David’s Commentary:
Gold and silver are insurance, not investments. Catch the bull market wave and the results can be stunning. Or heartbreaking on the way down. We’ve survived the way down and now, the metals are turning back up and just biding their time to break strongly out to the upside.
What is holding them back and how will it change? The Federal Reserve, JPMorgan and friends are holding it back. Many people think that JPMorgan is working side by side with the Fed to keep the prices in check. The government’s regulatory agencies are sitting on the sidelines and allowing massive interventions and manipulation without saying boo!
But – when one or more of the topics I mentioned in the opening unfolds and the price starts to move up rapidly, the computer-driven algorithms that buy and sell will all switch over to the buy mode, the big money hedge funds will enter the party and it will be impossible to slow down the Gold and Silver Express. They couldn’t stop it from increasing 7-fold (gold) or 10-fold (silver) from 2000 to 2011. They won’t be able to stop it this time either. All it needs is a bit of momentum to get the hedge funds buying again. They all follow the price and if gold and silver are the “go to” investments, the big money will be there in the forefront.
Kimble Charting Solutions thinks we are right on the cusp of a breakout. The mining shares traditionally lead the physical metals on the way up, and down. They are about to issue a buy signal…