
THE HEDGELESS HORSEMAN “Basic Investing in Resource Stocks: The Idiot’s Guide”

I recently got a copy and read Bob Moriarty’s new book called “Basic Investing in Resource Stocks: The Idiot’s Guide”, and thought I would do a quick review…
The book covers everything from the current state of the world, the metals, the different kinds of resource companies, how to go about investing and what tools that are important to use. It was an easy book to read, and I as a resource stock investor, really liked the content for a couple of reasons;
First (and most importantly) of all, this is not a “feel good book” that says a bunch of stuff, but at the same time, says nothing concrete at all.  It’s a pragmatic one, written by a long term resource company investor. Bob has been in this business for a long time and has seen it all. He has seen the ups and downs of commodity cycles, and he has run across all types of people and companies. He knows all the shady tricks and all the pitfalls that most of us will have fallen into, on our way to (hopefully) enlightenment.
Bob explains key concepts with the help of anecdotes and real life examples, which makes them easier to understand, and will hopefully come in handy when the reader comes across different subjects in the future (like counter party risk).
While reading it, I made sure to copy/paste some key quotes into a word document, that I (especially) thought were important to always keep in the back of my head. Well, that document ended up being about five pages long, and that’s excluding Bob’s two lists with words of wisdom, where he synthesizes the main take aways.
Anyhow, I thought it would be a good idea to mention a few of the quotes that I had saved, and perhaps add on a few comments of my own. So I asked him for permission to do so and got this response:
“Any way you wish. The whole purpose of the book is to help investors. Anything that broadens their education is fine with me.
– Bob”
Suffice it to say, Bob would really like to see better informed investors. Better informed investors leads to more money in the hands of investors, more capital for honest and good companies, and less money in the hands of crooks (or “lifestyle companies” as Bob calls it)… A win-win-win.

Now, lets look at some of the many quotes:

“Someone has to pay for every mistake in one form or another, and it will be a lot cheaper for you if you listen as I explain how foolish I have been.” 
… This is the reason why I never throw away books. They contain synthesized knowledge based on decades of experience and research. It’s good to make mistakes when you also learn from them, but it’s of course way more costly than learning from others mistakes. The key is to really understand what and why something went wrong though. If you make a mistake yourself, you will probably have a painful memory that reminds you not to “do that again”, but learning from others means you really have to hammer in the essence of said mistake.
“There is one thing I should include here: the basic liquidity of the market is an indication of where you are. At market bottoms you can’t give shares away; at tops, the market has total liquidity. So if you can sell shares easily, that is often a great indication of when to sell”
… This is an important concept to internalize; If there are no buyers, there is no greed, and possibly even big discounts in place. If a stock is doing well and there are tonnes of bids, then you know that you are not the first one in. With that said, this is more of a swing tactic to use when nothing has changed for a company on a fundamental basis, since there will of course always be bids if a company that just released company making news (That will take at least some time to be reflected in the share price).
“I’m going to show you how to do it, but you have to discard almost all of what you think you know. You have to learn the basics of investing that no one has ever bothered teaching you. You know how to add. You know how to read. You probably have some special skill that someone is willing to pay you for doing well. But as far as I know, there are no classes on how to invest, and if you are to profit, you have to know the basics.”
… This points out the fact that there is no class or golden formula out there that will allow you to beat the market. Believe me, I have taken finance and economics classes, and pretty much the only concepts that stuck and was worth its salt was “NPV” and “Opportunity Cost”, but nothing really to prepare me for investing in the resource sector.
“I don’t make any money because I am so smart; I get all my profit because other people are so foolish.”
… He points out that he has not done well for himself because of his smarts, but rather by not being foolish, unlike the herd.  Human psychology is the enemy, and one must learn how to fight ones impulses, like fear and greed. Common sense and avoiding pit falls is the name of the game, so limit the costly mistakes that the majority will make, and most of the battle will be won already… Easier said than done of course(!)
“What I’m trying to say is that investing in juniors and making a profit has far
more to do with timing than with the commodity, the management, or country risk.
Those factors are all interesting but the phase of the investment cycle as measured
by sentiment is far more important.”
… This was a gruesome lesson to learn for me personally, but market psychology (cycles) trumps all. When the cycle is up, everyone allows themselves to price in a rosy future for any company (and they buy accordingly). When the cycle is down, investors instead only focuses on risks and no price seems low enough to price them in (and they sell accordingly). It makes me think of another quote by Bob that goes something like this: “At a bottom, everyone is looking for a reason to sell”.
“As an investor, you must use every possible sentiment indicator you can get
your hands on.”
… the importance of sentiment is something that Bob mentions a lot in this book, and something I am slowly trying to cement in the back of my head. Unloved (for whatever reason) or unknown stocks is what one should look to buy.
“Investment advice and information comes in two flavors, signal and noise. That which is signal gives you potentially valuable information that you can use to make intelligent investment decisions. But noise does little more than confuse the listener. Not everything you hear or read helps you.”
… This is important because there might be bulls, bears, pumpers and/or bashers that harp on about certain things that might be trivial for a company in the grand scheme of things. This is noise vs signal concept also includes daily vs longer term stock movements, as Bob describes it in the book. A stock might go up or down on any given day based on nothing, and should thus be considered noise. Buffet famously mentions that “mr market” is schizophrenic and that he loves to take advantage of short term declines (noise). Suffice it to say, the signal vs noise problem is something that is prevalent from micro (company fundamentals) to macro (trends) and should be something to take into account at all times.

Closing Thoughts

The book covered more subjects than I first thought and is an invaluable source of knowledge for anyone investing in this sector. There are loads of quotes and bullet points that I myself am planning to print out and put up on the wall, since keeping the common (human) pitfalls in mind at all times is a very big step towards beating the market.
You can buy Bob’s new book for $7.49 (Kindle) or $12.99 (Paperback) through my affiliate link HERE or you can buy it HERE for the same price (if you don’t want me to get the few cents in commission.)
(I have not received any payment to write this article. Bob was kind enough to send me a copy for free and I thought it was a good idea to write about the book coupled with some thoughts of my own.)
Best regards,
The Hedgeless Horseman
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TOM WHEELWRIGHT Whether taxes make you rich or make you poor is completely within your control.

Every transaction you do can have an impact on your taxes. So, it’s important to think about your daily transactions in a way that gets you to your goal of permanently reducing your taxes.

Most people are all for permanently reducing their taxes – of course!

What is typically missing in their quest to do that is the strategy piece. And it’s the strategy piece that produces the maximum results. The strategy piece helps focus our actions and thoughts every single day on permanently reducing taxes.

You have the power to significantly influence how taxes will impact your wealth – and the tool to help you do this is a tax strategy.

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What is a tax strategy?

First, let’s start with what a tax strategy is NOT. A tax strategy is NOT about loopholes. Loopholes are unintended consequences of laws that were enacted. A tax strategy is about the consequences that lawmakers intended.

A tax strategy is a systematic plan of action to help you take advantage of these intended tax benefits.

Remember, the tax laws of all countries are written to encourage certain activities that benefit the economy and promote social policy. It’s our job to understand and take advantage of the tax laws as they are written. Put your time and talents into activities that produce jobs, housing, and grow the economy, and you get tax benefits.

It doesn’t have to take hours every day to get maximum results from your tax strategy. Instead, your strategy becomes a part of your daily routine.

When do you need a tax strategy?

If you are an investor or if you own a business, then you absolutely need a tax strategy now. The tax law is designed to benefit investors and business owners. A tax strategy is designed so you know exactly what you need to do to maximize these benefits.

Many of you are thinking about starting a particular investment strategy or a business and you just aren’t sure if you should do your tax strategy before or after you start your investing or business.

I always recommend getting your tax strategy done before you start your investing or business because then the foundation can be in place and ready for your new venture. Plus, in most cases, it is possible to keep the foundation flexible enough so if your venture takes you in a different direction, your tax strategy can adapt to these changes.

Best of all, by doing your tax strategy before, you can get a jump start on the rules you need to know as an investor or business owner to legally maximize your tax savings. This is one area that most people neglect to focus on early, and by the time they do focus on it, it is a huge project that requires a ton of catch up. In fact, most people in this situation never get caught up. As a result, they aren’t able to maximize their tax savings.

Remember: Whether taxes make you rich or make you poor is completely within your control.

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Tom Wheelwright, CPA
WealthAbility™ does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. The materials provided have been prepared for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide tax, legal or accounting advice. The materials may or may not reflect the most current legislative or regulatory requirements or the requirements of specific industries or of states. These materials are not tax advice and are not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for purposes of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer. Readers should consult their own tax, legal and accounting advisors before applying the laws to their particular situations or engaging in any transaction.
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Tempe, Arizona 85282
United States
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GSP RESOURCE CORP. Soil Sample Program Indicates Strong Copper Values and Establishes Drill Targets at Olivine Mountain

Vancouver, British Columbia – February 13, 2019: GSP Resource Corp. (TSX-V: GSPR) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce the results of the Fall 2018 soil sample program at the Olivine Mountain Project.  Assays have been received from an extensive geochemical soil survey program undertaken in Fall 2018 and have established the presence of strong Copper-in-soil anomalies coincident with interpreted geophysical anomalies.  Notably, the geochemical survey results have established several drill targets at the Olivine Mountain Project.  The recommended initial drill program is for up to 1,000 meters of NQ Core drilling directed at four main targets and is budgeted at approximately CAD$250,000 (including site preparation, supervision and analytical work).  GSP Resource Corp. President and CEO, Simon Dyakowski commented: “base metals values in the soil sample grid, in particular – Copper of up to 678ppm, are very encouraging.  The results are coincident with the interpreted geophysical anomalies identified in GSP’s Spring 2018 airborne and ground survey programs.  Four drill targets are considered of interest for the presence of related massive sulphide deposits and we expect to commence the permitting process shortly.”
Olivine Mountain Copper-in-soil Results Map:

Olivine Mountain Nickel-in-soil Results Map:

Fall 2018 Geochemical Survey Results Summary*
GSP crews constructed approximately 100 line kilometers of grid over the favourable geophysical anomalies, with lines oriented in an east-west direction, and spaced 100 meters apart. Sample stations were established at 50 meter intervals along all lines. In total, approximately 1850 soil samples were collected. All samples were submitted to the laboratories of MS Analytical in Langley, B.C. for analysis. Methods included a one acid, 41 element Ultra Trace level ICP analysis for 41 elements including Au, Co, Cu, Ni, Pd, Pt and V. Plots of each element were made, highlighting anomalous zones by colour and size. The following are elemental thresholds:

Au(ppb) Co(ppm) Cu(ppm) Ni(ppm Pd(ppb) Pt(ppb) V(ppm)
Possibly Anomalous 10 – 50 50 – 100 50 – 100 50 – 100 25 – 50 25 – 50 175 – 200
Probably Anomalous 50 – 100 100 – 200 100 –250 100 – 250 50 – 100 50 – 100 200 – 250
Definitely Anomalous 100 – 386 200 – 253 200 – 678 250 – 900 100 – 230 100 – 190 250 – 443

Copper values are considered very strong, believed to be indicative of significant mineralization in underlying bedrock. Cobalt, nickel, platinum and palladium values are moderate to strong and are also believed to be indicative of respective mineralization in underlying bedrock. There is a relatively close relationship of copper to cobalt and palladium and nickel to platinum and palladium. Gold is related to both copper and nickel. There is very little sympathy of copper to nickel. These relationships probably reflect the zoning nature of the metals in bedrock.
Olivine Mountain Compilation Plan Map:

Compilation of Results*:
Six significant geochemical anomalies are interpreted from the copper and nickel plots:

  1. Centered on L83700N@55600E – Strong copper values over an area 900 x 600 meters with associated palladium, weak nickel, weak gold and weak cobalt. The anomaly is at the north end of a strong magnetic/conductive geophysical body, with strong conductive picks having been interpreted from airborne data. The area is just south of the Asp Showing.
  2. Centered on L83300@56900E – Strong copper values over an area 600 x 400 meters with associated weak palladium and platinum. There are no associated geophysical anomalies. There are no mineral showing associated with this anomaly.
  3. Centered on L84600N@ 54800E – Moderate to strong copper values over an area 700 x 400 meters with associated vanadium and weak cobalt. There are no associated geophysical anomalies. The anomaly is just northwest of the RC Showing.
  4. Centered on L85100N@55300E – Strong copper values over an area 700 x 300 meters with weak nickel, palladium, vanadium and gold. There are no associated geophysical anomalies. The anomaly is just south of the ASP 14 showing.
  5. Centered on L82600@56500E – Moderate to strong nickel values over an area of 600 x 800 meters with associated palladium, platinum, weak gold, weak cobalt and weak copper. The anomaly is at the south end of a strong magnetic/conductive geophysical body, with strong conductive picks having been interpreted from airborne data. There are no mineral showings associated with this anomaly.
  6. Centered on L82700N@55200E – Strong nickel values over an area 700 x 700 meters with associated palladium, platinum and vanadium. The anomaly is associated with a strong magnetic and conductive geophysical body. There are no mineral showings associated with this anomaly.

Conclusions and Recommendations*:
Four of the anomalous targets are worthy of drilling and the following hole locations are recommended:
L83700N@55800E – vertical diamond drill hole to 200 meters.
L85100N@55300E – vertical diamond drill hole to 200 meters.
L82600@56500E – vertical diamond drill hole to 200 meters.
L82800N@55200E – vertical diamond drill hole to 200 meters.
The drill program should allow a contingency of 200 meters for an additional hole or deepening of initial holes, therefore the recommendation is for a total of 1000 meters. Core drilling should be NQ size. The cost estimate of 1000 meters includes roads, site preparation, supervision and analytical work should be approximately CAD$250,000.
*Sections quoted from a Summary Report – 2018 Work Programs on the Olivine Mountain Property, by John R. Kerr, P.Eng, dated February 12, 2019.
Quality Assurance / Quality Control:  Samples were sent to MS Analytical (an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17025:2005 accredited laboratory) in Langley, BC. Soils were dried and screened through an 80 mesh screen to remove rocks and other matter. A 20g aliquot from the minus fraction was weighed and digested using weak aqua regia and then analyzed by ICP-ES/MS (IMS-117). Analytical results were verified by the insertion of certified reference materials, blanks and duplicates.
Qualified Person:  The scientific and technical disclosure contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Christopher I. Dyakowski, P.Geo, a “Qualified Person” as that term is defined in National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
About GSP Resource Corp. GSP Resource Corp. is a mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral resource properties. The Company has an option to acquire a 100% interest and title to the Olivine Mountain Property located in the Similkameen Mining Division, 25 km northwest of Princeton, British Columbia.
Contact Information – For more information, please contact:
Simon Dyakowski, Chief Executive Officer
Tel: (604) 619-7469
Cautionary Statement Regarding “Forward-Looking” Information.
This news release includes certain statements that constitute “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable securities law, including without limitation, statements that address the Olivine Mountain Project, obtaining drill permits, cost of potential drill program, comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, and other statements relating to the business prospects of the Company. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions. These statements relate to analyses and other information that are based on forecasts of future results, estimates of amounts not yet determinable and assumptions of management. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases such as “expects” or “does not expect”, “is expected”, “estimates” or “intends”, or stating that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved), and variations of such words, and similar expressions are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statement are necessarily based upon a number of factors that, if untrue, could cause the actual results, performances or achievements of the Company to be materially different from future results, performances or achievements express or implied by such statements. Such statements and information are based on numerous assumptions regarding present and future business strategies and the environment in which the Company will operate in the future, including the price of metals, anticipated costs and the ability to achieve goals, that general business and economic conditions will not change in a material adverse manner, that financing will be available if and when needed and on reasonable terms, and that third party contractors, equipment and supplies and governmental and other approvals required to conduct the Company’s planned exploration activities will be available on reasonable terms and in a timely manner. Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual events, level of activity, performance or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: (i) risks related to gold, platinum, palladium, copper and other commodity price fluctuations; (ii) risks and uncertainties relating to the interpretation of exploration results; (iii) risks related to the inherent uncertainty of exploration and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses; (iv) that resource exploration and development is a speculative business; (v) that the Company may lose or abandon its property interests or may fail to receive necessary licences and permits;  (vi) that environmental laws and regulations may become more onerous;  (vii) that the Company may not be able to raise additional funds when necessary; (viii) the possibility that future exploration, development or mining results will not be consistent with the Company’s expectations; (ix) exploration and development risks, including risks related to accidents, equipment breakdowns, labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties with or interruptions in exploration and development; (x) competition; (xi) the potential for delays in exploration or development activities or the completion of geologic reports or studies; (xii) risks related to environmental regulation and liability; (xiii) risks associated with failure to maintain community acceptance, agreements and permissions (generally referred to as “social licence”), including local First Nations; (xiv) risks relating to obtaining and maintaining all necessary government permits, approvals and authorizations relating to the continued exploration and development of the Company’s projects; (xv) risks related to the outcome of legal actions; (xvi) political and regulatory risks associated with mining and exploration; (xvii) and risks related to current global financial conditions. These risks, as well as others, could cause actual results and events to vary significantly. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward looking statements include, but are not limited to, continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions, the loss of key directors, employees, advisors or consultants, volatility in metals prices, adverse weather conditions, equipment failures, failure of counterparties to perform their contractual obligations and fees charged by service providers. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance or events and, accordingly are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty of such statements. The forward-looking statements included in this news release are made as of the date hereof and the Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable securities legislation.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Vancouver 2019 Keynote Speakers Confirmed

Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, British Columbia
July 30 – August 2, 2019

Dear Reader,
One of the biggest benefits of the Sprott Natural Resource Symposium is, of course, the presentations from our all-star lineup – the world’s smartest minds in finance, investment research, economics, and natural resources…
All handpicked by our returning host Rick Rule, President and CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings Inc., and his experienced team.
When all of these experts come together, ideas happen – connections are made – and you, our valued attendee, will have a rare opportunity to learn about cutting-edge strategies with the potential to transform your financial future.
Today it’s my pleasure to introduce this year’s high-profile keynote speakers who are in unique positions to understand and interpret the state of the world’s economy.

  • James Rickards – Editor, Strategic Intelligence and a world famous consultant to the Pentagon and CIA. He helped the Federal Reserve avoid a complete financial meltdown, and even investigated market activity which predicted 9/11. He’ll combine his exceptional background as a government insider with his economic expertise and show you how to navigate today’s volatile markets.
  • Nomi Prins – Distinguished political-financial expert, journalist and best-selling author, she’s also a former member of Senator Bernie Sanders’ Federal Reserve Reform Advisory Council. On Wall Street, Nomi was a managing director at Goldman Sachs, she ran the international analytics group as a senior managing director at Bear Stearns in London, and worked as a strategist at Lehman Brothers and Chase Manhattan Bank.
  • Danielle DiMartino Booth – Author and former top adviser at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, she utilizes her years of experience in central banking and Wall Street to help investors understand macroeconomics – how the movements of world markets and actions of regulators may affect their businesses in an ever-changing world economy.

Our Symposium Chairman, Rick Rule – who was recently recognized by The Mining Journal as one of the 10 most influential people in mining – will open the Symposium General Session at 8 a.m. sharp on July 30, at the historic Fairmont Hotel in downtown Vancouver.
Over four jam-packed days filled with activities and special events, Rick and his team will present experts you won’t find gathered together anywhere else on the planet.
And rest assured, we’ve allowed plenty of time for you to socialize and rub shoulders with these distinguished speakers and our panel of investors, analysts, strategists, millionaires, and even billionaires.
You see, Rick’s mission for the Symposium is much different than anything you’ve ever experienced.
His allegiance is to you, our attendee – not to a sponsor with a check in his hand.
In other words, our exhibitors aren’t simply advertisers. They’re content.
You’ll be closer to these experts and professionals than you ever imagined…
And they’ll be ready to share their best ideas about how you can profit from what may be the greatest opportunities of this decade.
There’s something else you should know…
Rick Rule and his team vet every exhibitor before they come to the Symposium. They’re invited on a performance basis – he knows the executives personally and Sprott has invested in every listed company.
Rick genuinely believes that they are among the best at what they do.

As the Symposium date draws closer, we’ll keep you updated on additional world-class speakers and exhibitors as they are confirmed. We’ll also make sure you get first crack at special events and optional tours.

Visit Our Website for Symposium Details

Or if you prefer, simply contact Opportunity Travel today by phone at +800 926 6575or +561 243 6276, or email us at We would be happy to assist you with your Symposium ticket, air travel, hotel stay or any questions and special requests.
Tickets at the door on July 30, 2019 will be $799.
But right now while we’re still confirming guests and exhibitors, and adding information on our website, you can cash in on our Early Registration Discountand you’ll pay only $449 per person!
That’s right. You’ll save $350 on your ticket. (Note: this rate is subject to change at any time.)
Act Now! Register today and you’ll get the lowest price possible.
I hope to hear from you soon and I look forward to greeting you at the Fairmont Hotel in downtown Vancouver, July 30 – August 2, 2019.

Barbara Perriello, Director
Opportunity Travel
P.S. One last but important item we’re so confident our 2019 Symposium will exceed your expectations, we’ll refund the full cost of your registration if you’re not satisfied. No questions asked.
P.P.S. Plan your 2019 vacation now – Vancouver is one of the world’s top cities and there’s almost no end to attractions, adventures and experiences. And did I mention? There’s nothing like a summer’s day in this outdoor wonderland. Let us help you get the most out of your Symposium experience! Contact Opportunity Travel today by phone at +800 926 6575 or +561 243 6276, or email us at
Where We’re Headed Next

Opportunity Travel’s
Southeast Asia Tour to Thailand & Malaysia
February 24-March 3, 2019

Post-Tour Following International Living’s
2019 Southeast Asia Fast Track Your Retirement Overseas Conference
Bangkok, Thailand – February 21-23

Since we’ll be right here in beautiful Bangkok for the IL conference, we’ve designed an exclusive, fun-filled post conference tour that’s a first class, luxurious journey. You’ll get a chance to see firsthand why travelers and expats alike simply love everything about Thailand and Malaysia. Get full details about this exclusive expedition and guarantee yourself a spot – but you’ll have to act fast, only 20 spaces are available. Call me at 800 926 6575 or +561 243 6276, or email

The Oxford Club’s 21st Annual Investment U Conference
March 28-31, 2019 – The Vinoy Renaissance Resort

Every spring, The Oxford Club hosts its biggest event of the year –the Annual Investment U Conference. For this signature event, we spare no expense to bring you the latest and greatest from the investing world as well as a real no-nonsense look into the markets.
Throughout this event, you’ll discover dozens of profitable ideas from our team of expert analysts, as well as investment insights from more than two dozen of the industry’s top economists and investment minds.
Join us as we celebrate more than two decades of success and tremendous profit opportunities brought to life through this premier event. Year-after-year – we’ve seen the ideas shared here soar to great heights and we are thrilled to see what’s in store next.
For more information on this event, and to reserve your spot today, click hereIf you have any questions about the event, please email us at or call us at +443.708.9411.

Money Map Press presents…

The Black Diamond Conference
Delray Beach Marriott – April 4-6, 2019

Now Accepting Registrations – Act Now & Save

Our next Money Map Press event will take place at one of the most beautiful oceanfront hotels in Florida… the Delray Beach Marriot. Escape with us to Florida’s sun-drenched beaches and take in all that this hip and happening town has to offer.
Money Map’s gurus will share all the tools, techniques and strategies that made them fortunes… and they’ll show you how to attain “the good life” for yourself. Right now for a very limited time, you have the opportunity to experience this exclusive event at a discounted rate.
Go here for full details and registration

June 19 – 30, 2019
Le Havre (Deauville) | Paris

Join our exciting Family & Friends trip to France cheering on the U.S. Women’s National Team as they compete for their fourth World Cup this summer. After a brilliant undefeated year in 2018, Team USA is sure to be a lethal opponent… and the team to beat. Get all the details here and call +800 926 6575/ +561 243 6276 or email Barbara Perriello to book.

Sprott Natural Resource Symposium 2019
Fairmont Hotel Vancouver – July 30-August 2, 2019

Plan your 2019 vacation now – we’ll be happy to help you!
Get the lowest price possible for this popular, long-running conference that just keeps getting better year after year!
Join our chairman and personal host, Rick Rule in the heart of downtown Vancouver for this sell-out event. It’s not too soon to claim your Advance Pricing discount!
Click here for details. You really can’t beat this offer!
For more information about any of these events or expeditions, simply give us a call right now at 800 926 6575 or 561 243 6276, OR send us an email

Uruguay & Argentina – November 2019
Opportunity Travel’s South America Expedition
Call now to get your name on the list!

One of our most popular tours! Come November 2019 and once again we’ll be heading south to Uruguay and Argentina where we’ll show you so much more than the wonders these countries are known for. We’d love to have you join us!
Tantalizing wines, fabulous farm to table dining and sensuous tango are just a small snippet of what we have in store. Add to that our unique brand of personal service, luxury hotels and “boots on the ground” experts. Find out for yourself why our past attendees return again and again.
Call now to get your name on the list – 1-800-926-6575 or +561-243-6276OR send us an email at

For more information about our tours or conferences, please contact, Barbara Perriello or Michelle Sedita at Opportunity Travel by email or by phone at +561.243.6276 or toll-free at +800.926.6575.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized investment advice. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized investment advice. In the interest of full disclosure: Opportunity Travel may receive commissions from any property sales made during any of its trips. And, as a travel agency, we often receive a commission from hotels when we book rooms for our tours and conferences.
Copyright © 2019 Opportunity Travel, All rights reserved.
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Opportunity Travel

235 NE 4th Ave

Delray BeachFL 33483


OREZONE provides update on Bomboré project development and ongoing Sulphide Expansion Feasibility Study

OTTAWA, Feb. 21, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Orezone Gold Corporation (ORE.V(“Orezone” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide an update on its development schedule and achievements at its 90%-owned Bomboré gold project (“Bomboré”) together with progress on its 2019 Sulphide Expansion Feasibility Study (“2019 FS”).

Project Development Update

The Company recently completed a detailed review of all project development and construction activities at Bomboré with the goal of optimizing the project development and expenditure schedules. Based on this review, the Company has prepared a new project development schedule that further minimizes project execution risks.

Specifically, the optimized development schedule provides a number of significant benefits including:

  • Additional flexibility in the implementation of the upfront Resettlement Action Plan (“RAP”) by extending the construction schedule to ensure the pace of home construction is readily achievable, thereby maximising local workforce training and hiring practices and maintaining the local community and government support.
  • Reduced operational risks and costs to the project’s main infrastructure:
    1. Off-Channel Reservoir (“OCR”) construction to meet the project’s production water demands will now preferentially commence in the dry season.
    2. Tailings Storage Facility (“TSF”) will consume less water for its dam embankment construction and will have a more simplified liner installation.
  • Improved capital deployment schedule for the project:
    1. 2019 burn rate significantly reduced with the Company fully-funded to January 2020.

The key aspect of the review that allowed for a later construction start was the decision to better coordinate the start of the OCR excavation before the onset of the rainy season. This OCR excavation will now commence in Q1-2020, concurrent with major plant earthworks and the TSF construction. Furthermore, with recent completion of the Front-End Engineering and Design (“FEED”) work, all major equipment lead delivery times have been fully identified and incorporated into the schedule as have major construction timeline requirements. The overall impact of this revised schedule is that commissioning and plant start up is now scheduled for Q2-2021.

As a result of this detailed review, the Company expects 2019 project expenditures to be significantly reduced from spending under the original project schedule. The Company is budgeted to spend US$25.2 million on project development for 2019 which will include costs for early stage construction works (e.g. main access roads and camp improvements), FEED completion, construction of Phase I RAP resettlement villages and associated infrastructure, and advancement of permitting efforts for the sulphide expansion and P17S satellite deposit. The Company anticipates a further spend of US$5.0 million for corporate G&A, the 2019 FS report, and project financing efforts.

With a 2018 year-end cash balance of over US$31 million, the Company is fully funded for this upcoming year which the Company will utilize to secure the remaining financing required to construct Bomboré.

RAP Construction Update

RAP construction is progressing with beaconing of houses on the main resettlement sites completed and brick fabrication by local construction contractors well-advanced in preparation for house construction as ongoing foundations are completed. The required Phase I RAP is scheduled for completion by November 2019 which will allow one additional crop harvest by local communities before relocation commences which has been very well-received by local community members.

The Company plans to provide ongoing details and photographs of RAP construction activities on its website throughout 2019.

Sulphide Expansion Feasibility Study Update

The independent 2019 FS is being completed by a team of highly qualified engineering and environmental firms: Lycopodium Minerals Canada Ltd. (study lead), AMC Mining Consultants (Canada) Ltd., Knight Piésold and Co., Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. (“RPA”), Base Metallurgical Laboratories Ltd., and Antea Group. RPA is updating the 2017 Mineral Resource Estimate to incorporate the previously excluded “Restricted Zones” and to expand the resource estimate at the high-grade P17S sulphide target for the additional drilling completed during the 2016 to 2018 period.

The 2019 FS will incorporate the combined oxide and sulphide circuits, and will be based on an expanded plant throughput of 5.2 million tonnes per annum (“Mtpa”) as opposed to the 4.5Mtpa used in the 2018 feasibility study. The sulphide plant will be constructed in Year 2 of oxide operations and sulphide feed will commence in Year 3 at a planned rate of 1.2Mtpa.

Recently completed metallurgical testwork has confirmed the ore grind and gold recoveries from work undertaken in earlier studies. Work indices and abrasion indices have also been confirmed for the various sulphide materials.

The current work for the 2019 FS includes detailed mine scheduling, water balance and waste rock storage designs, and an update of the environmental and permitting studies to provide essential data for the Environmental Social Impact Assessment (“ESIA”) update necessary to permit the expanded mine plan.




The latest trend away from the dollar includes an effort by Russia to reshape the landscape of OPEC.
Which certainly given the other actions of Russia in the past year continues to demonstrate their frustration with U.S. and the current Wall Street system.
To find out more, click to watch the video now!

Chris Marcus
Arcadia Economics

“Helping You Thrive While We Watch The Dollar Die”



Blog Junior Mining

KEVIN DOUGAN Valentine Gifts 2019

Original Source:

As time goes by …. famous events and stories of days gone by are slowly forgotten and vanished into obscurity. For the young millenials of today, February 14th at one time was a very special day, especially for kids and their secret classroom sweethearts. In schools all over the Americas it was actually a very exciting day that was fun but could also prove to be very nerve racking and sometimes downright gut wrenching and gloomy.

On arts in crafts day (yes that was an actual part of the curriculum) teachers passed out scissors (the rounded ones thankfully) colored construction paper , white doilies , boxes of Crayola crayons & of course the famous sticky paste glue. Most of which for some unknown reason was eaten or found a way into your hair. Armed with this cornucopia of ammo, kids embarked on the task of creating homemade Valentine cards. The cards would be passed out along with Hershey Kisses and small chalky candy, known as Conversation Hearts. The messages varied from Be Mine, Kiss Me to Buzz Off. etc… but looking back sometimes could evoke a myriad of emotions also.
These cards could either be set your heart a flutter or crush it into fine powder. I kid you not, the day could be a traumatic experience, joy for the popular kids and a day of dread for the nerds. I can remember being passed over by my Kindergarten Crush, Katie and having to deal with it during several intense therapy sessions in later years. ? We should all pity the really traumatized kids who were left to get a card and hug from the Joe the janitor or Lucy the lunch lady. ?

This day was also infamous for one of the most famous Mob Hits in history. It occurred on this day, February 14, 1929. The ambush took place in a warehouse in Chicago’s North Side by four assailants dressed as police officers. The hit was supposedly ordered and planned by the one and only ,notorious Al Capone who was known as one of the most ruthless criminals in American History. This event was specifically designed to send a message and was targeted on St. Valentines’ Day for maximum effect and will be forever ingrained in American folklore.

Well … how does this tie in to Junior Resource stocks ??? … let me elaborate. There are certain stocks who I hold very dear to my heart on this Valentines Day, 2019. Many of whom whose shares prices have been massacred from their 52 week highs. I would like to point a few out that I feel are at very good entry points on this February 14. 2019. The only way to make money in this business is to seek out the unloved and unfavored. Take a chance and wait for the love to come back  slowly but surely.

Jericho Oil/ JCO – This is a smartly managed Oil & Gas company that is sitting in one of the most prolific and growing oil fields in the US. They acquired very valuable land in the STACK region in north central Oklahoma when others were asleep at the wheel. Buying quality land on the cheap is going to pay off big time soon.  Their new wells  which they have been debuting have been top notch. The price of Oil has been steadily climbing (up over 25% since the first of the year) It is just a matter of time that real money will start flowing back into the sector.

JCO/ Jericho Oil

February 14 2109 Share Price  40 cents

52 Week H/L  .40 -$1.38

This way under valued dynamo is primed and waiting to catch a bid.  JCO certainly needs to shown some love on Valentine’s Day, it can embraced at its absolute low for the year today and with Oil prices climbing steadily the share price is soon going to tag along for the ride. Be Mine !!!

McEwen Mining (MUX) – This very well run company is just waiting for the Gold price to set it off again. Catapulting it to the heights it commanded during the last bull run. Namesake, Rob McEwen pays himself $ one dollar a year (which is one more than I get) only if the shareholders make money so does Rob (quite the incentive).  McEwen owns 23% of McEwen which amounts to 80 Million Shares of a 345 Million float. Now that friends is serious skin in the game. With a well rounded portfolio of properties spread over the Americas and with primary targets of Gold, Silver & Copper, MUX is diversified into minerals which are sure to appreciate in price after many long years of manipulation and suppression.

MUX/ McEwen Mining

February 14, 2019 Share Price  $1.76

52 Week H/L  $1.61 – $2.62

Coming on line soon is a new open -pit mine in very mining friendly, Nevada in the historic Battle Mountain trend. Debuting with all in costs at $975 oz and with the price of Gold steadily rising. This keeper will surely add a steady profits to the bottom line for many years to come. First year production is forecasted at an impressive 60 K ounces. The key thing that excites me as a shareholder is during the last bull run MUX topped out close to $10 a share, and now the company has many more irons in the fire. The goal is to get MUX listed on the S&P and that would open up a whole new world of potential shareholders. Rob McEwen former CEO of GoldCorp during its glory years has $160 Million , yes $160 million of his own dough invested in himself by way of MUX.  Rob & his wife Cheryl,  have donated $50 Million to stem-cell research which is very near and dear to my heart as I lost my Mom at a young age to a rare form of cancer. So as you can tell, Mr. McEwen is a sweet heart of a guy and has a very generous heart.  MUX is worth a long look on this Valentines Day.

Upon graduating college I had a “Graduate” moment of my own. In that smart timeless movie, “The Graduate” an older sophisticated tycoon whispered in Dustin Hoffman’s ear “Plastics”. If it was good enough for DH, it was good enough for me, it launched me into a very long lucrative career selling plastics to a waiting world. Similarly, I think the phase that will be whispered now as the up and coming thing is “Vanadium”

Vanadium is the new flavor of the year in metals. The price in short order rose from $3 a pound to $34 and has since settled in the $17 range and seems to be riding the beginning of another upward wave. Vanadium is used to strengthen steel which is of great concern since the failure of Chinese steel during recent earthquake activity. It is also used autos & airplanes to strengthen and more importantly shave off significant weight, which greatly improves fuel efficiency.  FVAN/ First Vanadium aptly named, was one of the first companies to realize what lay on the horizon. CEO Paul Cowley smartly acquired a property in mining friendly Nevada that was once owned by industry giant Union Carbide. As large behemoth companies often do, they give up and capitulate on properties at preciously the wrong time. The property was drilled extensively with great results but they finally threw their hands up when rock bottom Vanadium prices seemed the norm. They gave it away for a song. One mans junk turns into another mans treasure. Although in this case their junk happens to be a now very sexy in-vogue metal.

FVAN/ First Vanadium Corp

February 14. 2019  Share Price  59 Cents

52 Week H/L   .27 – $1.96

Soft-spoken Paul Cowley has secured powerhouse Peak Marketing to get the story out and spread the gospel of FVAN. He will need their help to separate the wheat from the chaff, as I saw every Tom, Dick & Harry displaying Vanadium signs at their booths at the recent Vancouver Resource shows. I swear it seemed as if the paint wasn’t even dry at some of these charlatans and opportunists booths. You read it here first, First Vanadium was indeed FIRST and has been carefully vetted by me. They will have a Resource Estimate out in perfect timing for PDAC and it should be very impressive and possibly game changing. You have been dutifully notified. This once ugly duckling has turned into golden goose. Get some on Valentines Day before the Vanadium fever burns too hot.

This was written with the purpose to point out some undervalued and unloved companies temporarily out of favor at this point in time.These companies have been carefully researched and vetted. by me. Also this articles purpose is too remind & make sure my readers, fans and subscribers stay out of the dog house today and remember to load up on the candy , flowers and some stocks if there is any dough left over. ?

This piece was written for informational purposes and to point out a few companies that I feel are worth taking a long look at. This is certainly NOT investment advise. Always consult you financial adviser before making any investments. I hold shares in each and JCO is a  valued supporter of my website and helps keep me running and growing. My website can be found at  where I strive to find unloved , out of favor companies that I feel are worth looking into. Sign up for my FREE monthly newsletter and see what each month brings.

February 15th, 2019|Best Mining Companies


Base Metals Blog Energy Project Generators

FISSION 3.0 Intercepts Anomalies and Strong Alteration at PLN; Preps for 9 Holes at Key Lake South

CNW Group

Winter drill program continues to enhance project


KELOWNA, BC , Feb. 14, 2019 /CNW/ – FISSION 3.0 CORP. (“Fission 3” or “the Company“) is pleased to announce results from the winter drill program at its PLN project in the Athabasca Basin region of Saskatchewan, Canada . A total of 2,051m were drilled in six completed holes and two holes that were abandoned due to poor ground conditions.  Drilling focused on the north-south trending A1 basement hosted electromagnetic “EM” conductor, where previous drilling in 2014, including hole PLN14-019 ( 6.0m @ 0.012% U3O8), indicated the conductive corridor to be prospective for mineralization. All six holes encountered strong hydrothermal alteration over variable widths and a number of narrow radiometric anomalies, including a downhole radiometric peak of 1,382cps (PLN19-026), often a key signature of mineralized systems. The A1 conductive corridor remains prospective to the south and PLN hosts multiple drill targets that remain untested on the property, and will be the subject of future exploration.

Fission 3.0 Logo (CNW Group/Fission Uranium Corp.)
Fission 3.0 Logo (CNW Group/Fission Uranium Corp.)

New Drill Program Imminent. The company is prepping for a nine-hole work program at two of its Key Lake South projects – Karpinka Lake and Hobo Lake – which is expected to commence imminently.  The Key Lake South projects are located approximately 40km south of the historic Key Lake mine and mill.  In a setting analogous to Fission Uranium’s PLS project, the target is shallow depth, basement hosted uranium mineralization outside of the present day Athabasca Basin margin. The Key Lake Shear Zone (KLSZ) is a north-south trending, moderately meandering litho-structural corridor that is present north of the Key Lake deposit and continues to the south, through the Karpinka and Hobo Lake properties.  The KLSZ is a primary feature associated  with the occurrence of the historic Key Lake deposit and its presence on the Key Lake South properties represents an important exploration target.

News Highlights

  • PLN Highlights:
  • Key Lake South Highlights:

Ross McElroy , COO, and Chief Geologist for Fission, commented,

“Drilling this winter on the A1 conductive trend encountered encouraging alteration and radioactive anomalies. The six completed holes followed up a section of the trend where previous drilling indicated encouraging signs of potential mineralization. PLN is an exciting and highly prospective property in an emerging uranium camp in the Patterson Lake area, where recent nearby discoveries of world-class high-grade uranium deposits have been made. Future drill programs will continue to test the vast potential of the PLN project. We are also looking forward to our Key Lake South drill program, which will commence later this month.”

About PLN: The PLN package consists of a total of 36,537 ha in 37 mineral claims of which Fission 3 has a 90% interest in 27,408 ha (10 mineral claims) and a 100% interest in an additional recently staked 9,129 ha (27 mineral claims).  Azincourt Energy Corp. holds a 10% interest in 27,408 ha of the PLN property.

The property, just inside the Athabasca Basin, is prospective for high-grade uranium at shallow depth.  The property is adjacent to, and part of the same structural corridor as Fission Uranium’s PLS project, host to the Athabasca’s most significant major, shallow-depth, high-grade uranium deposit.  Previous drill results show large scale potential.  Drilling in 2014 identified a mineralized corridor associated with the A1 ~700m in strike length, where results returned significant mineralization and pathfinder elements (uranium, boron, copper, nickel and zinc) and included hole PLN14-019 which intercepted 0.5m at 0.047% U3Owithin 6.0m @ 0.012% U3O8.

About Key Lake South: The Key Lake area is an important historic mining district.  The Key Lake operations is owned by Cameco Corp. (83%) and Orano Canada Inc. (17%) and hosted the former Key Lake mine, which produced 208 million pounds of uranium between 1975 to 1997 and is home to one of the largest uranium mills in the world.  The Key Lake mill processed ore from the McArthur River uranium deposit, until Cameco announced in 2018 that McArthur River mining would be suspended indefinitely due to low uranium prices.  The area is considered highly prospective to discover significant new uranium occurrences.

The 100% owned Key Lake South Projects consist of two projects (Karpinka Lake and Hobo Lake) covering 19,377 ha in 42 mineral claims.  The properties are located approximately 40km south of the historic Key Lake mine.  The  projects are geologically situated within the extremely prolific Wollaston-Mudjatic Transition Zone “WMTZ”, notable for hosting the majority of the major high-grade uranium deposits on the eastern side of the Athabasca Basin.  To the north, the Key Lake Deposit is hosted within the northern portion of northeast-southwest trending litho-structural feature known as the Key Lake Shear Zone “KLSZ”.  The KLSZ continues southward through the Karpinka Lake and Hobo Lake projects.  Together the properties cover approximately 50km of trend of the KLSZ, where a number of geochemical uranium anomalies have been discovered and where a network of EM conductors exhibit structural complexity including off-sets, breaks, folding and other geophysical features such as gravity and resistivity lows.  These features are often associated with uranium mineralization occurrences.

Table 1:  Winter 2019 PLN Drill Hole Summary


Hole ID


* Down-hole Radiometric Highlights
with Mount Sopris 2PGA-1000 Natural Gamma Probe

Overburden Depth

Thickness (m)

Basement Unconformity
Depth (m)

Total Depth (m)



From (m)

To (m)

Width (m)

CPS Peak

A1 Conductor



























































































Hole by Hole Summary
The current drill program tested down-dip and along strike to the north and south of PLN14-019.

PLN19-022 was an angled hole designed to test the up-dip extension of anomalous shear hosted radioactivity intersected in PLN14-019 ( 6.0m averaging 0.012 % U3O8). The drill hole intersected moderately bleached and fractured Athabasca sandstone from a depth of 115.6m to 135.0m , underlain by a thick sequence of variably hematite, clay and chlorite altered granite, granitic gneiss, mafic intrusive and pegmatite. A thin brittle-ductile shear zone was intersected from 177.7m to 185.5m with elevated radioactivity occurring between 180.0m to 180.5m up to 300 counts per second (cps) on a RS-121 handheld scintillometer. Fresh basement rocks were intersected at a depth of approximately 240m to a final depth of 290.0m .

PLN19- 023B
PLN19- 023B was an angled drill hole collared 30m grid north of PLN14-019, targeting PLN14-019 anomalous shear hosted radioactivity along strike. The first and second attempts to test this target, drill holes PLN19-023 and PLN19-023A, respectively, were both lost shortly after reaching bedrock due to poor ground conditions. PLN19- 023B cored  Athabasca sandstone from 114.8m to 127.9m underlain by a sequence of variably altered granite, granitic gneiss and mafic intrusives. Millimeter scale black radioactive blebs were identified in strongly hematized basement rock around 139m down hole, returning up to 210 cps on a RS-121 scintillometer.  A thin brittle-ductile shear zone was intersected from 188.2m to 193.7m but was not radioactive. Fresh basement rocks were intersected at a depth of approximately 244m to a final depth of 354.8m .

PLN19-024 was an angled drill hole collared 30m grid south of PLN14-019 targeting the anomalous shear hosted radioactivity along strike.  Strongly fractured, locally bleached and hematized Athabasca sandstone was intersected from 111.5m to 119.0m . The Athabasca sandstone was underlain by variably altered granite, orthogneiss and mafic intrusives with a strongly clay altered graphitic mylonite occurring between 201.2m to 224.3m .  No anomalous radioactivity was intersected and the hole was terminated in fresh basement at a depth of 266.0m .

PLN19-025 was an angled drill hole collared 30m grid south of PLN19-024.  The hole was designed to further test the strongly altered graphitic mylonite along strike. A thin lens of Athabasca sandstone was intersected from 118.8m to 119.0m which was underlain by variably clay, chlorite and hematite altered granite, orthogneiss, mafic intrusives and pegmatite. A thick graphite and sulphide-rich shear zone was intersected from 193.8m to 211.8m with weak hydrothermal alteration present throughout. The hole was terminated in fresh basement at a depth of 299.0m .

PLN19-026 was an angled drill hole collared 80m grid west of PLN19-024 and targeted the down dip projection of the strongly altered graphitic shear zone, testing for basement hosted uranium mineralization at depth. Athabasca sandstone was intersected from a depth of 108.5m to 125.3m , underlain by weakly hematite, chlorite and clay altered granitic gneiss, mafic intrusives and granites. A weakly altered graphitic mylonite was intersected from 259.2m to 268.0m , with an associated radiometric peak of 1328 cps ( 162.8m to 163.2m ). The hole was terminated in fresh bedrock at a final depth of 353.0m .

PLN19-027 was drilled approximately 1 km grid south of PLN14-019 and tested the up-dip projection of a graphitic shear zone intersected in drill holes PLN14-011 and PLN14-012 where a coincident north-south trending magnetic low is present. Athabasca sandstone was intersected from 111.5m to 113.4m , underlain by weak to moderately altered granite and orthogneiss to a depth of 190.0m where the drill hole was lost due to poor ground conditions. No anomalous radioactivity was intersected.

Natural gamma radiation in drill core that is reported in this news release was measured in counts per second (cps) using a Mount Sopris PGA-1000 Natural Gamma Probe and a hand-held RS-121 Scintillometer manufactured by Radiation Solutions. The reader is cautioned that scintillometer readings are not directly or uniformly related to uranium grades of the rock sample measured and should be used only as a preliminary indication of the presence of radioactive materials.

Samples from the drill core are split in half sections on site. Where possible, samples are standardized at 0.5m down-hole intervals. One-half of the split sample will be sent to SRC Geoanalytical Laboratories (an SCC ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Accredited Facility) in Saskatoon, SK . Analysis will include a 63 element ICP-OES, and boron.

All depth measurements reported, including radioactivity and mineralization interval widths are down-hole, core interval measurements and true thickness are yet to be determined.

The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 and reviewed on behalf of the company by Ross McElroy , P.Geol. Chief Geologist and COO for Fission 3.0 Corp., a qualified person.

About Fission 3.0 Corp.

Fission 3.0 Corp. is a Canadian based resource company specializing in the strategic acquisition, exploration and development of uranium properties and is headquartered in Kelowna, British Columbia . Common Shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “FUU.”


“Ross McElroy”

Ross McElroy , COO

Cautionary Statement: Certain information contained in this press release constitutes “forward-looking information”, within the meaning of Canadian legislation. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “plans”, “expects” or “does not expect”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates” or “does not anticipate”, or “believes”, or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will be taken”, “occur”, “be achieved” or “has the potential to”. Forward looking statements contained in this press release may include statements regarding the future operating or financial performance of Fission 3.0 Corp. which involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties which may not prove to be accurate. Actual results and outcomes may differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in these forward-looking statements. Such statements are qualified in their entirety by the inherent risks and uncertainties surrounding future expectations. Among those factors which could cause actual results to differ materially are the following: market conditions and other risk factors listed from time to time in our reports filed with Canadian securities regulators on SEDAR at The forward-looking statements included in this press release are made as of the date of this press release and Fission 3 Corp. disclaim any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable securities legislation.

SOURCE Fission Uranium Corp.

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RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Announces $1,500,000 Private Placement


VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 13, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Riverside Resources Inc. (the “Company” or “Riverside”) (RRI.V), is pleased to announce that it plans to complete a non-brokered private placement of up to 9,375,000 units at a price of $0.16 per unit to raise aggregate proceeds of C$1,500,000 (the “Offering”).

Each unit consists of one common share and one whole common share purchase warrant. Each common share purchase warrant is exercisable into one common share for a period of two (2) years from closing at a price of $0.22. If, at any time after four months following the closing of the Offering, the closing price of the common shares on the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSX-V”) is equal or greater than $0.45 for 10 consecutive trading days, the Company may accelerate the expiry date of the warrants by disseminating a press release announcing the new expiry date whereupon the warrants will expire on the 30th trading day after the date on which such press release is disseminated.

The Company will use the proceeds of the financing to fund a focused drill program at the Cecilia Gold Project, additional project acquisitions and further target refinement on existing projects to advance towards new partnerships. The Company may pay finders fees in cash or units to qualified finders of up to 8.0% of the aggregate gross proceeds realized from subscribers identified by the finder. The closing of the Private Placement is subject to TSX-V approval.

The securities being offered have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons without United States federal and state registration or an applicable exemption from registration requirements.

About Riverside Resources Inc.:
Riverside is an exploration company driven by value generation and discovery. The company has fewer than 45M shares issued and a strong portfolio of gold-silver and copper assets in North America. Riverside has extensive experience and knowledge operating in Mexico and leverages its large database to generate a portfolio of prospective mineral properties. In addition to Riverside’s own exploration spending, the Company also strives to diversify risk by securing joint-venture and spin-out partnerships to advance multiple assets simultaneously and create more chances for discovery. Riverside has additional properties available for option, with more information available on the Company’s website at


“John-Mark Staude”
Dr. John-Mark Staude, President & CEO

For additional information contact:

John-Mark Staude
President, CEO
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone:  (778) 327-6671
Fax:  (778) 327-6675
Raffi Elmajian
Corporate Communications
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671 ext. 312
TF: (877) RIV-RES1 ext. 312

Certain statements in this press release may be considered forward-looking information. These statements can be identified by the use of forward looking terminology (e.g., “expect”,” estimates”, “intends”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “plans”). Such information involves known and unknown risks — including the availability of funds, the results of financing and exploration activities, the interpretation of exploration results and other geological data, or unanticipated costs and expenses and other risks identified by Riverside in its public securities filings that may cause actual events to differ materially from current expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


DAVID STOCKMAN Americans Living On Borrowed Time

David Stockman | Americans Living On Borrowed Time

Feb 11, 2019 04:25 pm
By Remy Blaire

David Stockman, Author of Peak Trump
January was a month of extremes. The broader market managed a strong advance for the first month of 2019. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, Nasdaq and S&P 500 surged last month to notch their best monthly gains for January, in years – if not decades. On the other side of the spectrum, extreme weather patterns brought a blast of Arctic air that caused temperatures to plummet across the central and eastern U.S.
It was politics as usual and the partial U.S. government shutdown came to an end after 35 uncertain days. The January Federal Reserve meeting came and went with no change in rates but a notably dovish shift that emphasized the FOMC’s intention. The Fed stated that it would be “patient as it determines what future adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate may be appropriate.”
There was some resolve at the end of January but plenty of questions still hung in the air.
The final month of 2018 had been a dismal one for Wall Street. The major stock indexes posted annual losses that were the worst since the deep tumble of 2008. Yet the turnaround that came after the year-end slump of 2018 saw the S&P 500 tack on 7.87% in January. The performance marked the index’s best advance since 1987.
David A. Stockman, former congressman and budget director for President Ronald Reagan, remembers 1987 very well. It was the year that Greenspan kicked off the “era of bubble finance.” This era simply kicked the can, or what Stockman calls “the day of reckoning,” down the road. Indeed, the balance sheet has gone from $200 billion to topping the trillion-dollar mark.

Stockman spent his early days in Washington D.C., engaging with several administrations of the White House and changes in Chairmanship at the Federal Reserve. He is quick to point out that the current “dysfunction in government” is worrisome and that there is “nothing but bad stuff ahead.”

Some things change while other things stay the same. In the case of borrowing by the federal government there have been no signs of a slowdown since Stockman first warned Americans about deficits during the Reagan years. While the debt-to-GDP ratio of the U.S. may not be at the very top of the list of worst offenders, it has cleared the 100% mark.
Stockman joined me at the NASDAQ MarketSite in New York to discuss his top concerns for the U.S. economy. He says that it’s not the trade deals or funding for a U.S.-Mexico border wall that are the most worrisome of issues. Instead, he remarks that Americans are living on borrowed time and the root of the problem lies in “bad” money.
Sept. 20, 2018, is indicated as an important date. He delves further into the significance of that day in another interview and in his latest book, Peak Trump. In case you’re wondering about Stockman’s prediction for the next stock market correction – listen closely to his answer and learn how he is planning for his grandchild’s financial future:
Interview segment with David Stockman on January 24, 2019: CLICK HERE.
Winter usually brings colder and shorter days and plenty of inclement weather. While most of the country is thawing out from the recent bout of wintry weather, forecasts for slower economic growth continue to be issued by global institutions and investment houses.
The 2019 State of the Union did not address specific policy solutions to the problems that Trump says would endanger the national economy. Yet the immediate potential crises on the horizon include: the short-term government funding measure set to expire on Feb. 15 and the clock is ticking for the debt ceiling reinstatement on March 2.
In addition, the expiration of the U.S.-China trade tariff truce is March 1. U.S. officials will be heading to Beijing on Feb. 14-15 with the delegation comprised of Robert Lighthizer, Steven Mnuchin and David Malpass.
Whether March welcomes a balmy environment for market sentiment – time will deliver the outcome of the negotiations.

Stockman wonders how the nation will fare in the aftermath of these risk events and remarks that Americans will “reap the consequences of the money-printing spree … and massive borrowing by the public and private sectors.”  Even cautious optimism isn’t convincing enough to drag gold lower.

As the equity markets recovered in January the bond market did not reflect risk-on behavior. At the same time spot gold extended gains last month and held above the $1,300 per ounce level. Gold has managed to hold onto multi-month highs as the Fed rate outlook hit the “pause” button.
In the short-term, the precious metal is caught in a tug-of-war between a stronger dollar and fundamental risks. At the very least the dovish Federal Reserve should provide support for gold prices.
According to the World Gold Council, holdings of gold ETFs last month marked their highest level since March 2013. The spotlight was shining on inflows into global gold ETFs that increased 72 tonnes in January. The WGC pointed out that net longs are below historical averages. In the beginning of February, the outflows of global gold ETFs were notable.
Amid rising gold prices and increased M&A activity among the mining majors, the outlook for the yellow metal may be brighter.
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