Base Metals Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals Project Generators

(VIDEO) Millrock Resources Watching Neighbor’s Drilling Closely

Gregory Beischer the President, Director, and CEO of Millrock Resources (TSX: MRO | OTC: MLRKF) along with Chris Van Treeck Senior Project Geologist sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss a unique value proposition for current and prospective shareholders on the latest developments on MRO’s West Pogo – Goodpaster Project. Today’s interview will be very comprehensive, as Senior Project Geologist Chris Van Treeck provides a thorough analysis of Nothern Star Resources Pogo Mine in relation to Millrock Resources adjacent 100% owned (7) claim blocks in the West Pogo – Goodpaster, in what may very likely be a watershed moment for Millrock Resources.




Original Source:

Source: Maurice Jackson for Streetwise Reports  (2/20/19)

Maurice JacksonGregory Beischer, the president, director and CEO of Millrock Resources, and Chris Van Treeck, the company’s senior geologist, speak to Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable about their varied projects, and discuss what their next-door neighbor’s drilling in Alaska is finding.

Maurice Jackson: Joining us for a conversation today is Gregory Beischer, the president, director and CEO of Millrock Resources Inc. (MRO:TSX.V; MLRKF:OTCQX), along with Chris Van Treeck, senior project geologist.
Glad to have you both on the program to discuss an important announcement that may be quite significance for Millrock Resources. But before we begin, Mr. Beischer, for first time listeners, who is Millrock Resources?
Gregory B: Millrock is a project generator company. Alaska is home base for a lot of us and so we explore there and we also explore in Sonora state in northwestern Mexico, as well as the state of New Mexico and the southwest U.S. At Millrock we come up with early-stage exploration projects and then we make agreements with other exploration and mining companies to share the risk that’s involved in early-stage drilling. And the whole objective is to keep a systematically exploring continuous early exploring company that over time will make big discoveries that drives up Millrock’s share price without continuously diluting shareholders as with most exploration companies.

Maurice Jackson: Mr. Beischer, beginning in Mexico, please introduce us to the Millrock project portfolio.
Gregory B: In Sonora state, which is the northwestern part of Mexico (click here to view), Millrock holds advanced exploration projects, primarily focusing on Orogenic gold deposits, of which Sonora hosts some great examples, such as the Herradura multimillion ounce, probably around 9 million ounces, one of which is Newmont’s leading mine. We are in the right part of the world to be looking for these large gold deposits. Additionally, we target copper there, in particular porphyry coppers like the world-class Cananea-La Caridad belt, just south of the Arizona porphyry belt, probably a southern extension of the same cluster of the porphyry deposit. So, we like these types of deposits that can be exceptionally large and great metal producers.
New Mexico-State Map.jpg
We also explore in the state of New Mexico (click here to view), which is opened up as a much more open jurisdiction to mining. We acquired several years ago a uranium deposit in that state; we’ve sat on it to for these years without doing much work, biding our time until the uranium price improved. It turns out this year the uranium deposit also has a lot of vanadium in it, and potentially both metals could be mined together. We’re starting to get calls as people learned that we own this project. So, I’m pretty sure we’ll be able to make an agreement on it sometime soon. We also have a gold project in New Mexico and are lining up partners as we speak. But home base is Alaska, where we’ve got quite a number of gold and copper projects that have active exploration ongoing right now.
Maurice Jackson: And, gentlemen, let’s stay in Alaska, shall we? And, in particular, I want to focus on seven claim blocks owned by Millrock Resources, which may be direct beneficiaries regarding the press release issued on Feb. 12 by neighboring Northern Star Resources where it just released some exceptional exploration results on its Pogo gold mine. Chris, you are the senior project geologists on the Pogo West. Please take us to the Pogo gold mine and show us where it is in relation to Millrock resources, Pogo West.

Chris Van T: We are going to be in interior Alaska right next to the Pogo mine. Literally right next to the Pogo mine as photos from our property, you can see the mill, right here and this is for the last drilling campaign by the junior company that had it prior to Millrock. So we are right across the river from Pogo proper. Current exploration on the mine property is getting closer and closer to the Pogo mine, which was very recently purchased from Northern Star at a fair price, but it ended up equaling about $69 an ounce that they had to find already.

But it’s been a great asset for Sumitomo and now Northern Star, 12 years of production, nearly 4 million ounces produced and easily another 4 million ounces that they have in their reserve and resource prior to the update that they said they’d be releasing later this year based on their new drilling and the latest press release. So things are really ramping up there. And it’s been a great asset for those two companies. And Northern Star felt very highly of it and some of their promotional material they placed it as the third highest grade mines in North America. And they felt it was the eighth largest gold mine in the United States, based on its production and contained ounces.

Millrock’s Pogo West is located in Tintina Gold Belt in Alaska, which has some of the more prolific deposits in Alaska right now. The Pogo mine has about 8 million ounces contained gold. The Mother’s Fort Knox is up at 13 million ounces and, of course, the gargantuan Donlin Creek at 45 million ounces, as well as some smaller deposits that are still being explored heavily in the Yukon that I’m sure you’re aware of there, Coffee and White Gold and Brewery Creek.

Maurice Jackson: Chris, can you provide us with some additional context on the geology at the West Pogo Goodpaster region?

Chris Van T: Geologically, the Goodpaster district, which contains Pogo, is a nice chunk of the crust that’s broken up by a number of very large faults that are all related to the Tintina gold belt faults. And so, the Denali fault would be down here, that’s the southern boundary of the Tintina gold belt and the Tintina fault is up here. And so, it’s in an area of metamorphic rocks that has some very nice granitic intrusions in them, which would be the source of the fluids for the Pogo mine, as well as the other deposits in the district there.
Maurice Jackson: Chris, what can you share with us about the existing infrastructure?

Chris Van T: It’s fantastic access and infrastructure with the Pogo mine road running through the claim block. We have the permit to travel on that road. The nice claim block, which size is 7,500 hectors and, as I mentioned, it’s adjacent to the Pogo mine. Taking a look at what the Pogo mine looks like in a geologic model, specifically in a schematic cross section. The Pogo mine itself is exploiting and beneficiating low angle quartz veins, as well as high angle veins. So, the theory is that the fluids from the plutons travel up those steep faults and enter into the shallow dipping faults. And that’s where they have the gold veins in both the steep faults in the shallow faults.

And there are quartz veins with a small amount of sulfide minerals, arsenopyrite and as well as some bismuth minerals. And so, arsenic and bismuth along with gold are the fantastic pathfinder elements that we have at the surface. Those allow us to look at the soil samples and the rock samples at the surface and try to zone in on where the mineralization would be at depth. The surface features would be these high angle steep faults intercepting the soil profile.
These are the projections of the Pogo veins from the subsurface brought up and displayed on the surface. Northern Star Resources are mining these areas: South Pogo, Liese, North Zone and East Theits. There are large faults that break up the rocks and move them around.

Looking at this cross section towards the northeast are some high angle steep veins and they’re interpreted mineralized halo. Both these and the shallow dipping faults contain veins that are being mined right now at the Pogo mine. And an important thing to point out on are the steep faults tend to move the northwest side of the fault up relative to the southeast side, which would then bring this mineralization in the low angle faults closer to the surface, and that’s been repeated throughout the district and has a real boon to the Millrock properties.
Here’s a picture from the mine and we’re looking down the trace of the mine. The latest exploration on Pogo is across the river and right adjacent to our claim block.

In 2017, they made a fantastic discovery of another vein of minable width. And on the other side of the river. The Goodpaster vein had very nice thicknesses and it dips in the same direction of previous veins. Northern Star Resources made this discovery based on reinterpretation of its subsurface imaging that uses a resistivity method called CSAMT, (Controlled Source Audio Magnetotellurics), the image conductive properties of the rocks. The company decided that the break rate here and the conductive properties of the rocks represented the base of a vein and the drilling in 2017 revealed this low angle vein that the 2007 drilling didn’t reach because they didn’t have this reinterpreted imaging.

The vein that they intercepted, a low angle vein Quartz gold Arsenopyrite, and it had a very nice minable width of 5.3 meters at 60 grams. So, this is very similar, nearly identical to what was being mined already in the Liese veins South Pogo, east steeps north zone on the eastern side of the river. Now on the western side of the river, they have nearly identical mineralization with the exact same orientation. So they’re very excited that the vein system that they’ve been mining for 12 years exists on the west side of the river.
The Fun Zone is this area in here on their plan map, so this would be looking down over the mine. The river is a visible in the satellite imagery from a northeast view, as we look this cross section. Once again, these high angel steep faults bring the northwest western side up.
Maurice Jackson: Chris, if I may interrupt you with the shift in the fault zones, how does it benefit Millrock?
Chris Van T: It brings the mineralization closer to surface. This area here is a big part of their latest press release; Northern Star Resources is calling it the Central Lode System and it feels that it’s a significant extension of both the Liese zone and Fun zone vein sets within the same overall large, mildly dipping faults that contain these veins. And so, this same process that’s bringing things up all throughout the district is that work on the western side of the river adjacent to the Millrock claims.

These red lines represent those steep folks that make and bring the northwestern side up relative to the southeastern side. And this red line represents that Goodpaster Structural Zone. The Goodpaster Prospect that has been explored aggressively by Pogo in the last two years is in between two other of these large steeply dipping faults. And so, it’s a fairly contiguous block and it’s about the same distance between the Goodpaster Structural Zone and the South Pogo Zone. And so, this matches very well geologically with what we would expect to see on these high angle faults. Northern Star Resources claim boundary and the latest exploration road is very close to our claim boundaries within 420 meters of our claim boundary now. Not only at an exploration road but also some of its large drill pads and it is drilling in the area.
Maurice Jackson: Does Northern Star Resources have any drilling planned this year near Millrock’s claim blocks?
Chris Van T: Northern Star Resources are exploring very close. It has got some drill holes planned for this year in the summertime within 90 meters of the claims boundary right here in the north. And so, Pogo is knocking at the door of the Millrock claims of their exploration. Their Central Lode and that’s what was in the press release (click here) that came out Feb. 12. And so, this area right in here is where they have released their new spectacular results and subsequent definition of resource coming this August from the press release. From a real estate standpoint, Millrock is very well placed within what’s going on with the Pogo mine exploration. And we feel that the rest of our geologic knowledge in the area as well as the information purchase from other parties leads me to believe that those veins extend onto the middle rock properties.
Maurice Jackson: Northern Star Resources had an active drill program near the Millrock claim blocks last year. Do we know any of the results? And also, do we know what their aspirations are in the area for 2019?

Chris Van T: Here are some photos in September of their exploration in that area. Very large drill pads, large rigs drilling, multiple drill holes. Northern Star Resources 2019 planned holes which are to start in February so they could well be underway as we speak. They are drilling off what appears to be a substantial resource of those low angle veins. Once again, just to remind you of 5.3 meters at 60 grams per tonne drilled and released in this area here. No other drill results or any of this drilling has been made public as of yet, but they are getting closer and closer to our claim boundary in this trajectory right here.

This is a photo from our claims looking back to the mine and here is that Goodpaster Structural Zone that they’ve named it. And so right now they’ve defined their new Central Lodes would be filling this area basically from their road here to this structural zone where they’ve defined basically a new extension of the mine right up to this fault and they’re getting ready to go and move some headings into there and continue to explore that from underground. So they’re moving mine infrastructure from the Liese zone, right up to this Structural zone. And as I mentioned, the Goodpaster Prospect is just the other side of that and is actually had the veins that are being explored for in the area brought closer to the surface because of the faults and how they always bring the northwestern side up, very close to our claim boundary.

Let’s take a look at a magnetic survey image that the state survey ran in 2000. Here are the Pogo veins brought to surface. Note these veins occur outside of this purple magnetic high, within a magnetic low relative to the rest of the area. There are more of these on the other side of this large high angle fault throughout the Millrock claim boundary as well as here in the Goodpaster Prospect.

This is the area they’re drilling and right now, predominantly in this magnetic low that’s very similar to what they have on the north side of their mine. They’ve got a diorite within the mine that’s magnetic and there’s one on the Millrock claims that’s magnetic as well with the same magnetic lows surrounding it. So, from a geologic standpoint, these are nearly identical features. The fact that they’re drilling and this one here as well as this mag lode to the north, lead me to believe that the geologic model at the mine is readily applicable on the other side of that high angle, steep fault called the Goodpaster Structural Zone. So I feel that the Millrock claims are very highly prospective for the extension of the vein. Placing our soil and rock samples on top of the magnetics, they illustrate how in those areas of magnetics, we have great gold samples and they are oriented more or less in a northeast, southwest fashion, which is the same as what’s going on over here on the mine property.

They have a northeast southwest orientation to their gold and soil sample. We have the same orientation on our property. These are most likely caused by unmapped equally dipping fault such as this one here, which helps those fluids from the magmatic intrusion at depth, get them to the surface into the soil profile. Arsenic has a coincident anomaly and so does bismuth. And so our pathfinder elements that match the Pogo mineralization of gold in our arsenopyrite with bismuth minerals are all present on the Millrock properties.
Maurice Jackson: Let’s add some geometry to the discussion.

Chris Van T: This here is the location of that Goodpaster vein, the 5.3 meters at 60 grams. Northern Star Resources has stated the vein was oriented with a strike of 240 degrees and the dip of 35 to the northwest. Plotting that strike line is would be where the vein would be the same elevation all the way across. It brings us very close to past drilling in our area. Past drilling was situated in that area of fantastic gold, soil, and rock anomalies that are all showing the interaction of those steep faults that carried the fluids with the soil. The vein intercepted within these drill holes have been narrow quartz arsenopyrite veins. And the assays returned good arsenic bismuth silver. They have the same style of alteration of Pogo there. And the angles intercept in there would indicate that these veins are steeply dipping.

So, exactly along the model lines of the steeply dipping faults springing the fluids up towards the surface. All of those faults have been intercepted in these drill holes. The difference between here and what’s going on at Pogo is that these drill holes did not get deep enough to intersect those shallowly dipping veins such as the hole reflecting 5.3 meters at 60 grams. That’s due to the higher elevation where are these drill holes where collared as well as the dip along the vein. The deepest hole over here at the very end of the hole, only got down to 350 meters above sea level. The vein was intercepted at 230 meters above sea level. So when all things being consistent, this hole ended 120 meters vertically above where we would expect to see the flat and veins.

To bring this back into the Pogo model, the exact same thing happened on the Pogo property in 2007. Norther Star Resources drilled and intercepted steeply dipping veins that contain gold, arsenopyrite and bismuth; they did not reach the flat line veins. The hole did not go deep enough. The same thing went on the west Pogo claims.

The drilling so far at West Pogo has just gotten into the top of these steeply dipping veins. I believe that the shallow dipping veins are there at depth, that the soil and rock anomalies at the surface coupled with the drilling show that we haven’t reached the depth of those flat veins to date and that a few holes of deeper drilling could readily intersect these veins at the depth and an extension of the mine mineralization on the Millrock Claims.
Maurice Jackson: What initiatives will Millrock take to de-risk the West Pogo property?

Chris Van T: That would be to do that imaging along these black lines here in order to do the same style imaging, the CSAMT or Resistivity imaging over this mag low that also has the good gold and rock samples on top of it. That would be one way to de-risk it. In order to know the depth you need to drill to in order to find the extension of this mineralization that’s on the Pogo claims.
Millrock believes that the West Pogo property has not been explored properly to depth. It’s got the exact same magnetic signature as the mine proper. The surface geochemistry and the drill hole geochemistry have all the attributes to indicate that mine style mineralization is located on the property. Northern Star Resources is currently exploring, right against our claim boundary and we’ve got established access with the mine road running right through the property. And so very positive factors for the West Pogo property.
Maurice Jackson: Gregory, this may be premature, but should we continue to have favorable outcomes such as this press release? How does this impact Millrock’s strategy?
Gregory B: Well, I think one of the more remarkable things about the statements from Northern Star is the exceptional grade of the drilling intersections that they’ve discovered at this Central Lode’s area. And we’re pretty sure they’re finding similar things at their new Goodpaster discovery, which is very close to Millrock’s West Pogo project. If an ore body of that grade does trend right onto Millrock’s claims, I think it’s going to make a tremendous difference in the price of Millrock stock. We’re trading today around 10 cents Canadian. And I think, just fortuitously, if that deposit comes onto our claims, it’s going to make a big difference for our company and for our shareholders.
We have stuck rigorously to our business model over the 12 years we’ve be in the operation. We’ve always got a partner on a project before it got to the drilling stage. Right now, we’re faced with the possibility that our neighbor, Northern Star at Pogo, has discovered an ore body that comes right on to our claims. And so, we might take a different view at this point since we presently have not made an agreement on the claims and we own it 100%. So, it’s possible that we would actually pursue this claim ourselves, but it’s not determined yet. And in fact, right now our best strategy is to wait and see what Northern Star has discovered. Eventually they’ll tell us more about their Goodpaster discovery.
What they announced on Feb. 12 was really interesting. I think they’re going to make a fortune from their purchase of the Pogo mine. They’re great miners and great explorers clearly. And they’ve had some great success of finding the new Central Lode’s area, but we know there’s more, further to the northwest and there’s likely to be gold on our claims too. So our strategy for now is to stand pat and a wait for more information, which is not our usual way of doing things. Usually we’re charging ahead full steam, but we’re at now we’re going to bide our time and watch, wait and see what happens.
Maurice Jackson: Germane to this discussion, how do the prices of gold, silver, copper and uranium fit into this narrative?
Gregory B: Well, certainly Millrock has exposure to all of these metals. I know that the price of gold seems to have a large effect on availability of capital for junior explorers. When the price of gold is strong, there’s lots of capital available. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for copper, it often seems to have a lot to do with the price of gold. Millrock has seen good increase in the gold price lately. Everything I’m reading says that gold’s going to march up even higher and silver we’ll go with it. I hope they’re all right about that. And that will soon have a really favorable market in the coming years for those metals. Longer term, I’m a huge believer in copper. I just know it’s going to be a metal in huge demand and we’re happy to be looking for copper now too, for the future. And a uranium, well, it’s a beaten a down cycle a long time, but I’ve sure seen some active of bull markets in that metal over the years. And if there’s another one coming, Millrock and its shareholders are really going to benefit by virtue of the uranium deposit we own in New Mexico.
Maurice Jackson: Switching gears, Gregory, what do you see as the biggest challenge for Millrock resources and how do you mitigate that situation?
Gregory B: Our biggest challenge is a financing. We’re in a short cash position. How do we mitigate that? Well, the best way we can do it is to get more funding partners on our projects. And so we’re on a real push to get that done right now. We’ve got deals that look like they’re imminent in Sonora and Alaska. So that’s the best way. Ultimately we may have to raise funds through an equity financing again soon. So those are Millrock’s challenges right now, but I think there’s good solutions for them. Millrock presently has a pretty low share account all of which was in quite solid hands. There’s 67 million shares outstanding at present.
Maurice Jackson: Finally, what did I forget to ask?
Gregory B: Well, I don’t know if it’s something you forgot to ask, Maurice, but maybe something I forgot to mention. Millrock had acquired several great properties in British Columbia some years ago, and last year we rolled them all into a new company called Sojourn Exploration and found a great management team for that company. It has its own projects and so Millrock’s is a big shareholder of Sojourn Exploration. Those shares are worth the money right now, which helps Millrock shareholders, and we own royalties on three of those projects. So, we’ve reviewed internally what’s Sojourn all those projects recently and that it’s just a great portfolio and I know that team is going to have great success attracting other companies to fund drilling on them and make discoveries. So, this could be a real winner for Millrock and its shareholders.
Maurice Jackson: Mr. Beischer, for someone listening that wants to get more information on Millrock Resources, please share the contact details.
Gregory B: and Melanee Henderson at 604-638-3164, in charge of investor relations, will be glad to talk to you or put the shareholders in direct touch with me.
Maurice Jackson: And as a reminder, Millrock Resources trades on the TSX.V, symbol MRO. Now, in the OTCQX, symbol, MLRKF. Millrock Resources is a sponsor of Proven and Probable and we are proud shareholders of Millrock Resources for the virtues conveyed in today’s message. And last but not least, please visit our website,, where we deliver mining insights and bullion sales. You may reach us at
Gregory Beischer and Chris Van Treeck of Millrock Resources, thank you for joining us today on Proven and Probable.
Maurice Jackson is the founder of Proven and Probable, a site that aims to enrich its subscribers through education in precious metals and junior mining companies that will enrich the world.
1) Gregory Beischer: I, or members of my immediate household or family, own shares of the following companies mentioned in this article: Millrock Resources. I personally am, or members of my immediate household or family are, paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: Millrock Resources.
2) Maurice Jackson: I, or members of my immediate household or family, own shares of the following companies mentioned in this article: Millrock Resources. I personally am, or members of my immediate household or family are, paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. My company has a financial relationship with the following companies mentioned in this article: Millrock Resources is a sponsor of Proven and Probable. Proven and Probable disclosures are listed below.
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Junior Mining

NOVO Advances Beatons Creek Resource Work

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 20, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Novo Resources Corp. (“Novo” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: NVO; OTCQX: NSRPF) is pleased to announce advancements in resource work including wireframe modeling and receipt of initial results from its bulk sampling program at the Company’s Beatons Creek project in Nullagine, WA. Final bulk sample assays are expected soon at which time work on a new resource model will be completed. Novo anticipates announcing a new resource for Beatons Creek around the end of the first quarter, 2019.

In the Company’s news release dated October 10, 2018, Novo announced a global resource including 345 Koz Au (4.594 Mt @ 2.3 gpt Au) in the measured and indicated categories and 322 Koz Au (3.790 Mt @ 2.6 gpt Au) in the inferred category at Beatons Creek.  Reference should be made to the technical report entitled “NI 43-101 Technical Report Resource Update, Beatons Creek Gold Project, Pilbara Region, Australia” issued on November 20, 2018, which was prepared for Novo by Leonel Lopez (AIPG- Geol. Eng. QP, SME-RM) of Tetra Tech, Golden, Colorado. This technical report is available under the Company’s profile on the SEDAR website at (filing date: November 21, 2018) and on the Company’s website at Since that time, Novo has completed considerable additional work including diamond drilling, downhole imaging of reverse circulation drill holes and bulk sampling. Results to date include:

  • An expanded wireframe model (Figure 1) constructed utilizing high-resolution data gathered from detailed diamond core logging and visual/acoustical imaging of reverse circulation drill holes. Such high-quality data allows for greater confidence in interpreting continuity of gold-bearing conglomerate beds from one hole to the next while also allowing for tighter constraint of the upper and lower boundaries of each bed.
  • Better domain definition than utilized in previous models. Diamond core holes, often drilled at an angle, enable discernment of fault zones thus helping establish well-defined domains within the model.
  • Return of assays from 45 bulk samples (Please see Table 1 below). Bulk samples, each weighing approximately 2 tonnes, were collected from outcropping areas across the project (Figure 2Figure 3, and Figure 4).  Assays from these 45 samples range between 0.49 and 6.16 gpt Au and display a weighted mean value of 2.55 gpt Au. Results from another 20 bulk samples are awaited. Bulk sample data are expected to help verify resource grades in the updated resource model.

Table 1 – Calculated Head Grades for 45 Bulk Samples from Beatons Creek:

Sample ID Sample Mass (kg) Head Grade (g/t) Sample ID Sample Mass (kg) Head Grade (g/t)
BSX001 2098.5 1.34 BSX057 1388 3.49
BSX005 2112 2.26 BSX058 2307.5 2.70
BSX006 1961 1.93 BSX059 1932.5 1.24
BSX012 780 1.61 BSX060 1462.5 0.49
BSX016 1380.7 1.52 BSX061 1090 1.93
BSX017 509 0.61 BSX062 2021.5 1.38
BSX026 1671 1.13 BSX063 2950.5 1.49
BSX027 1658 1.23 BSX064 2457.5 3.27
BSX038 480.7 1.92 BSX065 4567 4.39
BSX041 2429.5 2.93 BSX066 3047.5 1.79
BSX042 479.7 0.65 BSX067 3909 4.73
BSX043 4134 4.33 BSX068 3190.5 4.46
BSX046 4901.5 5.42 BSX069 3681 4.29
BSX047 2236.5 0.59 BSX070 2151.5 0.94
BSX048 3801 1.33 BSX071 2320.5 1.23
BSX049 1606 1.28 BSX072 2533 2.97
BSX050 947.5 1.09 BSX073 1797.5 2.84
BSX051 1637.5 2.00 BSX074 3849 1.32
BSX052 654.5 6.16 BSX075 2778.5 1.27
BSX053 1027 3.00 BSX076 1831 2.00
BSX054 1646 1.08 BSX077 1768 3.13
BSX055 1010 1.15 BSX078 2637 1.92
BSX056 1242 4.00

In addition to results discussed above, Novo personnel collected 50-kg bulk samples from long, continuous channels cut across subordinate conglomerate units occurring between the principal targeted conglomerate beds as part of an effort to determine the gold grade of these layers. Should the lower-grade subordinate conglomerate assays yield positive results, such rock layers may become part of the overall resource at Beatons Creek.

“We are eager to receive final assays and complete our new resource model for Beatons Creek,” commented Dr. Quinton Hennigh, President and Chairman of Novo Resources. “This new resource will be the culmination of a long, iterative process whereby we refined our geologic understanding as well as our bulk sampling techniques to better tackle this layered, coarse-gold deposit. It will establish a blueprint for how to approach such unusual deposits thus unlocking their economic potential.”

Bulk Sample Processing

Novo staff collected bulk samples discussed in this news release. Each sample weighs approximately 2 tonnes. Bulk samples were submitted to SGS Minerals in Perth, Australia. Processing encompasses coarse crushing and screening, followed by impact milling and screening, then processing through a gravity concentrator. Concentrates are analyzed in the entirety whereas tails are split and analyzed. A head grade is calculated based upon the gold recovered from each of sample streams (Figure 5).

Results presented here are preliminary results. Various tails splits are undergoing further assays as a matter of checks. Final assays including all sub-splits will be presented in their entirety upon receipt.

Dr. Quinton Hennigh, P. Geo., the Company’s, President and Chairman and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has approved the geological content of this news release. Dr. Simon Dominy, FAusIMM (CP), a consultant geometallurgist to the Company and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has approved the processing and bulk sample grade content of this news release.

About Novo Resources Corp.

Novo’s focus is to explore and develop gold projects in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, and Novo has built up a significant land package covering approximately 12,000 sq km with varying ownership interests. For more information, please contact Leo Karabelas at (416) 543-3120 or e-mail

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,

Novo Resources Corp.

“Quinton Hennigh”
Quinton Hennigh
President and Chairman

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

Forward-looking information 
Some statements in this news release contain forward-looking information (within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation) including, without limitation, statements as to the expected timing of the receipt of exploration results and that Novo is expecting a significant increase in the Beatons Creek conglomerate-hosted Au deposit resource. These statements address future events and conditions and, as such, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the statements. Such factors include, without limitation, customary risks of the mineral resource industry as well as the performance of services by third parties.

PDFs accompanying this announcement are available at:

Base Metals Energy

URANIUM ENERGY CORP. Receives Radioactive Material License for the Burke Hollow ISR Project in South Texas

Uranium Energy Corp Receives Radioactive Material License for the Burke Hollow ISR Project in South Texas
Corpus Christi, TX, February 20, 2019 – Uranium Energy Corp (NYSE American: UEC, the “Company” or “UEC”) is pleased to announce that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has issued the Radioactive Material License for the Burke Hollow Project, completing the last of the four major permits needed for uranium extraction. The Burke Hollow Project will be developed as part of the Company’s hub-and-spoke strategy, designed for low-cost in-situ recovery (“ISR”) of uranium with final processing to occur at our nearby and fully permitted Hobson Plant.

Craig Wall, Vice President Environmental, Health & Safety, stated: “This accomplishment is extraordinarily rewarding for the UEC team, despite very challenging conditions in the uranium sector over the past six years. We’re excited to advance Burke Hollow toward becoming a modern, low-cost and environmentally friendly ISR operation.”
Amir Adnani, President & CEO, stated: “The drilling and permitting advancements at Burke Hollow have positioned UEC to create the newest, near-term, production ready ISR project in the United States. We are in an optimal position to provide the U.S. a reliable and low-cost source of domestic uranium. The Company’s 2019 drilling campaign is scheduled to begin in early March and will consist of approximately 20 delineation holes and the installation of approximately 120 monitor wells to prepare for development of the Project’s first production area.”
The license boundary includes 5,385 acres, encompasses multiple production areas and authorizes construction of the satellite facility. In addition to the Radioactive Material License, the Burke Hollow Project now has an 11,000 acre Mine Area permit, approved in December 2016, two disposal well permits, issued in July 2015, and the aquifer exemption, issued in March 2017.
Amir Adnani  |  President & CEO

Junior Mining

MAPLE GOLD Receives $1.9M from Revenu Québec and Outlines 2019 Drilling Plans

Montreal, Quebec–(Newsfile Corp. – February 20, 2019) – Maple Gold Mines Ltd. (TSXV: MGM) (OTCQB: MGMLF) (FSE: M3G) (“Maple Gold” or the “Company“)has added $1.9M to its treasury after receiving its full 2017 tax credit refund from Revenu Québec. An upcoming winter 2019 drill program will test refined higher-grade targets generated from recently reported 3D modeling work. Mapping and gold deportment work will continue through the summer of 2019. A new resource update is expected in late Q1 and the Company plans to begin a Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”) in late 2019.
The Company has designed a 10,000 metre program and plans to drill a minimum of 5,000 metres this winter focused on the following targets (see Figure 1).

  • Extensions of higher-grade mineralised bodies within the Douay resource areaparticularly at the geologically similar (intrusive-hosted and contact style) Nika and Porphyry Zones: DO-18-218 (azimuth 002, dip -46) intersected 50m of 1.77 g/t Au starting at 214m in the Nika Zone, which remains open to surface and to depth. In the Porphyry Zone, DO-18-216 (azimuth 341, dip -49) returned 21m of 7.87 g/t Au starting at 303m and DO-18-247 (azimuth 360, dip -65) gave 21m of 3.49 g/t Au starting at 275m; these two holes were collared about 1.3km apart and mineralisation is also open in several directions.
  • Depth extensions at Douay West (target depth about 530m vertical), as well as at the geologically similar 531 Zone (target depth about 400m vertical)there has been little drilling since 1993 at the 531 Zone (1992 drill-hole 70531-2 (azimuth 360, dip -65) intersected 55.7m of 2.6 g/t Au from 313m), and only limited drilling since 2014 at Douay West.
  • Exploration outside the resource area, where several intervals of high-grade (up to 17.5 g/t Au over 1.5m) contact-style mineralisation similar to that at the Porphyry Zone was intersected in a historical hole (Figure 1).

Click here to watch brief 3D video highlighting proposed drill-holes for the 2019 campaign.
Disclosure notes: Assays listed above are uncut and down-the-hole lengths, with true widths approximately 90% of down-the-hole lengths. Intercept depths are reported as vertical depth from surface.
Matthew Hornor, Maple Gold’s President and CEO, commented: “We have ranked and prioritized all of our drill targets and with more than $4M in the treasury we are now in position to test top priority drill targets, while concurrently working with RPA on our new resource estimate for Douay.”
Hornor added, “With the support of our strong shareholder base and an improving gold environment, we feel that it is of utmost importance to continue building value at the project with a highly-focused drilling campaign. Our winter drilling and other exploration work in 2019 will contribute to the first ever deposit-wide PEA at the project, which we anticipate starting near year-end.”
Plans for winter 2019 include high-priority drilling and geophysics; the Company has outlined ~10,000 metres of top-priority drilling to test numerous targets on the Douay property at Douay West, Nika, Porphyry and 531 Zones. A minimum of 5,000 metres will be drilled during the 2019 winter campaign, with final meterage subject to market and weather conditions. The Company also plans to conduct limited metallurgical work and further refine the 3D model in support of the planned PEA.
Drill bids from prospective contractors are currently being evaluated and the Company anticipates selecting a contractor very shortly. Concurrent with the winter drilling, a ground geophysical program is planned to test one of the targets generated during the summer 2018 mapping program (see press release of November 14, 2018). New mineralised zones defined at Nika, and areas with higher-than-expected grade intercepts at the Porphyry Zone obtained during 2018 drilling, both offer significant opportunities to add to the deposit resource base at higher-than-deposit-average grades. Drilling at the Douay West and 531 zones, where mostly higher-grade intercepts were obtained in historical holes, is meant to test possible depth extensions of the mineralisation as well as to better understand the structural controls for these complex areas.
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Figure 1: Proposed winter 2019 holes in a 2D representation of a 3D model, also showing syenite and higher-grade gold mineralisation. Drill-hole locations for the full ~10,000m of drilling are shown, with a minimum of 5,000m for phase 1.
To view an enhanced version of Figure 1, please visit:
Note close spatial association of higher-grade gold zones with syenite bodies in Figure 1, with the syenite bodies forming a dense dyke swarm in the resource area, but also extending well beyond it notably north and south of the Porphyry Zone. One of these areas (Figure 1: Exploration Target) will be tested in winter 2019 drilling; a 2013 drill-hole in the Exploration Target gave several intercepts ranging from 2.1 to 17.5 g/t Au, that have not been followed up. Observations from recent relogging indicate that gold in this hole is associated with a contact style of mineralisation that is very similar to that observed in the Porphyry Zone – discovery potential in this area is considered excellent.
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Figure 2: EW long section through Nika Zone
To view an enhanced version of Figure 2, please visit:
The above figure shows several high-priority 2019 drill-hole traces designed to test depth extensions of DO-18-218 and DO-12-05. Note subparallel orientation of several segments of higher-grade mineralisation, with the trace of Douay faults – these and other structures as well as syenite intrusion morphology and their contact zones are important mineralisation controls. There is currently no conceptual pit in the Nika Zone, located in the NW Gap area between Douay West, Northwest and Porphyry Zones; the definition of Nika mineralisation is expected to represent a step towards potentially tying these three zones together.
Corporate note
The Company announces that subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange, the Company has agreed to issue 568,182 common shares in the capital of the Company at an issue price of $0.11 in settlement of certain outstanding obligations. Upon issuance, such shares will be subject to a four-month hold period.
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical data contained in this press release was reviewed and prepared under the supervision of Fred Speidel, M. Sc, P. Geo., Vice-President Exploration, of Maple Gold. Mr. Speidel is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Mr. Speidel has verified the data related to the exploration information disclosed in this news release through his direct participation in the work.
Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC)
Maple Gold implements strict Quality Assurance (“QA”) and Quality Control (“QC”) protocols at Douay covering the planning and placing of drill holes in the field; drilling and retrieving the NQ-sized drill core; drill-hole surveying; core transport to the Douay Camp; core logging by qualified personnel; sampling and bagging of core for analysis; transport of core from site to the analytical laboratory; sample preparation for assaying; and analysis, recording and final statistical vetting of results. For a complete description of protocols, please visit the Company’s QA/QC page on the website at:
About Maple Gold
Maple Gold is an advanced gold exploration and development company focused on defining a district-scale gold project in one of the world’s premier mining jurisdictions. The Company’s ~392 km² Douay Gold Project is located along the Casa Berardi Deformation Zone (55 km of strike) within the prolific Abitibi Greenstone Belt in northern Quebec, Canada. The Project benefits from excellent infrastructure and has an established gold resource3 that remains open in multiple directions. For more information please visit
“Matthew Hornor”
B. Matthew Hornor, President & CEO
For Further Information Please Contact: 

Mr. Joness Lang
VP, Corporate Development
Cell: 778.686.6836
Forward Looking Statements:
This news release contains “forward-looking information” and “forward-looking statements” (collectively referred to as “forward-looking statements”) within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation in Canada, including statements about the prospective mineral potential of the Porphyry Zone, the potential for significant mineralisation from other drilling in the referenced drill program and the completion of the drill program. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions, uncertainties and management’s best estimate of future events. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company’s expectations and projections. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding timing and completion of the private placement. When used herein, words such as “anticipate”, “will”, “intend” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements.
Forward-looking statements are based on certain estimates, expectations, analysis and opinions that management believed reasonable at the time they were made or in certain cases, on third party expert opinions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, and uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual events, results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future events, results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. For a more detailed discussion of such risks and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, refer to Maple Gold Mines Ltd.’s filings with Canadian securities regulators available on or the Company’s website at www.maplegoldmines.comThe Company does not intend, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to, update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

To view the source version of this press release, please visit

Junior Mining Precious Metals

BOB MORIARTY Basic Investing in Resource Stocks or Why Palladium is about to Fall Off a Cliff

Bob Moriarty

Feb 20, 2019
Several of my so-called friends have been nagging me for years to write something about the basics of investing in resource stocks. I was quite comfortable with whining about how it was a work in progress and I was thinking about it and someday I intended to actually put pen to paper but they wouldn’t let up. So in the end, I caved and submitted to their browbeating and harassment though not gracefully.
(Click to Purchase Your Copy)

It took sixteen days to write and a month more to get the size of the book correct and have a nice cover done up. Well, no matter how much I winged and whined, I did manage to release it on the 14th and now you can buy it from here or here or here.
I use the Daily Sentiment Indicator a lot to give me trading signals. When I downloaded the DSI for yesterday the 19th, it showed a value of 97 for palladium. Since that is a nosebleed reading it seemed to me that I could use palladium as a training tool. I used a chart of silver from 2011 showing the DSI readings and the top on the 25th of April in the book.

I have drawn a line in the chart for the DSI at 10 and at 90. Those are pure measures of how negative or positive investors are on a commodity. The lower the number, the more negative investors are betting. The higher the number, the more positive investors want to wager. You rarely get readings in the below 10 or above 90 areas for any commodities so they are important. But there is no ironclad formula for what reading would make a top or a bottom. You might have a top at 80 or a low at 20 but basically the more extreme the number, the more important the high or low.
Palladium first touched 96 on the 17th of January of this year. That’s a pretty extreme measure and often marks a major top. But if you look at the chart of silver for 2011, silver actually hit 96 around the 23rd of February. The actual high reading for silver was at 97 seven weeks later starting on April 15th and staying at 97 for five days. Meanwhile silver went from about $33 an ounce in February to about $42.50 in mid April before topping at $49.80 on the 25th of the month. So the DSI can in fact say a top is at hand and the commodity still move up 15-20% in the last dying gasp before plunging.
I can say with great confidence that palladium is going to plunge. We are showing a DSI that says a top is near. Of course it might be $200 higher when it goes over the cliff depending on how stupid investors want to get.
I get pretty negative in the book about the state of the world. In France tens of thousands of the Yellow Vests have held countrywide protests for the 15th week in a row with barely a mention from the lame stream media. In Madrid many thousands marched protesting the trial of separatists on the Catalan independence vote. In late December even Canada held protests over the carbon tax issue. I thought the only time Canadians protested was after a game lost by a popular ice hockey team.
In Haiti anti-government protests have turned violent with seven dead so far. Even in Belgium, home to the EU administration, protestors took to the streets to complain about climate change. In Israel protestors are objecting to police brutality.
What few understand is that all of these worldwide protests have something in common. Vast segments of all societies feel that their governments no longer represent their interests. While the 1% take a larger and larger share of the pie leaving less and less on the plate for the rest of us.
The basic theory in physics about entropy holds that over time, everything becomes more chaotic. Since the world left the gold standard, all governments have spent money they didn’t have and made commitments they can’t complete in order to get the mob to vote for them. Meanwhile the middle class is being destroyed as the 99% see their taxes increase just as their salaries decline. It will end poorly.
There will be things I write about in the book that you won’t want to hear. But you need to. Time is the enemy and all things get worse. A former assistant director of the FBI admits on national television that he and the Department of Justice participated in an attempted coup against the legally elected president of the United States. And the nation yawns.
It’s end of empire and it will get worse. Be prepared. Be very very prepared.
Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

321gold Ltd

Junior Mining

ANACONDA MINING Intersects 6.45 g/t Gold over 5.0 Metres and 1.89 g/t Gold over 12.0 Metres at Point Rousse Project

TORONTO , Feb. 20, 2019 /CNW/ – Anaconda Mining Inc. (“Anaconda” or the “Company”) (ANX.TO) (ANXGF) is pleased to announce the results of a 3,434-metre drill program that began in November, 2018 and included drilling around the Pine Cove mine (Exhibit A and B) and the Stog’er Tight mine (Exhibit C) (“Pine Cove” and “Stog’er Tight” respectively) at the Company’s Point Rousse Project in Newfoundland (“Point Rousse”). A total of 33 drill holes (the “Drill Program”) successfully infilled and extended mineralization near the margins of the existing pit outlines at both mines, as part of an on-going evaluation of potential pit expansions at both Pine Cove and Stog’er Tight. Anaconda extended the strike of the shallow, southern end of the Pine Cove Deposit, by approximately 100 metres, and extended mineralization in the Northwest Extension of the Pine Cove Deposit by 75 metres. At Stog’er Tight, the Company confirmed mineralization, including visible gold occurrences, adjacent to the ultimate pit design, down dip of the current mineral reserves.

Highlights from the Drill Program include:

Stog’er Tight:

  • 6.45 grams per tonne (“g/t”) gold over 5.0 metres (65.0 to 70.0 metres) in hole BN-18-288;
  • 1.89 g/t gold over 12.0 metres (64.0 to 76.0 metres) in hole BN-18-290; and
  • 2.46 g/t gold over 8.0 metres (79.8 to 87.8 metres) in hole BN-18-292.

Pine Cove:

  • 2.50 g/t gold over 9.0 metres (17.0 to 26.0 metres) in hole PC-18-271;
  • 1.73 g/t gold over 9.0 metres (5.0 to 14.0 metres) in hole PC-18-281; and
  • 1.50 g/t gold over 5.0 metre (10.0 to 15.0 metres) in hole PC-18-269.

“We are very pleased with the step-out drilling done at Pine Cove and Stog’er Tight. Based on historical drilling and the current drill results, we see the potential to continue mining on the southern and western side of the Pine Cove pit without compromising our tailings storage activities. In addition, we are encouraged by the possibility of adding more ore on the northern portion of the Stog’er Tight Deposit. In the coming weeks, we will incorporate these drill results into our resource models and determine whether we can extend the mining operations at Pine Cove and Stog’er Tight beyond our existing mineral resource plan.”

~ Dustin Angelo , President and CEO, Anaconda Mining Inc.

Selected highlights from previous drilling in contiguous mineralized zones within the unmined portion of the Pine Cove Deposit include:

  • 8.75 g/t gold over 6.5 metres (15.5 to 22.0 metres) in hole PC-90-078;
  • 2.66 g/t gold over 15.9 metres (6.0 to 22.0 metres) in hole PC-15-257;
  • 2.59 g/t gold over 15.9 metres (41.6 to 57.5 metres) in hole PC-90-036;
  • 2.00 g/t gold over 17.2 metres (22.4 to 39.6 metres) in hole PC-04-133; and 
  • 6.11 g/t gold over 5.0 metres (31.3 to 36.3 metres) in hole PC-92-107.

A table of selected composited assays from the Drill Program is presented below.

In addition to the drilling adjacent to the Pine Cove mine, the Drill Program included 1,812 metres in 12 diamond drill holes (AN-18-06 to 17) to explore the area between the Pine Cove mine and the Anoroc Prospect located approximately 800 metres southwest of the Pine Cove Deposit. Historic channel sampling and several historic diamond drill holes at Anoroc, including 9.92 g/t gold over 2.0 metres in hole AN-90-01, had previously intersected host rocks, alteration and mineralization similar in style and character to those of the Pine Cove Deposit. Drilling at the Anoroc Prospect intersected Pine Cove-like alteration and, locally, low grade mineralization, including 1.11 g/t gold over 5.5 metres (AN-18-13), but did not encounter significant assays to justify further exploration work at this time.

Table of selected composited assays from drill holes reported in this press release:


Hole ID

From (m)

To (m)

Interval (m)

Grade (g/t)









































Hole ID

From (m)

To (m)

Interval (m)

Grade (g/t)

























































































































































This news release has been reviewed and approved by Paul McNeill , P. Geo., VP Exploration with Anaconda Mining Inc., a “Qualified Person”, under National Instrument 43-101 Standard for Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

The company would like to thank the Department of Natural Resources, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to their assistance in portions of the 2018 exploration drill programs through the support of the Junior Exploration Assistance Program.

All samples and the resultant composites referred to in this release are collected using QA/QC protocols including the regular insertion of standards and blanks within the sample batch for analysis and check assays of select samples. All samples quoted in this release were analyzed at Eastern Analytical Ltd. in Springdale, NL , for Au by fire assay (30 g) with an AA finish.

Reported mineralized intervals are measured from core lengths. Intervals are estimated to be approximately 80-100% of true widths.

A version of this press release will be available in French on Anaconda’s website ( in two to three business days.


Anaconda Mining is a TSX and OTCQX-listed gold mining, development, and exploration company, focused in the prospective Atlantic Canadian jurisdictions of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia . The Company operates the Point Rousse Project located in the Baie Verte Mining District in Newfoundland , comprised of the Stog’er Tight Mine, the Pine Cove open pit mine, the Argyle Mineral Resource, the fully-permitted Pine Cove Mill and tailings facility, and approximately 9,150 hectares of prospective gold-bearing property. Anaconda is also developing the Goldboro Gold Project in Nova Scotia , a high-grade Mineral Resource, subject to a 2018 a preliminary economic assessment which demonstrates strong project economics. The Company also has a wholly owned exploration company that is solely focused on early stage exploration in Newfoundland and New Brunswick .


This news release contains “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “plans”, “expects”, or “does not expect”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates”, or “does not anticipate”, or “believes” or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might”, or “will be taken”, “occur”, or “be achieved”. Forward-looking information is based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the information is made, and is based on a number of assumptions and is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Anaconda to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information, including risks associated with the exploration, development and mining such as economic factors as they effect exploration, future commodity prices, changes in foreign exchange and interest rates, actual results of current production, development and exploration activities, government regulation, political or economic developments, environmental risks, permitting timelines, capital expenditures, operating or technical difficulties in connection with development activities, employee relations, the speculative nature of gold exploration and development, including the risks of diminishing quantities of grades of resources, contests over title to properties, and changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined as well as those risk factors discussed in the annual information form for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017 , available on Although Anaconda has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Anaconda does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

Exhibit A. A map showing the location of all drill holes drilled as part of the Drill Program in the Pine Cove Area. (CNW Group/Anaconda Mining Inc.)
Exhibit A. A map showing the location of all drill holes drilled as part of the Drill Program in the Pine Cove Area. (CNW Group/Anaconda Mining Inc.)
Exhibit B. A map showing the location of drill holes adjacent to the southern and western portions of the Pine Cove mine. These holes were drilled as part of an on-going evaluation of potential pit expansions at the Pine Cove mine. (CNW Group/Anaconda Mining Inc.)
Exhibit B. A map showing the location of drill holes adjacent to the southern and western portions of the Pine Cove mine. These holes were drilled as part of an on-going evaluation of potential pit expansions at the Pine Cove mine. (CNW Group/Anaconda Mining Inc.)
Exhibit C. A map showing the location of drill holes adjacent to the northern portions of the Stog’er Tight mine. (CNW Group/Anaconda Mining Inc.)
Exhibit C. A map showing the location of drill holes adjacent to the northern portions of the Stog’er Tight mine. (CNW Group/Anaconda Mining Inc.)

SOURCE Anaconda Mining Inc.

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Base Metals Energy Exclusive Interviews Junior Mining Precious Metals Project Generators

(VIDEO) RIVERSIDE RESOURCES Prospect Generator Plans to Expand Jurisdictions

Dr. John-Mark Staude of President and CEO of Riverside Resources (TSX: RRI | OTC: RVSDF) sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss the company’s successes in 2018 and the projected catalyst’s for 2019. Dr. Staude will provide updates on a number of fronts, new exiting opportunities that look into significantly increase shareholder value.




Original Source:

Source: Maurice Jackson for Streetwise Reports  (2/19/19)

Maurice JacksonJohn-Mark Staude, president and CEO of Riverside Resources, talks with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable about successes in 2018 and the outlook for 2019.

Riverside Resources
Maurice Jackson: Joining us for a conversation is Dr. John-Mark Staude, the president and CEO of Riverside Resources Inc. (RRI:TSX.V; RVSDF:OTCQB), where knowledge is golden. Dr. Staude, welcome to the show, sir.
John-Mark Staude: Thank you, Maurice.
Maurice Jackson: We brought you on today to highlight some of Riverside Resources successes of last year and the company’s outlook for 2019. But before we begin, for first time listeners who is Riverside Resources?
John-Mark Staude: Riverside is a prospect generator. We’ve been working for 12 years, finding projects and finding partners through the prospect generator business. We’ve been able to expose ourselves to great upside while limiting the downside risk.
Maurice Jackson: You referenced that you are a prospect generator. There’s a lot of ambiguity regarding prospect/project generators, therefore speculators often overlook them in their portfolio. What type of competitive advantages does a shareholder have with a project generator over traditional exploration companies?
John-Mark Staude: I think the first thing is you’ve got a tight share structure, key that other people are spending the money. The second is you get a lot of shots, multiple different projects going simultaneously. Third is you don’t have the management teams that have to continually go back and refinance, so they can be focused on discovery for the shareholders. Those three things make prospect generators one of the better ways to invest in mineral exploration.
Maurice Jackson: Let’s revisit 2018 and share some of the successes of Riverside Resources that will serve as catalysts for 2019.
John-Mark Staude: I think the first thing was that we were able to leverage off of our previous work on copper, so that in 2019 we’ll be able to generate new big strategic alliances. I think the second thing was we signed a letter of intent with Sinaloa Resources, and now in 2019 we’ll have the definitive agreement and the go forward drill program. I think a third thing was the work that we did on Cecilia. High-grade gold mineralization, very good geology. Now in 2019 we can see drilling. So we have lots of catalysts in 2019. We’re really excited about this coming year.
Maurice Jackson: Speaking of 2019, let’s discuss the outlook for this year. What is new and what does Riverside Resources have planned this year?
John-Mark Staude: I believe one of the key things is a new strategic alliance. Getting a strategic partner will be awesome, and I think we have that in our sights. I think the second thing will be drilling. We have now got a definitive agreement progressing with Sinaloa Resources, and we’ll have additional new assets added into the portfolio. We’ll also diversify beyond Mexico. We’ve done well in Mexico, but we’ve also been successful previously in porphyry coppers in Canada and large gold systems in Arizona, and I think in 2019 we’ll again see us diversify beyond Mexico to capture great new opportunities.
Maurice Jackson: I want to expand further on the value preposition of Riverside Resources here. Germane to this discussion are the prices of gold, silver and copper. Twofold question. What are some of the catalysts you see that will change these prices, and what type of impact can we expect that this will have on Riverside Resources?
John-Mark Staude: One of the catalysts we see now is some of the uncertainty around trade and some of the uncertainty particularly in the gold price and with this gold price we actually see that has been rising up; that for us is excellent. We have gold assets in the ground, and gold potential to grow. So I think the gold will be a really key way to do this.
Maurice Jackson: Let’s be a little bit more specific for current and prospective shareholders. What type of competitive advantages does Riverside Resources have in the natural resource space included in this discussion with the prices moving?
John-Mark Staude: One of the competitive advantages we have is knowledge. We have knowledge, we have been able to find gold. We’ve been able to find copper. We’ve been successful. We’ve worked in this region and made discoveries that have then been built into mines. That’s a competitive advantage. The second is we’re all running. We’re in the position, we didn’t have to stop during the downturn times. We’ve been able to continually keep the same strong technical people. I know, Maurice, you’ve actually been out to site, other people come out to site. We can really demonstrate out on site the great development and ease to do the work. I think our turnkey ability has been shown by strategic alliances we’ve done in the past, and many projects we’ve been able to turn over. So in 2019, that creates great chance for catalyst rising gold prices, with potentially rising copper prices, with copper demand from electric cars, other copper usage. Riverside’s in an awesomely great position.
Maurice Jackson: Speaking of site visits, yes, I was there in April 2018 at the Cecilia, and I noticed there a lot of the intangibles that don’t show up on the balance sheet. Could you share some of those with us?
John-Mark Staude: I think one of the ones is relationships. When you come out to the site you can see how well we get along with the local people. I think the second is ease of access, you can see that we have the gate keys, we have the ease to get to the projects, paved roads into the area’s infrastructure. It’s so easy to look at a map, but in reality when you go out and see that you can drive on paved roads, when you have power lines, when you have water, when you have all of that stuff. I think the other intangible is our team. When you can see that we have the people in the back of our company that do the work for many other supporting groups, can really do a good work. Riverside has a sought-after team. I think those are in some of the intangibles that really make Riverside unique.
Maurice Jackson: Speaking of your team, a lot of them are seasoned in their tenure. Talk to us about how many years they’ve been with Riverside.
John-Mark Staude: Riverside’s been going 12 years and some of them been going with us ever since the beginning. Many of them have worked with me before Riverside. I used to work at Teck Resources, prior to that at BHP, and even prior to that back in the 1990s at Magma Copper, and some of these individuals that work with me today worked with me back then. We’ve been friends up to 30 years, and we’ve been able to be involved and we therefore we know we have trust, we know what we can count on, and we know we have the skills that deliver excellent projects, and the excellence to trust in what we’re doing.
Maurice Jackson: Speaking of Mexico, there’s a new president. What type of impact do you foresee the new administration having on Riverside Resources?
John-Mark Staude: It’s interesting, we were a bit concerned initially, back when the elections happened, hearing about socialist different movements and things, but really interesting, since December 1st when he’s been elected, it’s actually been pro capitalism, pro-development. There continue to be noises going back and forth about different issues, and they’ll have to get settled out. But we’re actually quite positive about the new president AMLO, and we’re also quite president about his words and efforts that he says towards helping develop favorability towards investments. So, we actually see that this new administration will be able to be a good push for the mining industry. We’re pretty pleased with what’s happening now.
Maurice Jackson: Switching gears slightly, to make the Riverside Resources project portfolio come to fruition, joint venture partners have to be willing to commit to projects. What is their current level of commitment that Riverside Resources is seeing right now?
John-Mark Staude: Right now, the first thing is the really big strategic alliance we have coming. Second is a drill program and funding with Sinaloa Resources. We’ll come up with the news release coming out quickly here as we finalize the definitive agreement, which we’ve not yet finalized, but we’ll get that done, and that’ll actually be a major program. We’ll also find that we have work on the copper, gold and silver assets, and we’re working on spinning out our transaction for one of our other properties. So, we actually see quite a few number of flows of capital coming in, and quite a few catalysts in 2019 due to the partner spending.
Maurice Jackson: You touched on it briefly, how does amalgamation fit into this narrative, and how realistic is the proposition of amalgamation?
John-Mark Staude: So at this point what we’re talking about is actually taking one of our assets into another company. We’ve been working on it now. Two aspects, one is the capital and the other is the other party, the ability and interest to be able to carry it forward. We’re working on that now, and I think it’s fairly realistic to do. It’s not something that we’ve put all of our eggs into, but it would be a great step for Riverside to give our shareholders another set of shares, another strategic way of increasing shareholder value. I think we have the right team on the other side. This will be a really exciting transaction going forward.
Maurice Jackson: John-Mark, what do you see as the biggest challenge for Riverside Resources, and how would you mitigate that situation?
John-Mark Staude: One of the big challenges is getting more partners in Mexico, and the way we’re mitigating it is by doing work again outside of Mexico, and by doing that we have our skills and we have Freeman Smith, our Vice President, Exploration, lives in Vancouver, knows the Canadian portfolios and Canadian assets, and we live in Vancouver, Canada, so it really fits for us to be able to diversify. That diversification really helps our shareholders as well. It helps us being in Mexico, and leveraging off of our knowledge in other places as well, using our skills. We’re in a great position for 2019.
Maurice Jackson: Let’s touch on the capital structure here briefly. John-Mark, Riverside has a proven record of being a good steward of capital. Remind us how many shares outstanding there are, enterprise value, and where does the company stand financially?
John-Mark Staude: Riverside has almost 45 million shares out, after going for 12 years. That’s remarkable. Financially, we have $1.5 million cash, and the market is actually very low right now. So myself, I’m buying more shares. We’re at a low in the market conditions right now, and I think there’s great upside right now. Our enterprise value is only $5 million. Our market cap is $7 million. We’re in a good situation to have a good leverage to the upside now.
Maurice Jackson: Last question. What did I forget to ask?
John-Mark Staude: Well, you always ask great questions. I think one of the other things is what do we actually see in the next news release? I think the next news release for us will be the signing of a deal. Signing of deals is great. Those are the momentum steps that we like. Also, the addition of a new asset. We’re excited by that. So I think we have two new things coming on, short term, that will really make a difference for Riverside.
Maurice Jackson: Dr. Staude, for someone listening that wants to get more information on Riverside Resources, please share the contact details.
John-Mark Staude: We’re at, or give us a call at (778) 327-6671.
Maurice Jackson: As a reminder, Riverside Resources trades on the TSX, symbol RRI, and on the OTCQB, symbol RVSDF. As reminder, Riverside Resources is a sponsor of Proven and Probable, and we are proud shareholders of Riverside Resources for the virtues conveyed in today’s message. And last but not least, please visit our website,, where we deliver mining insights and bullion sales. You may reach us at
Dr. John-Mark Staude of Riverside Resources, thank you for joining us today on Proven and Probable.
Maurice Jackson is the founder of Proven and Probable, a site that aims to enrich its subscribers through education in precious metals and junior mining companies that will enrich the world.

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Base Metals Energy Junior Mining Precious Metals Project Generators

EMX ROYALTY Receives Norra Metals Shares for Four Polymetallic Projects in Norway and Sweden

Vancouver, British Columbia–(Newsfile Corp. – February 19, 2019) – EMX Royalty Corporation (TSXV: EMX) (NYSE American: EMX) (“EMX” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce it has received 4,808,770 common shares of Norra Metals Corp. (“Norra”) (TSXV: NORA), representing a 9.9% equity stake in Norra. EMX acquired the shares pursuant to the sale of the Bleikvassli, Sagvoll and Meråker polymetallic projects in Norway, and the Bastuträsk volcanogenic massive sulfide (“VMS”) project in Sweden (the “Projects”), as announced in the Company’s news release dated December 13, 2018.

EMX will retain a 3% net smelter return (“NSR”) royalty on the Projects, as well as other consideration to the Company’s benefit. EMX has also been granted a 1% NSR royalty on Norra’s Pyramid project in British Columbia. The TSX Venture Exchange has approved the details of the transaction and transfer of the Projects from EMX to Norra, subject to customary final filings.

Norra Metals Corp. (previously OK2 Minerals Corp.) is a Vancouver-based exploration company with two projects in British Columbia’s “Golden Triangle”, as well as the four Scandinavian Projects acquired by Norra from EMX. Norra’s management team has considerable experience working in Scandinavia from previous ventures, and EMX will work closely with Norra to ensure timely advancement of the Projects in Scandinavia. Norra and EMX are in the process of obtaining work plan permits for the Projects, and expect exploration work will commence in early spring.

About EMX. EMX leverages asset ownership and exploration insight into partnerships that advance our mineral properties, with EMX receiving pre-production payments and retaining royalty interests. EMX complements its royalty generation initiatives with royalty acquisitions and strategic investments.


For further information contact:
David M. Cole
President and Chief Executive Officer
Phone: (303) 979-6666
Scott Close
Director of Investor Relations
Phone: (303) 973-8585

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

To view the source version of this press release, please visit

Junior Mining

GRANITE CREEK COPPER Acquires Extensive Database for the Stu Copper-Gold-Silver Project in Yukon, Canada

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 19, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Granite Creek Copper Ltd. (GCX.V(“Granite Creek” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce it has secured a substantial historic database detailing exploration work conducted on the area now covered by the Company’s Stu Copper-Gold-Silver Project (“Stu” or the “Project”) by United Keno Hill Mines Ltd. (“UKHM”). As a result of acquiring this comprehensive exploration data, Granite Creek is well positioned to rapidly advance its target development and refinement work for exploration in 2019 in the high-grade Carmacks Copper District. The information consists of complete drill data from a 4,504 metre, 28-hole program including logs, assay results and lithology, plus historical trenching and sampling results including detailed geological mapping and key information on geology, structure and possible mineral controls.

The following provides a concise history and summary of the exploration work now in the Company’s possession. UKHM staked the area and carried out prospecting and reconnaissance soil sampling in the summer of 1976 as well as magnetic and VLF-EM surveys over selected areas. The historic Stu claims were staked in January 1977 to cover areas reporting anomalous in copper as determined by this program. During the 1977 season, UKHM competed soil sampling, as well as additional magnetic and VLF geophysical surveys. An Induced Polarization survey was carried out over several anomalous zones in 1978 and, the following year, 16 bulldozer trenches were excavated across four separate geochemical anomalies.

Follow up work in 1980 included 28 diamond drill holes totaling 4,504 metres. The full results of the 1980 drill program were not reported publicly, except for selective results filed for assessment. Highlights of the 1980 drill program included 3.44% Cu, 1.87 g/t Au and 13.37 g/t Ag over 13.5m in DDH 80-09, 3.51% Cu, 2.49 g/t Au and 18.35 g/t Ag over 13.5 m in DDH 80-14 and 2.80% Cu, 4.04 g/t Au and 17.42 g/t Ag over 12.5 m in DDH 80-18.

Mr. Timothy Johnson, President and CEO, stated, “Acquiring this database has confirmed our belief in the potential of the Stu project and greatly accelerates the Company’s planning for the upcoming field season. Advances made on other deposits in the Carmacks Copper District in the years since UKHM completed this work have led to a greater understanding of mineralizing controls to these high-grade copper-gold-silver deposits. The Company is now positioned to apply this knowledge in combination with modern exploration techniques to rapidly advance the Project and reveal its potential for new high-grade copper-gold deposits in the mining-friendly Yukon Territory. Additional news releases will be forthcoming as we announce the results of our ongoing work including compilation and modeling results, and 2019 exploration plans.”

About Granite Creek Copper

Granite Creek Copper is a Canadian exploration company focused on the 100%-owned Stu Copper-Gold-Silver project located in the Yukon’s Carmacks Copper District, which covers 111 square kilometres adjacent to Capstone Mining’s high-grade Minto Cu-Au-Ag Mine and Copper North’s advanced-stage Carmacks Cu-Au-Ag project.

About the Metallic Group of Companies

The Metallic Group is a collaboration of leading exploration companies with a portfolio of large, brownfields assets in established mining districts, adjacent to some of the industry’s highest-grade producers. Member companies include Granite Creek Copper (GCX.V) in the Yukon’s Carmacks Copper District, Metallic Minerals (MMG.V) in the Yukon’s Keno Hill Silver District, and Group Ten Metals (PGE.V) in the Stillwater PGM-Ni-Cu district of Montana. Highly experienced management and technical teams at the Metallic Group have expertise across the spectrum of resource exploration and project development from initial discoveries to advanced development, including a demonstrated commitment to community engagement and environmental best practices. Each Metallic Group company is undertaking a systematic approach to exploration using new models and technologies to facilitate discoveries in these proven historic mining districts.


Timothy Johnson, President

Telephone:   1 (604) 235-1982
Toll Free:      1 (888) 361-3494

Metallic Group:

Quality Control and Quality Assurance

Drill results are considered historic and have not been independently verified by Granite Creek Copper.  Ms. Debbie James, P.Geo., is the qualified person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101, and she has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure contained in this news release.

Forward-Looking Statements

Forward Looking Statements: This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed “forward-looking statements”. All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts including, without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization, historic production, estimation of mineral resources, the realization of mineral resource estimates, interpretation of prior exploration and potential exploration results, the timing and success of exploration activities generally, the timing and results of future resource estimates, permitting time lines, metal prices and currency exchange rates, availability of capital, government regulation of exploration operations, environmental risks, reclamation, title, and future plans and objectives of the company are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. Although Granite Creek Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on a number of material factors and assumptions. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include failure to obtain necessary approvals, unsuccessful exploration results, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, results of future resource estimates, future metal prices, availability of capital and financing on acceptable terms, general economic, market or business conditions, risks associated with regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of personnel, materials and equipment on a timely basis, accidents or equipment breakdowns, uninsured risks, delays in receiving government approvals, unanticipated environmental impacts on operations and costs to remedy same, and other exploration or other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the companies with securities regulators. Readers are cautioned that mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Mineral exploration and development of mines is an inherently risky business. Accordingly, the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on Granite Creek Copper and the risks and challenges of their businesses, investors should review their annual filings that are available at

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.