Original Source: http://www.321gold.com/editorials/moriarty/moriarty011819.html
Bob Moriarty
Jan 18, 2019
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
Those memorable words penned by Charles Dickens in 1859 begin the story of the times leading up to the French Revolution and ending in the Jacobin Reign of Terror. The Tale of Two Cities may be back for an encore. So might the Reign of Terror.
The earth’s very first worldwide revolution began in Paris on November 17th 2018. The immediate cause was an increase in taxes on diesel and gasoline. The French government levied higher taxes on diesel of 7.6 cents per liter in 2018 with a planned increase of an additional 6.5 cents effective on January 1st 2019. Gasoline taxes rose by 3.9 cents in 2018 and were due to go up 2.9 cents more with the turn of the New Year.
Globalization has caused a mass migration all over the world from rural areas and small towns to the large cities. As the migration took place, the balance of political power shifted and the rural areas had less and less of an impact on the decision making process.
French law requires all vehicles be equipped with neon yellow vests for safety if the automobile is disabled or the driver needs to change a tire. Yellow vests or Gilets Jaunes are in every car in case of emergency. Any emergency will do, even a protest.
The protests began simply with a demand that the increases in fuel taxes be rescinded. From Paris other groups of the Gilets Jaunes sprang up spontaneously all over France in village squares and in the ubitiquous traffic circles controlling the flow of traffic rather than red lights found in most countries. People in the streets protesting actions of the government are the ultimate form of direct democracy.
There were no leaders. As times some labor unions and politicians have attempted to coopt the movement without success. The Yellow Vests reject centralized power no matter where it comes from. All of the protests came directly from local residents angry at their lack of voice.
By and large it was peaceful from the beginning with pretty much the exception of the actions of the police. Most people in most cities simply walked around talking to other Yellow Vests. As time went by the list of demands grew to include the resignation of French President Emmanuel Macron as well as other changes in forms of taxation and benefit modifications.
Naturally the elite in government smiled as the requests for change grew out of control. They knew that as the demands expanded the chance of them being enacted declined. Under pressure Macron agreed to postpone or cancel the fuel tax increase and went along with some minor modifications to minimum wage and retirement benefits. But he soon tired of the sops to the masses and began to harden his position.
The Yellow Vest movement is simple. The people want more say in how the government affects their lives. Over the past week the stakes may have risen as the French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced support for a new law banning unapproved protests. The idea was not complicated. It’s ok to riot but you need to fill out forms in triplicate and get government approval first. I have a suggestion for the Gilets Jaunes, “Don’t hold your breath.”
The Yellow Vest masses seemed to have touched a nerve with angry people all over the world. There have been similar protests in Taiwan, Israel,Brussels, Canada, Spain and no doubt many other locations. It is a worldwide revolution and it will only grow.
As long as there have been groups gathered together for protection the elite have ruled. It didn’t matter if it was the head of a clan, a Pope, a king or eventually presidents and prime ministers. The elite ruled and the peasants could stuff themselves with cake if they didn’t like the lack of bread. But the elites have always been out of touch with what the people, the mob, the masses want.
When the peasants went hungry for long enough because of mismanagement of government, they manned the barricades and sharpened their pikes. In the end after every revolution all they managed to accomplish was change one group of elites with a different group of clueless elites. Look at the elections in the US and the UK. One party rules, then the other party rules, then it goes back again. Nothing ever changes.
Who do the Yellow Vests think will take over if they boot Macron? I can tell you right now it will be another brain dead idiot determined to line his own pockets until he gets the boot.
This process of rule by elites has led to the bizarre situation in the US where a tiny group of determined Neocons managed to subvert the entire political and military establishment of the country on behalf of a meaningless little shit for brains country in the Middle East. No more than thirty total they still took total control of the establishment involving the nation in one meaningless and expensive war after another. It has gotten so stupid and out of control that the very first law considered by the US Congress and US Senate in 2019 was a bill to make boycotts of Israel illegal.
You may still boycott the Mormons and Buddhists. It’s legal and OK to boycott the Pope or Donald Trump should you wish. And advocating boycotts of Hillary will still be allowed. You can boycott whoever and whatever you wish. Except for Israel. Twenty-six states have already incorporated rules requiring loyalty oaths to Israel. In Europe you may not question the Holocaust. If you even debate what happened, you may go to jail.
Now that’s power.
In an ominous move on the part of the French government just took action that might morph a peaceful protest against petty taxes into a violent reign of terror and a resurrection of the guillotine. And a lot of heads of the former elite swinging from long pikes.
As reported on the 13th of January, some units of the riot police have been issued fully automatic G36 rifles. If and when some fool policeman starts shooting at the protestors, a bloody war will have started. Eventually more and more of the police will realize they are shooting their own citizens. At that point they will start shooting politicians.
There is a simple and bloodless solution that the elite will hate and the
Gilets Jaunes of all countries will love. But to understand it, you must also understand why these protests have expanded so quickly.
Until the Internet came along twenty years or so ago, the elite ruled because they controlled the narrative. Americans believed that Kennedy was killed by a lone assassin, Vietnam was fought to save the Vietnamese from godless Communism, nineteen hijackers led by a guy with terminal kidney disease living in a cave in Afghanistan managed to win the most effective battle in history.
Then the Internet gave everyone a voice. Every damned fool given a new keyboard for Christmas by momma could go out on chatboards and say whatever idiotic things they wanted and remain anonymous so they didn’t have to account for their stupidity to anyone. If they wished, they could and did watch porn from the confines of their government office if that is what they did for a living. Communication was instant and total.
A few people posting on the Internet actually made sense. The Internet is not a Mecca of accurate information. But some of the voices made sense and if you ignored the clutter and listened to the bells that peeled with the ring of truth eventually a false flag operation that would have passed with flying colors fifty years ago would be exposed in minutes today.
More and more of the middle class realized the actions of governments and central banks were destroying their financial security. There was nothing new to that; governments have always waged war first on their own people. Throughout history people have resented their standard of living being destroyed by the elite.
But they couldn’t do a damned thing about it. They might be angry but they had no voice.
Eventually they could take a marvelous weapon right at hand such as the Yellow Vests and make them a symbol of protest. But they still didn’t have a solution that was both reasonable and possible until a genius named Etienne Chouard came up with a magic bullet.
Monsieur Chouard teaches college in Marseilles France on the southern coast. For years he has advocated adoption of something he calls theCitizens Initiative Referendum or CIR. The CIR only asks that citizens be allowed to choose the rules and regulations by which they are governed and the best way to achieve such direct democracy is by way of the referendum.
The concept is brilliant. A certain number of signatories on a petition would allow for a referendum to be published and voted on.
The Swiss did it in 2016 with the idea of a guaranteed basic income for all. It was suggested that all Swiss citizens be granted an automatic 2,500 SF monthly. Naturally the Swiss being the Swiss, they also understood that someone had to pay for that largess and it would be by themselves. Governments don’t have any money; all they do is take it from one group and hand it to another. 77% of Swiss voting soundly rejected the idea.
A worldwide revolution has been started. It’s pretty much led by the middle class who feel government policies are destroying them financially. If and when the police start shooting at protestors, protestors will start shooting back. It has all the potential for being the greatest war in history. The governments will eventually lose as the police and military change sides.
A well thought out CIR would solve the issue. It is both practical and workable. The elites will hate it because they will lose their franchise on power and money. The people will love it because it makes them responsible for their own decisions. They should be allowed direct democracy because they are the ones paying for it.
In the end the world will owe a giant debt for the ideas of Etienne Chouard. It may not be a perfect solution but it is a solution. The alternatives are far worse.
Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold
321gold Ltd
Joel Dumaresq has been the CEO of Molori Energy Inc. (CVE:MOL) since 2016. This report will, first, examine the CEO compensation levels in comparison to CEO compensation at companies of similar size. Then we’ll look at a snap shot of the business growth. And finally – as a second measure of performance – we will look at the returns shareholders have received over the last few years. This method should give us information to assess how appropriately the company pays the CEO.
See our latest analysis for Molori Energy
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Our data indicates that Molori Energy Inc. is worth CA$2.3m, and total annual CEO compensation is CA$292k. (This number is for the twelve months until 2017). We think total compensation is more important but we note that the CEO salary is lower, at CA$240k. We looked at a group of companies with market capitalizations under CA$268m, and the median CEO compensation was CA$158k.
As you can see, Joel Dumaresq is paid more than the median CEO pay at companies of a similar size, in the same market. However, this does not necessarily mean Molori Energy Inc. is paying too much. A closer look at the performance of the underlying business will give us a better idea about whether the pay is particularly generous.
You can see a visual representation of the CEO compensation at Molori Energy, below.
Molori Energy Inc. has increased its earnings per share (EPS) by an average of 80% a year, over the last three years (using a line of best fit). In the last year, its revenue is down -33%.
Overall this is a positive result for shareholders, showing that the company has improved in recent years. The lack of revenue growth isn’t ideal, but it is the bottom line that counts most in business.
We don’t have analyst forecasts, but you might want to assess this data-rich visualization of earnings, revenue and cash flow.
Most shareholders would probably be pleased with Molori Energy Inc. for providing a total return of 67% over three years. As a result, some may believe the CEO should be paid more than is normal for companies of similar size.
We examined the amount Molori Energy Inc. pays its CEO, and compared it to the amount paid by similar sized companies. We found that it pays well over the median amount paid in the benchmark group.
However we must not forget that the EPS growth has been very strong over three years. In addition, shareholders have done well over the same time period. As a result of this good performance, the CEO remuneration may well be quite reasonable. Whatever your view on compensation, you might want to check if insiders are buying or selling Molori Energy shares (free trial).
Of course, the past can be informative so you might be interested in considering this analytical visualization showing the company history of earnings and revenue.
To help readers see past the short term volatility of the financial market, we aim to bring you a long-term focused research analysis purely driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis does not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements.
The author is an independent contributor and at the time of publication had no position in the stocks mentioned. For errors that warrant correction please contact the editor at editorial-team@simplywallst.com.
Vancouver, British Columbia–(Newsfile Corp. – January 17, 2019) – Group Eleven Resources Corp. (TSXV: ZNG) (OTCQB: GRLVF) would like to cordially invite you to visit us at Booth #913 at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference (VRIC) to be held at the Vancouver Convention Centre West (1055 Canada Place, Vancouver) on Sunday January 20 – Monday January 21, 2019.
The Vancouver Resource Investment Conference has been the bellwether of the junior mining market for the last twenty-five years. It is the number one source of information for investment trends and ideas, covering all aspects of the natural resource industry.
Each year, the VRIC hosts over 60 keynote speakers, 350 exhibiting companies and 9000 investors.
Investment thought leaders and wealth influencers provide our audiences with valuable insights. C-suite company executives covering every corner of the mineral exploration sector as well as metals, oil & gas, renewable energy, media and financial services companies are available to speak one on one. This is a must-attend for investors and stakeholders in the global mining industry.
For more information and/or to register for the conference please visit: https://cambridgehouse.com/vancouver-resource-investment-conference
We look forward to seeing you there.
For further information:
Group Eleven Resources Corp.
Spiros Cacos
+1 604 630 8839
Vancouver, British Columbia–(Newsfile Corp. – January 17, 2019) – Miramont Resources Corp. (CSE: MONT) (OTCQB: MRRMF) (FSE: 6MR) (“Miramont” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it intends to complete a non-brokered private placement of up to 2,857,143 units (“Units“) at a price of $0.35 per Unit for aggregate gross proceeds of up to approximately $1,000,000 (the “Private Placement“). The Company intends to use the proceeds from the Private Placement for its planned drilling activities at Cerro Hermoso, advancing the Lukkacha project and general working capital purposes. Closing of the Private Placement is expected to occur on or before January 31, 2019 (the “Closing Date“).
Each Unit will consist of one (1) common share (each, a “Common Share“) in the capital of the Company and one (1) transferrable common share purchase warrant (each, a “Warrant“). Each Warrant will entitle the holder to purchase one Common Share at a price of $0.50 per Common Share until the date which is two (2) years from the Closing Date. The Company may pay certain finders a fee for introducing eligible participants to the Private Placement.
All securities issued under the Private Placement, including securities issuable on exercise thereof, are subject to a hold period expiring four months and one day from the Closing Date.
The Private Placement is subject to certain conditions including, but not limited to, the receipt of all necessary approvals, including the approval of the Canadian Securities Exchange.
About Miramont Resources Corp.
Miramont is a Canadian based exploration company with a focus on acquiring and developing mineral prospects within world-class belts of South America. Miramont’s key assets are located in southern Peru. The Cerro Hermoso property hosts a 1.4km diameter breccia pipe targeting gold – polymetallic mineralization, while the Lukkacha property is targeting porphyry copper mineralization.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
“William Pincus”
William Pincus, President and CEO
For more information, please contact the Company at:
Telephone: (604) 398-4493
Reader Advisory
This news release may include forward-looking information that is subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward-looking, including statements with respect to the use of proceeds from the Private Placement. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking information are based on reasonable assumptions, such information is not a guarantee of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, fluctuations in market prices, successes of the operations of the Company, continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such information will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. The Company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking information except as required under the applicable securities laws.
Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 17, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Allegiant Gold Ltd. (“ALLEGIANT”) (AUAU:TSX-V) (AUXXF:OTCQX) reports on the progress of its high-impact discovery drilling campaign. A total of 6 projects located principally in the world-class gold mining jurisdiction of Nevada are slated for drilling over a 10-12 month period, to approximately June 2019. Drilling commenced at the Red Hills project in August 2018 and drilling at a third project, North Brown, was completed in December and final assays are expected within one week. Assay results for Hughes Canyon (the second property drilled) have now been received in full.
ALLEGIANT completed 2,139 meters of drilling in 12 rotary holes at Hughes Canyon. Hydrothermal alteration was encountered in 10 of the 12 holes in several different stratigraphic units in a faulted and folded Mesozoic sedimentary package. Gold and silver values above 0.10 g/t gold encountered in the drilling are available at the following link:
Overall the drilling results at Hughes Canyon are encouraging and suggest more drilling is necessary, however in the context of prioritizing expenditures on ALLEGIANT’S large portfolio of prospective exploration properties, Hughes Canyon will be abandoned.
ALLEGIANT expects to resume the “discovery drilling campaign” at the 4thproject, Monitor Hills, in about one week.
Qualified Person
Andy Wallace is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists and is a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Mr. Wallace has reviewed and approved the technical content of this press release.
ALLEGIANT owns 100% of 14 highly-prospective drill-ready gold projects in the United States, 11 of which are located in the mining-friendly jurisdiction of Nevada. ALLEGIANT’s flagship Eastside project hosts a large and expanding gold resource, is district scale, and is located in an area of excellent infrastructure. Preliminary metallurgical testing indicates that both oxide and sulphide gold mineralization at Eastside is amenable to heap leaching.
Further information regarding ALLEGIANT can be found at www.allegiantgold.com
Robert F. Giustra
For more information contact:
Investor Relations
(604) 634-0970 or
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Forward Looking Statements
Certain statements and information contained in this press release constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of applicable U.S. securities laws and “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws, which are referred to collectively as “forward-looking statements”. The United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a “safe harbor” for certain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements and information regarding possible events, conditions or results of operations that are based upon assumptions about future economic conditions and courses of action. All statements and information other than statements of historical fact may be forward-looking statements. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as “seek”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “budget”, “plan”, “estimate”, “continue”, “forecast”, “intend”, “believe”, “predict”, “potential”, “target”, “may”, “could”, “would”, “might”, “will” and similar words or phrases (including negative variations) suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. Forward-looking statements in this and other press releases include but are not limited to statements and information regarding ALLEGIANT’s drilling and exploration plans and results for its properties, including anticipated timing thereof; and the Eastside project’s resource expansion. Such forward-looking statements are based on a number of material factors and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements, or industry results, to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking information. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Some of the known risks and other factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements are described in the sections entitled “Risk Factors” in ALLEGIANT’s Listing Application, dated January 24, 2018, as filed with the TSX Venture Exchange and available on SEDAR under ALLEGIANT’s profile at www.sedar.com. Actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. ALLEGIANT undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements included in this press release if these beliefs, estimates and opinions or other circumstances should change, except as otherwise required by applicable law.
For example, Northern Vertex (TSXV:NEE) launched Phase 1 operations at the Moss Mine on a package of patented claims in Arizona approximately 100 hectares in size. They are planning to produce for approximately 5 years at approximately +35Koz Au per year on that ground, with an open pit and heap leach all fit snugly onto that 100 hectare footprint.
See my interview with Bill Martinich, Mine Manager, where we discuss all this looking at an aerial photo of the site. https://ceo.ca/@Newton/15-minutes-with-bill-martinich-mine-manager-nee-northern-vertex
I suggest that patented claims in mining-friendly states like Arizona are a particular class of mineral exploration assets that deserve a premium. The devil’s in the details for exploration properties, but the Silver Nickel Mining Company have assembled such a portfolio and it’s worth a close look.
The Silver Nickel Company is not a prospect generator for the Howe Street public markets, but they have assembled a portfolio of patented claims in Arizona, USA. This is a great place for mining, as with the example of the Moss Mine.
What’s more, Silver Nickel has some interesting ideas about acquiring land that could be resold residential development. That raises some questions about the ability to build a mine there in the future, but it’s an interesting idea that makes me think bold real estate investment companies could take an interest here. However, I am thinking primarily about people who understand and invest in mine exploration and development when I talk to the Silver Nickel guys, as in our interview here, https://ceo.ca/@newton/newtoninterviews-silver-nickel-co-patented-claim-holders-in-arizona
I’ve introduced Silver Nickel to several public companies and the answer is consistently the same: the claims are too small and expensive. I understand the person who said, “The million $ price tag for exploration ground is probably something we would not take on.” but I wonder why? Surely there’s exploration ground in Arizona that’s worth millions of dollars? Maybe people are scared off by the large amount of data-verification that would be required to get these projects ready for prime-time? Maybe I haven’t found the right buyer yet.
There must be investors out there who can imagine the potential of what Silver Nickel Company has and are willing to bring expertise necessary to determine if that potential is something worth exploring? It’s a long and winding road, but some people are keen to strike out on it.
If you dig even deeper into the Silver Nickel story, then you will find that they have developed a sleuthing process to pick good patented claims off the garbage pile. They know how to navigate tax offices and the foreclosure process in a way that takes years of time and effort, but allows them to secure ownership of things like the Moss Mine for very little cost. The intellectual property in that and their geological understanding of Arizona alone could be very valuable to the right group who seeks to understand and help the John Rothermel and Neal Hawkins.
Watch our interview above for more.
John and Neal said in the interview that they’ve run the Silver Nickel Company as if it was their own money, because it was. I think they’ve built something special here and see great potential to use what they’ve done to seed public companies with great exploration projects. Easier said than done!
Please contact me on CEO.CA if you would like to discuss all this further and watch for some field footage from an intrepid young geologist I met who may make the trek to run around a few of the prospects with John in Arizona this summer.
Rover Metals (TSXV: ROVR)(OTCQB: ROVMF) (“Rover Metals” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has completed its OTCQB listing and will commence trading under the symbol “ROVFM” on the OTC Markets.
In connection with our U.S. listing, the Company is also pleased to announce that it will be working with newsletter writer, Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold acclaim, over the next 12 months.
Ryan King, Vice President Corporate Development of Calibre Mining sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss the value proposition on their flagship Borosi Project covering over a massive land position of 800 square kilometers in Nicaragua.Today’s interview is the most comprehensive interview to date on Calibre Mining. The Borosi Project hosts the Eastern Borosi, Siuana, La Luz, and Primavera projects, which Mr. King will discuss in great detail, along with the relationship and contractual obligations of Calibre Mining’s Joint Venture partners (Centerra Gold, IAMGold, Rosita Mining)on these projects respectively. We discuss in detail each member of the Board of Directors, Management, and Technical team, which is comprised of a number of key members of the recent success of Newmarket Gold, which recently went from a $10 Million Market Cap to $1 Billion Market Cap and was sold to Kirkland Lake Gold . Finally, we will delve into the capital structure of Calibre Mining. Important to note, Calibre Mining has $0 Debt, and a Management and Board with proven success of optionality and arbitrage.
Original Source: https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2019/01/16/exploring-for-world-class-gold-silver-and-copper-deposits-in-nicaragua.html
Source: Maurice Jackson for Streetwise Reports (1/16/19)
Ryan King, vice president of corporate development at Calibre Mining, sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss his company’s joint ventures, exploration in Nicaragua and strategic plans.