Judson Culter, CEO at Rover Metals, states, “an upgrade to the North Slave hydro facility could create excess hydro power at the Strutt Lake hydro facility, which is nearby to the Cabin Lake Group of Gold Projects.”
About Rover Metals:
Rover Metals is a natural resource exploration company specialized in North American precious metal resources,
that is currently advancing the gold potential of its existing projects.
You can follow Rover Metals on its social media channels:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rovermetals
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rover-metals/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoverMetals/
for daily company updates and industry news.
https://www.rovermetals.com/For further information, please contact:
Judson Culter
Email: judson@rovermetals.com
Phone: (604) 449-5347
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