Junior Mining

Great Bear Drills New High-Grade Gold Discovery at Dixie: 12.33 g/t Gold Over 14.00 m Including 30.90 g/t Gold Over 4.60 m; 194.21 g/t Gold Over 2.00 m Including 759.38 g/t Gold Over 0.50 m Multiple Shallow Gold Zones at New “Bear-Rimini” Target

Great Bear Resources just released some very exciting news from the their 100% Dixie Gold Project in the Red Lake District of Ontario.  Click below to read the press release.  

Contact Investor Relations

Rita Bennett

Tel: 604-646-8354

Press Release

Sprott Symposium, Proven and Probable

Junior Mining Precious Metals

Karratha Gold Project Update Completion of Mineralization Report and Outline of Future Work

This is the news sharesholders have been waiting to read about. Novo Resources has just completed their mineralization report and included the outline of future work on their Karratha Gold Projects.  

Investor Relations:

Leo Karabelas, VP of Corporate Communications
Telephone: (416) 543-3120

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Sprott Symposium, Proven and Probable

Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals Project Generators

Project Generator Stakes New Claims Near Producing Alaskan Gold Mine

Gregory Beischer the CEO of Millrock Resources provides an important update on the developments the company is taking in the Goodpaster District of Alaska.  This interview will identify new claim staking as the company is strategically positioning itself in what is growing into one of the hottest, contested jurisdictions for mining.


Melanee Henderson
Investor Relations
Direct: 604-638-3164
Toll Free: 877-217-8978


Sprott Symposium, Proven and Probable

Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Oil & Gas Precious Metals Project Generators

Find Out What is Rick Rule buying?

Legendary investor Rick Rule of Sprott USA, sat down with us on very candid interview to discuss the deep values that Sprott is focusing on for their clients.  We shall discuss base metals, precious metals, royalty and streaming, and prospect/project generators.  Mr. Rule will also disclose what is buying and why!  If your this space to profit, then this is the interview for you!


Sprott Symposium, Proven and Probable

Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals

Will the next big zinc discovery be found in Ireland?

We just completed an exclusive interview with Bart Jaworski the CEO of Group Eleven Resources  (TSX.V: ZNG | OTCQB: GRLVF). We encourage you to watch the video as Mr. Jaworski walks us through the flagship StonePark Project, which adjacent to Glencore’s Pallas Green Deposit.  The results are eye-opening as Mr. Jaworski highlights the value proposition that ZNG presents to the Market!

Click here

Sprott Symposium, Proven and Probable

Base Metals Energy Junior Mining Project Generators

Fission 3.0 Targets Large, Shallow Geophysics Anomaly at Cree Bay in Athabasca Basin

Fission 3.0 has just released an update for shareholders on a geophysics anomaly at the Cree Bay Project in the Athabasca Basin.  This is some exciting news for shareholders!  Find out more click below.  

To have a conversation with  Fission 3.0 contact Richard Newbury at:

Telephone: +1 778-484-8030 

Click here

Sprott Symposium, Proven and Probable

Junior Mining

Minera Alamos Strengthens Mine Operations Team in Advance of Construction Decision at Santana Gold Project

Minera Alamos, has been quietly making strategic moves throughout the year.  Today, the Mine Operations team just received a significant boost.  Click below to find out the details.  To have a conversation with Minera Alamos: 

Corporate and Market Relations

Doug Ramshaw, President
Tel: 604.600.4423

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Sprott Symposium, Proven and Probable

Junior Mining

Aben Announces Ambitious Exploration Plans for Justin Gold Project in the Yukon and Forrest Kerr Gold Project in BC’s Golden Triangle Region

Aben Resources has released their exploration plans for both the Justin and Forrest Kerr Gold Project’s respectively.  We are looking forward to highly successful year from Aben Resources this year.

Aben Resources is a Canadian gold exploration company developing gold-focused projects in British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. Aben is a well-funded junior exploration company with approximately 111.7 million shares issued and outstanding.

For further information on Aben Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: ABN), visit our Company’s web site at or contact:

Don Myers

Telephone: 604-639-3851
Toll Free: 800-567-8181

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Sprott Symposium, Proven and Probable

Base Metals Energy Junior Mining Precious Metals Project Generators

Millrock Stakes Additional Claims In The Goodpaster Gold District, Alaska

Fresh off the Press!  Millrock Resources has just officially announced the staking of additional claims in the Goodpaster District of Alaska on the West Pogo Project.  Click below for more details.


Melanee Henderson
Investor Relations
Direct: 604-638-3164
Toll Free: 877-217-8978

Read Here

Sprott Symposium, Proven and Probable