President and CEO Michael Rowley stated, “We are very pleased with the level of interest in the Company and our 2019 exploration program, as reflected in the oversubscribed placement. The additional funding will directly enable an expanded field program at the Stillwater West Project where drilling, now underway, has intercepted massive and disseminated sulphide mineralization consistent with expectations based on geological modeling work by the Group Ten technical team. We look forward to making further announcements as we advance through our drill program at the Iron Mountain, Camp Zone, and Chrome Mountain target areas and complete follow-up work on the five additional multi-kilometer target areas where we see the potential for ‘Platreef-style’ bulk tonnage PGE-Ni-Cu-Co deposits.”
Group Ten Metals Inc.
Suite 904 – 409 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 1T2
Tel: +1 (604) 357-4790
Fax: +1 (604) 648-8573
Toll Free: +1 (888) 432-0075
Email: info@grouptenmetals.com
Press Release