Original Source: https://kdblueskymarketing.com/valentine-gifts-2019/

On arts in crafts day (yes that was an actual part of the curriculum) teachers passed out scissors (the rounded ones thankfully) colored construction paper , white doilies , boxes of Crayola crayons & of course the famous sticky paste glue. Most of which for some unknown reason was eaten or found a way into your hair. Armed with this cornucopia of ammo, kids embarked on the task of creating homemade Valentine cards. The cards would be passed out along with Hershey Kisses and small chalky candy, known as Conversation Hearts. The messages varied from Be Mine, Kiss Me to Buzz Off. etc… but looking back sometimes could evoke a myriad of emotions also.
These cards could either be set your heart a flutter or crush it into fine powder. I kid you not, the day could be a traumatic experience, joy for the popular kids and a day of dread for the nerds. I can remember being passed over by my Kindergarten Crush, Katie and having to deal with it during several intense therapy sessions in later years. ? We should all pity the really traumatized kids who were left to get a card and hug from the Joe the janitor or Lucy the lunch lady. ?

This day was also infamous for one of the most famous Mob Hits in history. It occurred on this day, February 14, 1929. The ambush took place in a warehouse in Chicago’s North Side by four assailants dressed as police officers. The hit was supposedly ordered and planned by the one and only ,notorious Al Capone who was known as one of the most ruthless criminals in American History. This event was specifically designed to send a message and was targeted on St. Valentines’ Day for maximum effect and will be forever ingrained in American folklore.

Well … how does this tie in to Junior Resource stocks ??? … let me elaborate. There are certain stocks who I hold very dear to my heart on this Valentines Day, 2019. Many of whom whose shares prices have been massacred from their 52 week highs. I would like to point a few out that I feel are at very good entry points on this February 14. 2019. The only way to make money in this business is to seek out the unloved and unfavored. Take a chance and wait for the love to come back slowly but surely.
Jericho Oil/ JCO – This is a smartly managed Oil & Gas company that is sitting in one of the most prolific and growing oil fields in the US. They acquired very valuable land in the STACK region in north central Oklahoma when others were asleep at the wheel. Buying quality land on the cheap is going to pay off big time soon. Their new wells which they have been debuting have been top notch. The price of Oil has been steadily climbing (up over 25% since the first of the year) It is just a matter of time that real money will start flowing back into the sector.

JCO/ Jericho Oil
February 14 2109 Share Price 40 cents
52 Week H/L .40 -$1.38
This way under valued dynamo is primed and waiting to catch a bid. JCO certainly needs to shown some love on Valentine’s Day, it can embraced at its absolute low for the year today and with Oil prices climbing steadily the share price is soon going to tag along for the ride. Be Mine !!!
McEwen Mining (MUX) – This very well run company is just waiting for the Gold price to set it off again. Catapulting it to the heights it commanded during the last bull run. Namesake, Rob McEwen pays himself $ one dollar a year (which is one more than I get) only if the shareholders make money so does Rob (quite the incentive). McEwen owns 23% of McEwen which amounts to 80 Million Shares of a 345 Million float. Now that friends is serious skin in the game. With a well rounded portfolio of properties spread over the Americas and with primary targets of Gold, Silver & Copper, MUX is diversified into minerals which are sure to appreciate in price after many long years of manipulation and suppression.

MUX/ McEwen Mining
February 14, 2019 Share Price $1.76
52 Week H/L $1.61 – $2.62
Coming on line soon is a new open -pit mine in very mining friendly, Nevada in the historic Battle Mountain trend. Debuting with all in costs at $975 oz and with the price of Gold steadily rising. This keeper will surely add a steady profits to the bottom line for many years to come. First year production is forecasted at an impressive 60 K ounces. The key thing that excites me as a shareholder is during the last bull run MUX topped out close to $10 a share, and now the company has many more irons in the fire. The goal is to get MUX listed on the S&P and that would open up a whole new world of potential shareholders. Rob McEwen former CEO of GoldCorp during its glory years has $160 Million , yes $160 million of his own dough invested in himself by way of MUX. Rob & his wife Cheryl, have donated $50 Million to stem-cell research which is very near and dear to my heart as I lost my Mom at a young age to a rare form of cancer. So as you can tell, Mr. McEwen is a sweet heart of a guy and has a very generous heart. MUX is worth a long look on this Valentines Day.
Upon graduating college I had a “Graduate” moment of my own. In that smart timeless movie, “The Graduate” an older sophisticated tycoon whispered in Dustin Hoffman’s ear “Plastics”. If it was good enough for DH, it was good enough for me, it launched me into a very long lucrative career selling plastics to a waiting world. Similarly, I think the phase that will be whispered now as the up and coming thing is “Vanadium”

Vanadium is the new flavor of the year in metals. The price in short order rose from $3 a pound to $34 and has since settled in the $17 range and seems to be riding the beginning of another upward wave. Vanadium is used to strengthen steel which is of great concern since the failure of Chinese steel during recent earthquake activity. It is also used autos & airplanes to strengthen and more importantly shave off significant weight, which greatly improves fuel efficiency. FVAN/ First Vanadium aptly named, was one of the first companies to realize what lay on the horizon. CEO Paul Cowley smartly acquired a property in mining friendly Nevada that was once owned by industry giant Union Carbide. As large behemoth companies often do, they give up and capitulate on properties at preciously the wrong time. The property was drilled extensively with great results but they finally threw their hands up when rock bottom Vanadium prices seemed the norm. They gave it away for a song. One mans junk turns into another mans treasure. Although in this case their junk happens to be a now very sexy in-vogue metal.

FVAN/ First Vanadium Corp
February 14. 2019 Share Price 59 Cents
52 Week H/L .27 – $1.96
Soft-spoken Paul Cowley has secured powerhouse Peak Marketing to get the story out and spread the gospel of FVAN. He will need their help to separate the wheat from the chaff, as I saw every Tom, Dick & Harry displaying Vanadium signs at their booths at the recent Vancouver Resource shows. I swear it seemed as if the paint wasn’t even dry at some of these charlatans and opportunists booths. You read it here first, First Vanadium was indeed FIRST and has been carefully vetted by me. They will have a Resource Estimate out in perfect timing for PDAC and it should be very impressive and possibly game changing. You have been dutifully notified. This once ugly duckling has turned into golden goose. Get some on Valentines Day before the Vanadium fever burns too hot.

This was written with the purpose to point out some undervalued and unloved companies temporarily out of favor at this point in time.These companies have been carefully researched and vetted. by me. Also this articles purpose is too remind & make sure my readers, fans and subscribers stay out of the dog house today and remember to load up on the candy , flowers and some stocks if there is any dough left over. ?
This piece was written for informational purposes and to point out a few companies that I feel are worth taking a long look at. This is certainly NOT investment advise. Always consult you financial adviser before making any investments. I hold shares in each and JCO is a valued supporter of my website and helps keep me running and growing. My website can be found at www.kdblueskymarketing.com where I strive to find unloved , out of favor companies that I feel are worth looking into. Sign up for my FREE monthly newsletter and see what each month brings.