. South32 will also provide a separate annual acquisition fund of $200,000 to pay for the acquisition of new properties as approved by the Technical Committee. AEP exploration work will be funded separately through cash calls to South32 in amounts directed by the Technical Committee.

Designated Project Option Agreement Terms (all dollar amounts in USD). Each option agreement covering a Designated Project will provide that South32 can earn 100% interest in the project by reimbursing EMX’s holding costs upon execution of the option agreement, and making option payments totaling $525,000 and completing $5,000,000 in exploration expenditures during the five-year term of the option agreement.

Upon exercise of the option by South32, EMX will retain an uncapped 2% NSR royalty on the project (not subject to purchase or buy down) and receive annual advance royalty (“AAR”) payments equivalent to 50,000 pounds (“lbs”) of copper commencing on the first anniversary. All AAR payments are set off against 80% of future royalty payments. In addition, South32 will make milestone payments as follows (project milestones are to NI 43-101 reporting requirements):

  • 166,000 lbs of copper (or the cash equivalent) upon the completion of an initial resource estimate,
  • 333,000 lbs of copper (or the cash equivalent) upon completion of a prefeasibility study, and
  • 666,000 lbs of copper (or the cash equivalent) upon completion of a feasibility study.

Initial Alliance Exploration ProjectsFive Arizona porphyry-copper projects have been selected as AEPs by South32, including Midnight Juniper, Jasper Canyon, Sleeping Beauty, Dragons Tail, and Lomitas Negras. EMX and South32 are commencing work programs on the initial AEPs, as well as initiating a generative program to identify new projects for acquisition. Note, in the following project descriptions, although the referenced nearby mines and deposits provide geologic context for EMX’s properties, this is not indicative that the EMX properties host similar endowments of mineralization.

Midnight Juniper. The Midnight Juniper project lies at the north end of the Clifton-Morenci mining district, approximately one kilometer northwest of the Morenci open pit copper mine. The project geology consists of a dissected plateau of Tertiary age volcanic cover rocks overlying a series of Paleozoic sedimentary and Proterozoic metamorphic rocks that are exposed in an arcuate pattern at lower elevations along stream courses. Paleozoic carbonate rocks contain a number of manganese oxide-rich base metal occurrences in northeast oriented vein, replacement, and breccia bodies typical of the distal expression of porphyry copper systems. EMX’s reconnaissance mapping shows that these occurrences appear to vector towards a suspected porphyry source lying under Tertiary cover rocks in the center of the Midnight Juniper land position.

Jasper Canyon and Sleeping Beauty. The Jasper Canyon and Sleeping Beauty projects are located in the Globe-Miami mining district. Both properties lie on the flanks of the Schultz Granite intrusive complex, which is associated with numerous past and current producing copper mines and deposits in the Globe-Miami and Superior mining districts. Porphyry copper deposits in this region have been dismembered by numerous post-mineral faults that displace upper levels of the mineralized systems northeastward. The Jasper Canyon and Sleeping Beauty projects lie at the east end of a northern trend of fault bounded deposits that include Pinto Valley, Diamond H and Copper Cities. The Jasper Canyon project lies along the easternmost portion of this trend and represents a fault-bounded and largely covered portion of the suspected upper levels of a porphyry copper system in a previously unexplored portion of the district. The Sleeping Beauty project lies to the west of Jasper Canyon, and directly north of the Copper Cities open pit copper mine, and is interpreted to contain down-dropped blocks of mineralization north of the Sleeping Beauty fault. Other fault-bounded copper deposits in the district at similar structural levels include Copper Cities, Miami East, Van Dyke, and Old Dominion.

Dragons Tail. The Dragons Tail project is located in the Superior mining district, approximately eight kilometers north of the Resolution copper deposit and five kilometers southwest of Pinto Valley. EMX identified a 1.6 kilometer long zone of quartz-sulfide alteration within Proterozoic sedimentary rocks during reconnaissance work. The outcrops of quartz-sulfide veining lie beneath tilted Tertiary age volcanic and conglomeratic cover rocks. Historic drilling on the east side of the property intercepted transported copper-oxide mineralized clasts within Tertiary conglomerates, which suggests the source of the copper lies to the west of the drilling and likely down dip of the mineralized exposures.

Lomitas Negras. The Lomitas Negras project is located approximately ten kilometers southeast of the town of San Manuel, in a broad area of post-mineral cover rocks. The property is ringed by Laramide-age intrusive rocks and porphyry copper/skarn deposits that include San Manuel-Kalamazoo (~20 kilometers north), Copper Creek (~25 kilometers northeast), and Oracle Ridge (~10 kilometers southwest). Nearby outcrops exhibit alteration and anomalous base metal mineralization that characteristically occurs on the margins of porphyry copper systems. EMX’s recognition of the altered outcrops, combined with a new interpretation of the extensional structural setting of the area, led to the identification of concealed porphyry copper targets beneath the post-mineralization pediment cover.

About EMX. EMX leverages asset ownership and exploration insight into partnerships that advance our mineral properties, with EMX receiving pre-production payments and retaining royalty interests. EMX complements its royalty generation initiatives with royalty acquisitions and strategic investments.

The Regional Strategic Alliance Agreement with South32 is an excellent example of the execution of EMX’s royalty generation business model. The Company’s organically generated porphyry copper projects were acquired on open ground in productive mining districts, with value established through low cost, early-stage exploration work. The Agreement’s provisions for generative funding are coupled with the future upside potential for project work commitments, pre-production payments and retained royalty interests based upon exploration success to EMX’s and South32’s mututal benefit.

Mr. Dean D. Turner, CPG, a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and consultant to the Company, has reviewed, verified and approved the disclosure of the technical information contained in this news release.


For further information contact:

David M. Cole
President and Chief Executive Officer
Phone: (303) 979-6666

Scott Close
Director of Investor Relations
Phone: (303) 973-8585

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may contain forward looking statements that reflect the Company’s current expectations and projections about its future results. These forward-looking statements may include statements regarding perceived merit of properties, exploration results and budgets, mineral reserves and resource estimates, work programs, capital expenditures, timelines, strategic plans, market prices for precious and base metal, or other statements that are not statements of fact. When used in this news release, words such as estimate, intend, expect, anticipate, will“, “believe”, “potential” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, which, by their very nature, are not guarantees of the Company’s future operational or financial performance, and are subject to risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause the Company‘s actual results, performance, prospects or opportunities to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and factors may include, but are not limited to: unavailability of financing, failure to identify commercially viable mineral reserves, fluctuations in the market valuation for commodities, difficulties in obtaining required approvals for the development of a mineral project, increased regulatory compliance costs, expectations of project funding by joint venture partners and other factors.

Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this news release or as of the date otherwise specifically indicated herein. Due to risks and uncertainties, including the risks and uncertainties identified in this news release, and other risk factors and forward-looking statements listed in the Company’s MD&A for the quarter ended September 30, 2018 (the“MD&A”), and the most recently filed Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2017actual events may differ materially from current expectations. More information about the Company, including the MD&A, the 20-F and financial statements of the Company, is available on SEDAR at and on the SEC’s EDGAR website at

Figure 1: AEP projects and RSA AOI (Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico) with South32.

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Base Metals Energy

URANIUM | U3O8 Corp. Reports a 23% Improvement in Vanadium Extraction Over the 2014 Preliminary Economic Assessment on its Laguna Salada Uranium-Vanadium Deposit


oronto, Ontario–(Newsfile Corp. – December 6, 2018) – U3O8 Corp. (TSX: UWE) (OTCQB: UWEFF) (“U3O8 Corp.” or the “Company“) is pleased to report initial results of test work on the extraction of uranium and vanadium from almost a metric tonne of mineralized gravel from the wholly-owned Laguna Salada deposit in Argentina.

The test work has been designed, and results monitored, by Mr. David Marsh, director of U3O8 Corp. whom, as former General Manager – Technical Project Development at Paladin Energy, was intimately involved in the design, construction and operation of two uranium production plants in Africa. This work represents a complete overhaul of the preliminary economic assessment (“PEA”) carried out by Tenova Mining and Minerals (Australia) Pty Ltd. in 2014. Mr. Marsh, with his vast practical experience, reviewed the PEA and felt that there was room for improvement and simplification of the flowsheet and processing plant design, resulting in potential to reduce estimated capital costs (“capex”) and operating costs (“opex”).

David Marsh commented, “I am delighted with the initial results from our test work on Laguna Salada gravel. The work program was designed to test ways of reducing estimated production costs by simplifying the former PEA process flow sheet. Our first step was to optimize the washing of the fine, uranium-vanadium – bearing material off the barren pebbles. The test results show that “scrubbing” the gravel for 5 minutes produces similar results as scrubbing for the 15 minutes modelled in the PEA. This two-thirds reduction in processing time could potentially reduce the cost of the associated equipment which was estimated at US$6.2 million in the PEA.”

“Our second step aimed to extract more of the uranium and vanadium contained in the gravel, and this proved successful with vanadium recovery increasing by 23%, and uranium marginally by 2%, over the PEA.”

The original Laguna Salada PEA reported life-of-mine cash costs of approximately US$22 per pound of uranium, net of vanadium, and a net present value of US$55 million at a 7.5% discount rate, with a US$136 million capital cost.

A PEA is preliminary in nature and includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the results of the PEA assessment will be realized.

Next Steps:

There are two main components to ongoing metallurgical test work:

  • Continued simplification of the Laguna Salada process flow sheet:
    • The life-of-mine operating cost, including royalties due to the State, were estimated at US$22 per pound of uranium, net of vanadium, in the PEA. Approximately 40% of this cost estimate is related to the management of sulphate (gypsum) that is present in the gravel, that competes with uranium and vanadium for the reagents used to leach the metals. So, finding a more cost-effective way of dealing with the sulphate is a priority in driving down production cost estimates. Alternative ways of controlling sulphate levels were examined and these results will be reported shortly;
    • The PEA modelled the processing of uranium and vanadium that was concentrated in very fine-grained (<0.075 millimetre (“mm”)) powder that proved to be relatively costly to process since excess water had to be squeezed from it in filter presses that are not only expensive, but are costly to operate. The PEA design included six filter presses at a cost of US$2.1 million per unit. The current work tested a much coarser (0.85mm grain size) uranium-vanadium – bearing component of the gravel from which excess water should drain much more readily, thereby likely reducing the number of filter presses required. Results of this work are also expected shortly;
    • Test work is now planned for the uranium/vanadium separation and refining processes where there is further potential to reduce capex and opex. More efficient and proven processes and equipment successfully employed elsewhere on similar types of uranium/vanadium mineralized bodies will be tested and the expectation is that they will prove every bit as efficient with the Laguna Salada material; and
  • Initial metallurgical test work is being done on unconsolidated sand and gravel samples from the relatively high-grade channels discovered beneath the layer of gravel on which the PEA was based. This will provide the first data as to how efficiently uranium and vanadium can be extracted from the channel fill. Results are expected in early January.

Technical Details of Test Work:

1. Bulk Sample

Approximately 950 kilograms of gravel was excavated from within three metres of surface from five locations within the resource footprint in the Guanaco sector of the Laguna Salada Deposit. Guanaco contains 94% of the total Laguna Salada resource tonnage (an Indicated and Inferred resource) and 87% of the contained Uranium. The material was bagged and shipped to Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (“ANSTO”) in Australia. The sample was homogenized prior to commencing the test work.

2. Test Work Aimed at Simplifying the Process Flow Sheet

Scrubbing at Laguna Salada refers to removal of fine uranium-vanadium – bearing powder that coats barren pebbles in the gravel. The scrubbed material was then screened to separate the pebbles from the fine component into which most of the uranium and vanadium is concentrated.

The flowsheet generated for the PEA involved a gravel-scrubbing process followed by screens and cyclones to separate the extremely fine (0.075mm) material from the gravel, along with two stages of filtration ahead of the uranium/vanadium leach circuit. David Marsh commented, “There is scope to simplify the process flowsheet making the future plant easier to operate.”

The recent work at ANSTO suggests that this circuit can be greatly simplified as follows:

  • Refining of the scrubbing process has reduced the residence time in the scrubbers from 15 minutes to only 5 minutes which will make the equipment smaller, cheaper and easier to operate as well as making the units more mobile;
  • Changing the cut-point after scrubbing to a 0.85mm screen separates the coarse, pebbly component of the gravel that constitutes 77% of its mass, from the <0.85mm material that represents 23% of the gravel’s mass. Although using the <0.85mm material involves processing almost three times the volume of material contemplated in the PEA, the size of the downstream equipment would increase only marginally because of the shorter residence time in each component of the equipment. Subsequent filtration and dewatering processes are likely to be simpler and should result in an overall cost reduction and improved process efficiencies (filtration results will be reported on shortly);
  • The <0.85mm material contains 89% of the original gravel’s uranium compared with 85% in the <0.075mm material modelled in the PEA. Alkaline leach extracted 94% of the contained uranium versus a marginally better 95% in the test work incorporated in the PEA. Overall, 84.5% of the gravel’s uranium was extracted from the 0.85mm material, compared with 82.5% in the PEA – an increase of 2%.
  • 46% of the gravel’s vanadium was concentrated into the <0.85mm component against 29% in the 0.075mm component used in the PEA model. Alkaline leach at ANSTO extracted 55% of the vanadium, lower than the 71% extraction used in the PEA. However, processing of the coarser 0.85mm material still led to a better vanadium recovery: 25% of the gravel’s vanadium was recovered from the 0.85mm material against 21% for the 0.075mm material used in the PEA – an increase of 23%;

Table 1. Summary of beneficiation and alkaline leach tests on <0.85mm material from a bulk sample of gravel from the Guanaco sector of the Laguna Salada Deposit.

Study % of gravel’s mass in fine-screened component Uranium Vanadium
% of metal in fine-grained component of gravel % of metal extracted by alkaline leach % overall extraction % of metal in fine-grained component of gravel % of metal extracted by alkaline leach % overall extraction
PEA 9% 85% 95% 82.5% 29% 71% 21%
Bulk sample 23% 89% 94% 84.5% 46% 55% 25%
Difference 260% 2% 23%


3. Alkaline Leach

The alkaline leach was done at a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius (175 degrees Fahrenheit) for 8 hours and maximum extraction of 94% was achieved after 6 hours.

Technical Information & Cautionary Note

The technical report referred to in this press release is entitled:

September 18, 2014 technical report: “Preliminary Economic Assessment of the Laguna Salada Uranium Vanadium Deposit, Chubut Province, Argentina.” The report is available on and

Dr. Richard Spencer, P.Geo., CGeol., President and CEO of U3O8 Corp. and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has approved the technical information in this news release relating to the Laguna Salada Deposit and the related PEA.

About U3O8 Corp.

U3O8 Corp. is focused on exploration and development of deposits of uranium and battery commodities in South America. Battery commodities that occur with uranium resources include vanadium, nickel, zinc and phosphate. The Company’s mineral resources estimates were made in accordance with National Instrument 43-101, and are contained in the following deposits:

  • Laguna Salada Deposit, Argentina – a PEA shows that this near surface, free-digging uranium-vanadium deposit has low production-cost potential; and
  • Berlin Deposit, Colombia – a PEA shows that Berlin also has low-cost uranium production potential due to revenue that would be generated from by-products of phosphate, vanadium, nickel, rare earths (yttrium and neodymium) and other metals that occur within the deposit.

Additional Information

Information on U3O8 Corp., its resources and technical reports are available at and on SEDAR at Follow U3O8 Corp. on Facebook:, Twitter: and YouTube:

For further information, please contact:

Carolina Diaz at or phone (416) 868-1491 or Richard Spencer, President & CEO, U3O8 Corp., Tel: (647) 292-0225

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release includes certain “forward looking statements” related with the development plans, economic potential and growth targets of U3O8 Corp’s projects. Forward-looking statements consist of statements that are not purely historical, including statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intensions for the future, and include, but not limited to, statements with respect to: (a) the low-cost and near-term development of Laguna Salada, (b) the Laguna Salada and Berlin PEAs, (c) the potential of the Kurupung district in Guyana and (d) the price and market for uranium. These statements are based on assumptions, including that: (i) actual results of our exploration, resource goals, metallurgical testing, economic studies and development activities will continue to be positive and proceed as planned, and assumptions in the Laguna Salada and Berlin PEAs prove to be accurate, (ii) requisite regulatory and governmental approvals will be received on a timely basis on terms acceptable to U3O8 Corp., (iii) economic, political and industry market conditions will be favourable, and (iv) financial markets and the market for uranium will improve for junior resource companies in the short-term. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance or developments to differ materially from those contained in such statements, including, but not limited to: (1) changes in general economic and financial market conditions, (2) changes in demand and prices for minerals, (3) the Company’s ability to establish appropriate joint venture partnerships, (4) litigation, regulatory, and legislative developments, dependence on regulatory approvals, and changes in environmental compliance requirements, community support and the political and economic climate, (5) the inherent uncertainties and speculative nature associated with exploration results, resource estimates, potential resource growth, future metallurgical test results, changes in project parameters as plans evolve, (6) competitive developments, (7) availability of future financing, (8) exploration risks, and other factors beyond the control of U3O8 Corp. including those factors set out in the “Risk Factors” in our Annual Information Form available on SEDAR at Readers are cautioned that the assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements. U3O8 Corp. assumes no obligation to update such information, except as may be required by law. For more information on the above-noted PEAs, refer to the September 18, 2014 technical report titled “Preliminary Economic Assessment of the Laguna Salada Uranium-Vanadium Deposit, Chubut Province, Argentina” and the January 18, 2013 technical report titled “U3O8 Corp. Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Berlin Deposit, Colombia.”

Base Metals Energy Precious Metals Project Generators

PROJECT GENERATOR | EMX Royalty Provides Additional Disclosure on Discretionary Bonuses

Vancouver, British Columbia–(Newsfile Corp. – November 30, 2018) –  EMX Royalty Corporation (TSXV: EMX) (NYSE American: EMX) (the “Company” or “EMX”)provides additional disclosure regarding the US$3.8 million in bonuses announced in its asset portfolio and corporate update on November 28, 2018. This additional disclosure includes a summary of the rationale, approval process, recipients, and allocations related to the bonus.

Bonus Rationale

The Board awarded the bonuses to EMX’s management and staff in respect of their seven years of effort to monetize the Company’s investment in IG Copper LLC (“IGC”). Their efforts included:

(1) identification of the investment opportunity;
(2) providing significant technical oversight towards the discovery of a world class copper deposit at Malmyzh;
(3) raising the capital necessary to advance Malmyzh despite challenging markets and jurisdictional risks;
(4) coordinating the sales effort for Malmyzh over a period of several years;
(5) managing an exit with Freeport, including arranging an US$18.5 million bridge loan, which led to a greater return for all of IGC’s shareholders, not the least of which was EMX 40% shareholding; and
(6) assisting IGC with the successful sale of Malmyzh to a wholly owned subsidiary of Russian Copper Company (“RCC”) in October for US$200 million.

The transaction with RCC took 10 months to complete and required numerous complicated steps, including obtaining approval from the Russian Federal Anti-Monopoly Service. The successful outcome was due, in large part, to the significant efforts of EMX’s team, IGC’s team, and IGC’s advisors, Scotia Bank Europe plc and the London office of Norton Rose Fulbright LLP. In the opinion of EMX’s Board of Directors, this was sound and proper rationale for the bonuses paid.

Bonus Approval Process

Prior to the Malmyzh sales transaction, EMX’s management had developed a bonus plan for strategic investments whereby 7.5% of the after-tax profits of an individual investment could be paid as a bonus to EMX’s management and staff. As part of the bonus calculation, the Company’s cost basis was increased annually by 10% to reflect the time value of the investment.

The strategic investment bonus calculation, along with management’s recommended allocation of bonuses, was then submitted to the Compensation Committee of EMX’s Board for its review. The Compensation Committee is comprised of three independent directors. The Committee met several times over the past four months, both with management and independently of management, as part of the approval process. The Committee recommended the US$3.8 million bonus pool and allocation to the Company’s Board. The independent members of the Board unanimously approved the bonus pool and allocation with Dave Cole and Michael Winn abstaining from voting.

Bonus Allocation

The Board has awarded the bonuses to EMX’s Chairman and all of EMX’s management and staff (which includes support staff in Vancouver provided by Seabord Services Corp). Bonuses were not paid outside the Company.

The two largest awards were paid to David Cole and Michael Winn as they actively managed the Company’s investment in IGC for the past seven years. The Compensation Committee also felt it was important to award significant bonuses to senior management regardless of time spent on the investment as a win of this type is a team effort. The bonus allocations are as follows:

Name Position
David M. Cole1 President & CEO 1,100,000
Michael Winn1 Chairman of the Board 1,000,000
Eric Jensen1 General Manager – Exploration 400,000
Dave Johnson1 Chief Geologist 400,000
Christina Cepeliauskas Chief Financial Officer 175,000
Jan Steiert Chief Legal Officer 175,000
Other EMX Staff 560,000
TOTAL 3,810,000

1 A portion of the bonuses to be paid to Dave Cole, Michael Winn, Eric Jensen,and Dave Johnson will be paid once the Company receives the final distribution by IGC related to escrowed funds.

About EMX.
 EMX leverages asset ownership and exploration insight into partnerships that advance our mineral properties, with EMX receiving pre-production payments and retaining royalty interests. EMX complements its royalty generation initiatives with royalty acquisitions and strategic investments.

The recent advancements of the Company’s asset portfolio underscore EMX’s focus on steadily increasing global revenue streams from strategic investments, royalties, and other payments. The Company’s goal is to substantially grow our cash flowing royalty portfolio while providing multiple opportunities for exploration and production success.

For further information contact:

David M. Cole
President and Chief Executive Officer
Phone: (303) 979-6666

Scott Close
Director of Investor Relations
Phone: (303) 973-8585

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may contain forward looking statements that reflect the Company’s current expectations and projections about its future results. These forward-looking statements may include statements regarding perceived merit of properties, exploration results and budgets, mineral reserves and resource estimates, work programs, capital expenditures, timelines, strategic plans, market prices for precious and base metal, or other statements that are not statements of fact. When used in this news release, words such as estimate, intend, expect, anticipate, will“, “believe”, “potential” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, which, by their very nature, are not guarantees of the Company’s future operational or financial performance, and are subject to risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause the Company‘s actual results, performance, prospects or opportunities to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and factors may include, but are not limited to: unavailability of financing, failure to identify commercially viable mineral reserves, fluctuations in the market valuation for commodities, difficulties in obtaining required approvals for the development of a mineral project, increased regulatory compliance costs, expectations of project funding by joint venture partners and other factors.

Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this news release or as of the date otherwise specifically indicated herein. Due to risks and uncertainties, including the risks and uncertainties identified in this news release, and other risk factors and forward-looking statements listed in the Company’s MD&A for the quarter ended September 30, 2018 (the“MD&A”), and the most recently filed Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2017actual events may differ materially from current expectations. More information about the Company, including the MD&A, the 20-F and financial statements of the Company, is available on SEDAR at and on the SEC’s EDGAR website at


URANIUM | Western Uranium & Vanadium Provides Sunday Mine Complex Re-opening Update

TORONTO and NUCLA, Colo., Nov. 28, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. (CSE:WUC) (WSTRF) (“Western” or the ”Company”) wishes to provide an update regarding its announced re-opening of the Sunday Mine Complex (“SMC”) to address shareholder questions with respect to Western’s ore processing. Western is commencing this program with the goals of further defining its large vanadium resource and monetizing that resource. Western is in discussions with a number of large offshore companies who have the existing facilities to recover the vanadium contained in the SMC ore.  The worldwide shortage of vanadium is impacting many companies around the world and thus making offtake agreements available for ore production. Initially ore will be shipped to existing offshore processing facilities with a longer term plan to build facilities in the United States. Once the SMC is opened, ore samples will be sent to the various interested parties for testing in their facilities. After testing, Western will negotiate offtake agreements to base load commercial production from the SMC.

As Western advances with its plans for re-opening of the SMC and is able to report on the timing of preparations, anticipated start dates and other milestones, Western will provide shareholders and investors with further updates.

In conjunction with the recent name change which reflects the increased importance of vanadium for the Company and the revised strategic approach to initiating production, Western has made updates to its website and corporate presentation. Further, a replay of George Glasier’s Silver & Gold Summit 2018 presentation has been uploaded to the media section of Western’s website. Please visit the Company website located at for these updates.

About Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp.

Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. is a Colorado based uranium and vanadium conventional mining company focused on low cost near-term production of uranium and vanadium in the western United States, and development and application of ablation mining technology.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information: Certain information contained in this news release constitutes “forward-looking information” or a “forward-looking statement” within the meaning of applicable securities laws (collectively, “forward-looking statements”).  Statements of that nature include statements relating to, or that are dependent upon: the Company’s expectations, estimates and projections regarding exploration and production plans and results; the timing of planned activities; whether the Company can raise any additional funds required to implement its plans;  whether regulatory or analogous requirements can be satisfied to permit planned activities; and more generally to the Company’s business, and the economic and political environment applicable to its operations, assets and plans. All such forward-looking statements are subject to important risk factors and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company’s ability to control or predict. Please refer to the Company’s most recent Management’s Discussion and Analysis, as well as its other filings at and/or, for a more detailed review of those risk factors.  Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the Company’s forward-looking statements, and that these statements are made as of the date hereof. While the Company may do so, it does not undertake any obligation to update these forward-looking statements at any particular time, except as and to the extent required under applicable laws and regulations.


George Glasier                                                                                 
President and CEO

Robert Klein
Chief Financial Officer

Base Metals Energy Precious Metals Project Generators

PROJECT GENERATOR | EMX Royalty Provides An Asset Portfolio And Corporate Update

Vancouver, British Columbia–(Newsfile Corp. – November 28, 2018) – EMX Royalty Corporation(TSXV: EMX) (NYSE American: EMX(the“Company” or “EMX”) is pleased to provide an update on advancements of the Company’s royalty and mineral property portfolio that totals over 90 projects on five continents. These assets provide revenue from royalty, pre-production and other payments, as well as upside optionality from operator funded projects. EMX’s diversified business model of royalty generation, royalty acquisition, and strategic investment provides multiple avenues for growing the Company’s portfolio and building shareholder value. Please see the global portfolio map below and for more information.
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(Figure 1) Note: Annotated projects with stars are discussed in this news release.
To view an enhanced version of Figure 1, please visit:
IG Copper Strategic Investment
EMX received its initial cash distribution of US $65.15 million from IG Copper LLC’s (“IGC”) sale of the Malmyzh project (“Malmyzh” or the “Project”) located in Far East Russia[1]. EMX’s strategic investment in IGC resulted from the Company’s recognition of Malmyzh in 2011 as an early-stage copper-gold porphyry opportunity with excellent discovery potential. EMX took a disciplined investment approach by backing IGC’s steady advancement of the Project over the years. This work included the early-stage exploration work that led to the discovery of the Malmyzh district, and the drill intensive programs that progressed the Project through resource definition and approvals in the Russian Federation. The execution of these programs, with strong financial and management backing from EMX, culminated in the sale of Malmyzh to Russian Copper Company for US $200 million, of which US $190 million has been released from escrow. The remaining US $10 million from the sale is being held in escrow, and subject to certain conditions, cash distributions of up to US $4 million will be made to EMX as funds are released over the next 12 months.
Royalty and Royalty Generation Properties
EMX’s royalty property interests include Leeville in Nevada, the Timok Project’s Cukaru Peki deposit in Serbia, and properties being advanced by operating companies in Turkey, the western U.S., and Scandinavia. EMX’s royalty generation programs are filling the mineral property pipeline with new acquisitions on open ground in geologically prospective regions.
North America. There are 38 properties in the portfolio, of which fifteen are royalties or optioned for an EMX royalty interest, as well as other consideration to the Company’s benefit. The Company advances the western U.S. royalty generation portfolio through its wholly-owned subsidiary Bronco Creek Exploration (“BCE”).
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(Figure 2)
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  • EMX’s Leeville 1% gross smelter return royalty covers portions of Newmont Mining Corporation’s (“Newmont”) Northern Carlin Trend underground mines, including the Leeville and Turf operations. Newmont produced ~358 royalty gold ounces from Leeville in Q3 providing production royalty revenue to EMX of ~US $435,500. Royalty production was sourced from Leeville (65%) and Turf (35%). Newmont is exploring a trend of gold mineralization that extends southeast from the Leeville mining complex, and is partially covered by EMX’s royalty position. As discussed by Newmont, this trend, which includes the Rita K and Full House projects, is an important contributor to its Northern Carlin Trend underground resource and reserve development strategy. In addition, Newmont has highlighted “strong results South and West of Four Corners” and the “NE upside potential subparallel to the West Bounding Fault”, both of which include areas covered by the Leeville royalty property[2].
  • EMX has a 2% net smelter return (“NSR”) royalty covering the Hardshell Skarn claim block, which is part of South32 Limited’s (“South32”) Hermosa property in southern Arizona. The Hermosa property’s Taylor zinc-lead-silver carbonate replacement development project is directly north of EMX’s Hardshell Skarn royalty claim block. In Q3, the project’s previous owner, Arizona Mining Inc. (“AMI”), announced the completion of the plan of arrangement whereby South32 acquired all of the issued and outstanding common shares of AMI[3]. South32 expects to invest approximately US $100 million at the Taylor project in the 2019 fiscal year[4]. To date, two angle diamond drill holes have intersected high grade polymetallic zinc-lead-silver mineralization within EMX’s royalty claim block[5].
  • Anglo American concluded phase I reconnaissance drilling at the Copper Springs property in Arizona, which is under an option agreement with EMX. The program consisted of four holes totaling over 5,700 meters that tested concealed porphyry targets. The alteration and mineralization assemblages observed from bedrock intercepts are encouraging. Anglo American advises that it is planning a phase II follow-up program of additional geophysics and drilling. EMX optioned Copper Springs to Anglo American for cash payments and work commitments, and upon Anglo American’s earn-in for 100% interest in the project EMX will receive additional payments and retain a 2% NSR royalty interest[6].
  • EMX’s option agreement for the Greenwood Peak project in Arizona with a wholly owned subsidiary of Antofagasta plc (“Antofagasta”) was terminated in Q3. Earlier in 2018, Antofagasta concluded a three hole, 1,035 meter reconnaissance drill program to test a concealed porphyry target, and intersected weak alteration in bedrock. EMX has dropped the property due to a lack of encouraging results.
  • EMX’s generative work focused on new copper and gold targets in Arizona, the Great Basin, and Wyoming. The Company also completed property reviews with potential partners, and is in discussions with several groups for the available North American projects, as well as for regional generative alliances.

Turkey. EMX holds five royalty properties, including Akarca, Balya, and Sisorta, as well as two available royalty generation projects in Turkey’s Western Anatolia and Eastern Pontides mineral belts.
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(Figure 3)
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  • Çiftay İnşaat Taahhüt ve Ticaret A.Ş. (“Çiftay”), the owner of the Akarca gold project, made the fourth pre-production payment of ~US $610,000 to EMX (the cash equivalent of 500 troy ounces of gold) in Q3. Receipt of this payment leaves a pre-production total of 5,000 ounces of gold (or the cash equivalent) to be paid to EMX by Çiftay on a schedule of 500 ounces every six months. EMX retains a sliding scale royalty (subject to certain deductions) ranging from 1% to 3% for gold production from the property[7]. Çiftay advises that a scoping study is underway that includes diamond drill results announced earlier in 2018, such as 9.5 meters averaging 50.30 g/t gold and 29.2 g/t silver in the Arap Tepe “Zone C” area (true width ~85-95% of intercept length)[8]. Çiftay advises that its follow-up 2018 exploration programs are awaiting drill permits.
  • At the Balya lead-zinc-silver royalty property, Turkish owner Dedeman Madencilik San ve Tic. A.S. (“Dedeman”) advised that it is continuing with its ~25,000 meter step-out drill campaign to fill in a ~500 meter long corridor between mineralization at Hastanetepe, where underground development work has been concentrated, and the Southern Zone target area. Dedeman provided EMX with initial results from the program, which included 12.75 meters averaging 11.39% lead, 5.92% zinc and 225.18 g/t silver in hole DB108-B (true width ~95% of intercept length), as well as other intercepts in nearby holes at Hastanetepe[9]. EMX has an uncapped 4.0% NSR royalty interest covering Balya.
  • The Sisorta gold project’s Turkish owner, Bahar Madencilik Sinayi ve Ticaret Ltd Sti (“Bahar”), advised Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) work is ongoing under the mine permitting process in Turkey. Once complete, Bahar intends to continue applying for the permits necessary for project development. EMX has an uncapped 3.5% to 5.0% NSR royalty interest covering Sisorta.

Serbia. EMX has a 0.5% NSR royalty covering the Timok Project’s Cukaru Peki copper-gold deposit[10]. Nevsun Resources Ltd (“Nevsun”) controls the Timok Project’s high-grade Upper Zone (characterized by epithermal-style mineralization), and is in a joint venture with Freeport-McMoRan on the Project’s Lower Zone (characterized by porphyry-style mineralization). Nevsun announced a friendly, all cash agreement in Q3 to be acquired by Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd. of China for US $1.41 billion[11].
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(Figure 4)
To view an enhanced version of Figure 4, please visit:
Nevsun filed a technical report on the initial inferred resource for the Lower Zone porphyry project of 1.659 billion tonnes averaging 0.86% copper and 0.18 g/t at a “dollar equivalent” cut-off of US $25/tonne[12]. The Lower Zone porphyry “ranks high in grade, size and contained metal for porphyry copper deposits worldwide” according to Nevsun. Nevsun’s technical report also included the previously announced Upper Zone Pre-Feasibility Study that outlined a 10 year mine life yielding approximately 1.7 billion pounds of payable copper and 516 thousand ounces of payable gold[13]. Initial Upper Zone production is estimated by Nevsun to be in 2022. Nevsun has stated that “There are multiple high grade Upper Zone style exploration targets above the Lower Zone and our exploration licenses have the potential to host entirely new porphyry systems with associated high grade Upper Zone style mineralization.”
EMX’s royalty properties in the Timok Magmatic Complex add significant upside potential from one of the world’s top copper development projects.
Scandinavia. EMX’s portfolio in Scandinavia totals over 35 royalty and royalty generation properties in Sweden and Norway. The Company has converted multiple properties to royalty and equity interests, while adding value via early-stage exploration to royalty generation properties that are available for partnership.
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(Figure 5)
To view an enhanced version of Figure 5, please visit:

  • EMX has eight royalty properties sold to, and operated by Boreal Metals Corp. (“Boreal”) and Boreal Energy Metals Corporation (“BEMC”), a subsidiary of Boreal. The sale of the properties included uncapped 3% NSR royalty interests, equity interests in Boreal and BEMC, annual advance royalty payments, and other consideration to EMX’s benefit. The properties consist of polymetallic, cobalt, nickel, and copper projects. In Q3, Boreal a) commenced exploration programs at the Tynset volcanic massive sulfide (“VMS”) project in Norway, b) identified prospective geophysical targets at the Gumsberg VMS project in Sweden, and c) commenced a 1,000 meter reconnaissance diamond drill program at the Burfjord copper-gold project in Norway[14]. EMX provided technical assistance for this work on a 100% reimbursed consulting basis.
  • At the Riddarhyttan iron oxide copper-gold (“IOCG”) and massive sulfide project in Sweden, which is optioned to South32, EMX conducted geologic mapping, geochemical sampling, and geophysical surveys during Q3 on a 100% reimbursed basis. The geophysical work included high resolution VTEMTM(airborne time-domain electromagnetic) and aeromagnetic surveys over the entire Riddarhyttan license area. These new data are being used to generate drill targets on the project. Riddarhyttan was optioned to South32 for cash payments and work commitments to earn a 100% interest in the project, and upon earn-in, EMX will receive annual advance royalty and milestone payments in addition to a 3% NSR royalty interest[15]. Riddarhyttan is the locality where the element cobalt was first discovered and recognized, and is also the type locality of certain rare earth elements and related minerals.
  • Geochemical sampling and geophysical surveying was conducted in Q3 at the Slättberg nickel-copper-cobalt project in Sweden, which is optioned to Sienna Resources Inc. (“Sienna”). This work followed-up on Sienna’s earlier drill program that returned intercepts including 2.8 meters averaging 1.05% nickel, 1125 ppm cobalt and 0.79% copper in hole SIE-18-3 (true width 60-70% of reported interval length)[16]. Slättberg was optioned to Sienna for share equity in Sienna, and upon Sienna’s earn-in through work commitments for 100% interest in the project, additional share equity will be due and EMX will retain a 3% NSR royalty on the project[17].
  • Geochemical sampling and geophysical surveys were completed over a number of EMX’s “Gold Line” licenses in the Skellefteå area in central Sweden. Multiple geochemical sampling techniques were tested in orientation surveys across several areas with historic, drill-defined zones of gold mineralization. Results are pending, but this work is intended to identify methods appropriate for recognizing additional zones of gold mineralization hidden beneath shallow glacial till cover. Ground based magnetic surveys and extensive stream sediment sampling surveys were also conducted across the project areas. Preliminary stream sediment data have highlighted drainages with newly recognized anomalous gold signatures. Follow-up work, including additional geophysical surveys and surface sampling and mapping, will take place in the winter months and into the spring and summer of 2019.

Other Assets. EMX’s portfolio in Australia and New Zealand consists of orogenic gold, epithermal gold-silver, sediment hosted stratabound copper, and copper-zinc skarn royalty and royalty generation projects. EMX’s organically generated 0.5% NSR royalty portfolio in Haiti covers gold and copper exploration properties held by Newmont Ventures Limited, as well as the Grand Bois project which is controlled by a privately held Nevada corporation.
Other Company News. EMX is pleased to announce the appointment of Lori Pavle as Corporate Secretary, taking on the position previously held by Marien Segovia. EMX thanks Ms. Segovia for her service to the Company, and extends best wishes for her future endeavors. Ms. Pavle has over 20 years of experience in the administration of natural resource companies listed on the TSX and TSX Venture exchanges, with appointments that included Corporate Secretary, Corporate Administrator, and Legal Assistant. The Company welcomes Lori to the EMX team. Pursuant to the Company’s Stock Option Plan, an aggregate of 60,000 incentive stock options, exercisable at a price of CDN $1.57 per share for a period of five years, has been granted to Ms. Pavle along with a signing bonus, through the issuance of an aggregate of 21,000 common shares, subject to any applicable stock exchange approvals and vesting requirements.
The Company also announces that upon successful completion of the sale of the Company’s interest in the Malmyzh Project in Russia, a discretionary cash bonus has been allocated in an aggregate amount of US$3.8 Million to executive directors, officers, employees and consultants of the Company.
About EMX. EMX leverages asset ownership and exploration insight into partnerships that advance our mineral properties, with EMX receiving pre-production payments and retaining royalty interests. EMX complements its royalty generation initiatives with royalty acquisitions and strategic investments.
The recent advancements of the Company’s asset portfolio underscore EMX’s focus on steadily increasing global revenue streams from strategic investments, royalties, and other payments. The Company’s goal is to substantially grow our cash flowing royalty portfolio while providing multiple opportunities for exploration and production success.
Mr. Dean D. Turner, CPG, a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and consultant to the Company, has reviewed, verified and approved the disclosure of the technical information contained in this news release.
For further information contact:
David M. Cole
President and Chief Executive Officer
Phone: (303) 979-6666
Scott Close
Director of Investor Relations
Phone: (303) 973-8585
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release may contain forward looking statements that reflect the Company’s current expectations and projections about its future results. These forward-looking statements may include statements regarding perceived merit of properties, exploration results and budgets, mineral reserves and resource estimates, work programs, capital expenditures, timelines, strategic plans, market prices for precious and base metal, or other statements that are not statements of fact. When used in this news release, words such as estimate, intend, expect,anticipate, will“, “believe”, “potential” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, which, by their very nature, are not guarantees of the Company’s future operational or financial performance, and are subject to risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause the Company‘s actual results, performance, prospects or opportunities to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and factors may include, but are not limited to: unavailability of financing, failure to identify commercially viable mineral reserves, fluctuations in the market valuation for commodities, difficulties in obtaining required approvals for the development of a mineral project, increased regulatory compliance costs, expectations of project funding by joint venture partners and other factors.
Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this news release or as of the date otherwise specifically indicated herein. Due to risks and uncertainties, including the risks and uncertainties identified in this news release, and other risk factors and forward-looking statements listed in the Company’s MD&A for the quarter ended September 30, 2018 (the “MD&A”), and the most recently filed Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2017actual events may differ materially from current expectations. More information about the Company, including the MD&A, the 20-F and financial statements of the Company, is available on SEDAR at and on the SEC’s EDGAR website at
[1] See EMX news releases dated October 30, 2018.
[2] See Newmont Investor Presentation – August 2018.
[3] See AMI news release dated August 10, 2018.
[4] See South32 Financial Results & Outlook Year Ended 30 June 2018 dated August 23, 2018.
[5] See EMX news releases dated August 30, 2017.
[6] See EMX news releases dated February 28, 2017.
[7] See EMX news release dated August 8, 2016.
[8] See EMX news release dated April 17, 2018.
[9] See EMX news release dated August 13, 2018.
[10] Note: EMX’s 0.5% NSR royalty is subject to reduction only as provided in the royalty agreement.
[11] See Nevsun news release dated September 5, 2018.
[12] See Nevsun news release dated August 7, 2018 and Sedar filed Technical Report.
[13] See Nevsun news releases dated March 28, 2018.
[14] See Boreal news releases dated July 4, September 19, and September 26, 2018.
[15] See EMX news release dated April 19, 2018.
[16] See Sienna news release dated May 17, 2018.
[17] See EMX news release dated December 4, 2017.


URANIUM | NexGen Releases Project Development-Focused Summer 2018 Drilling Results

VANCOUVERNov. 22, 2018 /PRNewswire/ – NexGen Energy Ltd. (“NexGen” or the “Company”) (TSX: NXE, NYSE MKT: NXE) is pleased to report geotechnical and radioactivity results for twenty-nine holes comprising 20,482.31 m on the Company’s 100% owned Rook I property, in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. The primary objective of the program was the geotechnical characterization of areas within Arrow’s footwall, lateral development and potential underground infrastructure locations of which results were incorporated into the Pre-Feasibility Study (“PFS”) released on November 5th, 2018. The exploration results of this release which encountered strong mineralized intervals in key areas were not incorporated into the updated Mineral Resource Estimate and PFS results, released on November 5, 2018.


Geotechnical Characterization of the A2 Sub-Zone

Two holes drilled to geotechnically characterize the rock mass within the A2 sub-zone, underwent dedicated geotechnical logging and packer tests throughout the ore zone to obtain data and analysis of sub-surface conditions within the mine plan. Both holes were collared at a steep inclination, then shallowed out to a dip of approximately 57°.

  • GAR-18-016 intersected 38.5 m of total composite mineralization including 10.7 mof total composite off-scale radioactivity (>10,000 to >61,000 cps) within a 75 msection (552.0 to 627.0 m) and featured 1.5 m of continuous massive-to-semi massive pitchblende with minimum-greater-than-61,000 cps.

Geotechnical Characterization of the Footwall

Holes targeting the footwall successfully characterized the geotechnical and hydrogeological conditions of the rock-mass proximal to the potential mine infrastructure and Underground Tailings Management Facility (“UGTMF”). Additionally, drilling focused on the sterilization of uranium mineralization within areas that will host project development infrastructure and were all geotechnically logged incorporating packer tests at regular intervals.

  • Holes drilled within the footwall of Arrow, in areas of envisioned underground mine infrastructure intersected suitable rock-mass and hydraulic conductivity to facilitate underground development.
  • Similarly, holes drilled within the proximity of the UGTMF positively indicated the area contains suitable rock-mass and low hydraulic conductivity to facilitate underground development.
  • Importantly, negligible alteration and structure were intersected in proximity of envisioned underground mine infrastructure and UGTMF.

Shaft Pilot Hole Program

Three shaft pilot holes were successfully completed to a depth of between 650 m and 702 m. The vertically drilled shaft holes were kept within a 3.0 m radius from surface through to their termination depths, intersected minimal structure and showed low hydraulic conductivity throughout via packer testing at regular intervals.

  • GAR-18-010 targeted shaft location option 1. The hole was successfully completed to a depth of 650 m, intersecting minimal structure within proximity of targeted area in the footwall. A total of 6.0 m of composite uranium mineralization was intersected (549.0 m to 550.0 m) with a maximum radioactivity of 3,900 cps.
  • GAR-18-013 targeted shaft location option 2. The hole was successfully completed to a depth of 650 m. Preliminary results indicate the area contains suitable rock-mass and low hydraulic conductivity to facilitate future shaft design.
  • GAR-18-015 targeted shaft location option 3. The hole was successfully completed to a depth of 702 m, intersecting minimal structure within designed underground mine infrastructure. Preliminary results indicate the area contains suitable rock-mass and low hydraulic conductivity to facilitate a future shaft design.

Exploration, A2 High-Grade Domain

Drilling focused on an under-explored area to the northeast boundary of the currently defined A2 high-grade domain at variable elevations. Drilling resulted in the identification of mineralization between the A2 and A3 shears as well as demonstrating the continuity of high-grade mineralization beyond the currently defined A2 high-grade domains.

  • AR-18-220c1 (located 50 m along strike to the northeast of AR-14-30 (10.32% U3O8over 46.0 m)) intersected 55.5 m of total composite mineralization including 2.25 mof total composite off-scale radioactivity (>10,000 to >61,000 cps) within a 109.5 msection (438.5 to 548.0 m) in the A2 shear. The hole demonstrates the continuity of high-grade mineralization beyond the currently defined A2 high-grade domains in the A2 shear.

Drill hole locations and schematics are shown in Figures 1 to 4. Drill hole descriptions can be found at

Leigh Curyer, Chief Executive Officer, commented: “The successful completion of the geotechnical and hydrogeological drilling was highly positive and reflected in the Arrow Project PFS released on November 5, 2018. In addition, the exploration results  at Arrow this last summer continue to provide strong upside with respect to areas of potential future resource growth. These results have positively set the foundation for our largest campaign to date at Arrow – a two staged 125,000 m drill program commencing mid-December 2018through to Q3 2019. The results of this program will then be incorporated into a Feasibility Study scheduled to be released in H1 2020.”

Troy Boisjoli, Vice-President, Operations and Project Development, commented: “The Summer 2018 drill program demonstrated the highly competent geotechnical chartateristics of the Arrow deposit. The team is looking forward to the approaching 125,000 m drill program to further advance and optimize Arrow’s potential mine development profile. Further, the high grade mineralization encountered northeast of the A2 High Grade Domain is a great result providing additional areas to test in the future for potential resource growth.”

Development, Activities & Financial

  • Expediting Arrow to Feasibility by initiating a 2-stage 125,000m (10 rig) high density drilling program commencing in mid-December 2018 to focus on mine optimization plans based on Measured and Indicated mineral resources.
  • As of October 31, 2018, the Company had cash-on-hand of approximately $125 million which fully funds NexGen for all programs throughout 2019.

Table 1: Arrow Drill Hole Data

Drill Hole


Group –



Depth (m)

Handheld Scintillometer Results (RS-120)

Hole ID






From (m)

To (m)

Width (m)

CPS Range









<500 –  1710









<500 –  510






No Anomalous Radioactivity









<500 –  1300




<500 –  610




<500 –  570




<500 –  650




<500 –  650









<500 –  680






No Anomalous Radioactivity






No Anomalous Radioactivity






No Anomalous Radioactivity









<500 –  4250




<500 –  970






No Anomalous Radioactivity






No Anomalous Radioactivity









<500 –  560




610 –  20000




<500 –  5200




<500 –  4600






No Anomalous Radioactivity









<500 –  1300




<500 –  3200




<500 –  4300




<500 –  650




<500 –  3300




<500 –  1275




<500 –  1550




<500 –  5350




<500 –  4200




<500 –  680




<500 –  61000




<500 –  570




<500 –  10500




1100 –  26700




<500 –  16500




<500 –  2310









<500 –  1200




<500 –  1500




<500 –  1100




<500 –  660




<500 –  1150




<500 –  630




<500 –  11000




<500 –  8600




<500 –  9400




<500 –  61000




<500 –  720




510 –  850




<500 –  1280




<500 –  1100




<500 –  2200




<500 –  570




<500 –  1240




<500 –  2200




<500 –  61000




<500 –  61000










<500 –  530









<500 –  7000




<500 –  13000




<500 –  520







No Anomalous Radioactivity






No Anomalous Radioactivity









<500 –  3500




<500 –  4250






No Anomalous Radioactivity









<500 –  3900






No Anomalous Radioactivity









<500 –  840




<500 –  530




<500 –  7550




<500 –  510






No Anomalous Radioactivity









<500 –  520




<500 –  1050






No Anomalous Radioactivity









<500 –  1380




<500 –  830




<500 –  660




<500 –  61000




<500 –  54000









<500 –  3600




<500 –  1100




<500 –  31000




<500 –  4800




<500 –  700




2100 –  47700




<500 –  1300




<500 –  1800




<500 –  1900




<500 –  1700




<500 –  2500




<500 –  1500




<500 –  61000




<500 –  3400




<500 –  720




<500 –  1920




<500 –  1350




<500 –  1650


  • Maximum internal dilution 2.00 m downhole
  • All depths and intervals are metres downhole, true thicknesses are yet to be determined
  • “Anomalous” means >500 cps (counts per second) total count gamma readings by gamma scintillometer type RS-120
  • “Off-scale” means >10,000 cps (counts per second) total count gamma readings by gamma scintillometer type RS-120
  • Where “Min cps” is <500 cps, this refers to local low radiometric zones within the overall radioactive interval
  • Directional drilling has often resulted in mineralization intersected at a more favourable and shallower dip

About NexGen

NexGen is a British Columbia corporation with a focus on the acquisition, exploration and development of Canadian uranium projects. NexGen has a highly experienced team of uranium industry professionals with a successful track record in the discovery of uranium deposits and in developing projects through discovery to production. NexGen owns a portfolio of prospective uranium exploration assets in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada, including a 100% interest in Rook I, location of the Arrow Deposit in February 2014, the Bow discovery in March 2015, the Harpoon discovery in August 2016 and the Arrow South discovery in July 2017. NexGen is the recipient of the PDAC’s 2018 Bill Dennis Award and the 2019 Environmental and Social Responsibility Award.

Technical Disclosure

The technical information in this news release with respect to the PFS has been reviewed and approved by Paul O’Hara, P.Eng. of Wood., David Robson, P.Eng., M.B.A., and Jason Cox, P.Eng. of RPA, each of whom is a “qualified person” under National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI-43-101“).

The Mineral Resource Estimate was completed by Mr. Mark Mathisen, C.P.G., Senior Geologist at RPA and Mr. David Ross, P.Geo., Director of Resource Estimation and Principal Geologist at RPA.  Both are independent Qualified Persons in accordance with the requirements of National Instrument (NI) 43-101 and they have approved the disclosure herein. All other technical information in this news release has been approved by Mr. Troy Boisjoli, Geoscientist Licensee, Vice President – Operations & Project Development for NexGen.  Mr. Boisjoli is a qualified person for the purposes of NI 43-101 and has verified the sampling, analytical, and test data underlying the information or opinions contained herein by reviewing original data certificates and monitoring all of the data collection protocols.

A technical report in respect of the PFS will be filed on SEDAR ( and EDGAR ( within 45 days of this news release.

SEC Standards

Estimates of mineralization and other technical information included or referenced in this news release have been prepared in accordance with NI 43-101. The definitions of proven and probable mineral reserves used in NI 43-101 differ from the definitions in SEC Industry Guide 7. Under SEC Industry Guide 7 standards, a “final” or “bankable” feasibility study is required to report reserves, the three-year historical average price is used in any reserve or cash flow analysis to designate reserves and the primary environmental analysis or report must be filed with the appropriate governmental authority. As a result, the reserves reported by the Company in accordance with NI 43-101 may not qualify as “reserves” under SEC standards. In addition, the terms “mineral resource”, “measured mineral resource”, “indicated mineral resource” and “inferred mineral resource” are defined in and required to be disclosed by NI 43-101; however, these terms are not defined terms under SEC Industry Guide 7 and normally are not permitted to be used in reports and registration statements filed with the SEC. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of the mineral deposits in these categories will ever be converted into reserves. “Inferred mineral resources” have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian securities laws, estimates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of feasibility or pre-feasibility studies, except in rare cases. Additionally, disclosure of “contained pounds” in a resource is permitted disclosure under Canadian securities laws; however, the SEC normally only permits issuers to report mineralization that does not constitute “reserves” by SEC standards as in place tonnage and grade without reference to unit measurements. Accordingly, information contained or referenced in this news release containing descriptions of the Company’s mineral deposits may not be comparable to similar information made public by U.S. companies subject to the reporting and disclosure requirements of United Statesfederal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder.

Technical Information

For details of the Rook I Project including the quality assurance program and quality control measures applied and key assumptions, parameters and methods used to estimate the Mineral Resource please refer to the technical report entitled “Technical Report on the Preliminary Economic Assessment of the Arrow Deposit, Rook 1 Property, Province of Saskatchewan, Canada” dated effective September 1, 2017 (the “Rook 1 Technical Report”) prepared by Jason J. Cox, P.Eng., David M. Robson, P.Eng., M.B.A., Mark B. Mathisen, C.P.G., David A. Ross M.Sc., P.Geo., Val Coetzee, M.Eng., Pr.Eng., and Mark Wittrup, M.Sc., P.Eng.,P.Geo. each of whom is a “qualified person” under NI 43-101. The Rook I Technical Report is available for review under the Company’s profile on SEDAR at A technical report in respect of the PFS will be filed on SEDAR ( and EDGAR ( within 45 days of the PFS  news release (November 5th, 2018) providing details of the Rook I Project including the quality assurance program and quality control measures applied and key assumptions, parameters and methods used to estimate the Mineral Resource.

Forward-Looking Information

The information contained herein contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. “Forward-looking information” includes, but is not limited to, statements with respect to the activities, events or developments that the Company expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future. Generally, but not always, forward-looking information and statements can be identified by the use of words such as “plans”, “expects”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates”, or “believes” or the negative connotation thereof or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will be taken”, “occur” or “be achieved” or the negative connotation thereof.

Forward-looking information and statements are based on the then current expectations, beliefs, assumptions, estimates and forecasts about NexGen’s business and the industry and markets in which it operates. Forward-looking information and statements are made based upon numerous assumptions, including among others, that the proposed transaction will be completed, the results of planned exploration activities are as anticipated, the price of uranium, the cost of planned exploration activities, that financing will be available if and when needed and on reasonable terms, that third party contractors, equipment, supplies and governmental and other approvals required to conduct NexGen’s planned exploration activities will be available on reasonable terms and in a timely manner and that general business and economic conditions will not change in a material adverse manner. Although the assumptions made by the Company in providing forward looking information or making forward looking statements are considered reasonable by management at the time, there can be no assurance that such assumptions will prove to be accurate.

Forward-looking information and statements also involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, performances and achievements of NexGen to differ materially from any projections of results, performances and achievements of NexGen expressed or implied by such forward-looking information or statements, including, among others, negative operating cash flow and dependence on third party financing, uncertainty of the availability of additional financing, the risk that pending assay results will not confirm previously announced preliminary results, imprecision of mineral resource estimates, the appeal of alternate sources of energy and sustained low uranium prices, aboriginal title and consultation issues, exploration risks, reliance upon key management and other personnel, deficiencies in the Company’s title to its properties, uninsurable risks, failure to manage conflicts of interest, failure to obtain or maintain required permits and licenses, changes in laws, regulations and policy, competition for resources and financing, and other factors discussed or referred to in the Company’s Annual Information Form dated March 31, 2017 under “Risk Factors”.

Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking information or implied by forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended.

There can be no assurance that forward-looking information and statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or reissue forward-looking information as a result of new information or events except as required by applicable securities laws.


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