As a result,
the conditions for the short squeeze of a lifetime are in place. Which means that at the same time silver is rising, these funds are going to have to buy back their position. But from who? Certainly after the banks have gone to all of the effort of unwinding their short position and now getting long, it’s hard to imagine them letting the hedge funds off the hook easily.
And this is one of the dangers of being short any asset. Because every night you go to sleep with virtually unlimited risk. Which in this case I’m guessing most of the investors in these funds don’t even realize they are exposed to.
As a former equity options market maker on the New York Stock Exchange, I’m well familiar with the risks of being short. Especially being short options. Which is not to say that there are not appropriate times to short an asset, but rather that it’s darn well worth being aware of the risk. Especially now as the investors of the fund found out that they can lose even more than their original investment.
While investing in precious metals, and silver in particular over the past decade has not been the easiest and most rewarding experience, it has been one of the more fascinating financial events to follow along.
Especially now as the rumors of manipulation are being increasingly documented and supported by legal confessions and guilty pleas. Indicating that those who have explained the pricing as being distorted by manipulation have turned out to be correct. And with those who were correct on that matter also continuing to reiterate that prices at some point are simply going to have to rise.
If you are invested in one of these funds that is short silver, I would
highly recommend taking a look at this report that explains why the price of silver is set to explode. Because outside of the technical funds reacting to the moving averages, I haven’t even heard of anyone attempting to make a case for why silver would go much lower from here (if you have, or if you have any questions about this article or the market, please
email me here).
So given all of the factors indicating why at some point the price will almost necessarily have to rise, pulling your money out of a fund that is short silver and getting long yourself (much like the banks controlling the action have done) remains a timely way of avoiding Wall Street’s latest upcoming debacle.
While also keeping your money safe and taking advantage of the eventual resolution of this glaring market imbalance.
-To buy or sell gold and silver call
Miles Franklin today at (1-800-822-8080).