CREDIT: Andy Schectman and David Morgan
On Friday, October 18, 2024, The First National Bank of Lindsay was closed by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was named Receiver. No advance notice is given to the public when a financial institution is closed. All insured deposits have been transferred to First Bank & Trust Co., Duncan, OK.
October 18, 2024 Official Press Release

If You Had a Deposit Account
The full balance of all insured deposit accounts has been transferred to First Bank & Trust Co.
In addition, based on the estimated recoveries of the failed bank assets, the FDIC will make 50 percent of uninsured funds available to those depositors on Monday, October 21, 2024. This amount could increase as the FDIC sells the assets of the failed bank.
You may continue to use your checks and ATM/Debit card to access your insured deposits. Direct deposits like paychecks and social security benefits will continue as usual. Please refer to the Banking Services section below for more details.
For accounts exceeding $250,000 and/or accounts that appear to be related and exceed this limit are reviewed by the FDIC to determine ownership and insurance coverage. To schedule an appointment with a Claims Agent, call Customer Service & Records Research in Dallas at 1-888-206-4662, Monday through Friday (excluding federal holidays) between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Central Time.
You can also visit the FDIC’s Failed Bank Customer Service Center (FBCSC) and register using to review your insurance determination, schedule an appointment, and communicate about your account(s).
EDIE — Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator
Calculate insurance coverage of deposit accounts
Facts for Depositors
General information explaining the role of FDIC

If You Had a Loan
You should continue to make payments, including escrow payments, as usual; the terms of your loan will not change. If your loan is currently in process or you had a line of credit, contact the FDIC.
If you are making escrow payments and receive notification that any portion of your taxes or insurance was not paid, contact the FDIC immediately.
If you received notice that the FDIC retained your loan, and you have questions, please visit the FDIC Information and Support Center.
Obtaining a Lien Release
Process on getting a release of lien
Borrower’s Guide to an FDIC Insured Bank Failure
Overview of how FDIC processes loans
Facts for Borrowers
General information explaining the role of FDIC

If You Are Owed Money for a Service or Product Provided
You may be eligible to file a claim against The First National Bank of Lindsay.
If you have not been paid for services rendered prior to October 18, 2024, please refer to the Filing Claims section below.
Facts for Creditors
General information explaining the role of FDIC
Publication Notice to Creditors and Depositors of The First National Bank of Lindsay